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About TC27

  • Birthday 04/29/1982


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    United Kingdom
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  1. Actually I would contend supply was the main issue, Rommels advanced beyond the ability of axis logistics to support him, unless the axis had gained control of Malta and gained naval superioty then even advancing into Egypt was always going to end in defeat. (as it did)
  2. Yes I actually really like the new system of tiles and isometric views, I thought I would hate it at first seeing the screenshots but I shoulda trusted Hubert.
  3. The only reason SC doesnt start with France already captured is to give the allied player chance to hold out a little longer than historically.
  4. Yep, just as you get Spain to join the Axis and you assemble a army group to take Malta!
  5. In the demo Malta causes the Axis to lose MPPs every turn.
  6. So sometime this week? You see in the UK we get four days off work this weekend so if it comes before then I will be a very happy.
  7. Yes some more information would be appreciated, I really hope its out before the weekend.
  8. I have tried several varities of this strategy, however so far all its done is dragged out France's survival until late 1940. The key to Frances survival if it could be done is is to destroy the German air fleets, otherwise its impossible to stop the German onslaught. Because the intercption model is rather silly its better to actually attack the Luftflottes rather than to sit back and intercept.
  9. The last great nation in Europe? Germany? LOL
  10. The last great nation in Europe? Germany? LOL
  11. If Turkey joins the Axis then they can really deal a terrible blow against the USSR getting to all those oil fields that are normally safely tucked away.
  12. Well I simply blockaded the US with the Italian and later the German fleet.
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