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Everything posted by Nestor

  1. Joe, but we need the PoolBoy! I was just going to borrow him this afternoon and have him muck out Yeknod's paddock. It's been a very long time since it's been mucked out...the smell is unbearable. I wouldn't mind a Margarita or a Mai Tai with an umbrella. Joe, you can have some Fosters. Persephone</font>
  2. Need you? NEED YOU??? PAH! We need the likes of you about as much as we need an oozing Croda where the sun don' shine. Need you...the cheek!</font>
  3. And yet Guano I would have thought the Focker was right up your street, since you: “particularly enjoy working on those problems that seem impossible, and may have seen numerous failed attempts” As to your methods: “I also try to bring an atypical approach to solving problems.... and often apply technology (car battery, jumper cables and baby oil) to areas where it has not been tried before.” Barbarian!
  4. You may not want SSN's polluting the MBT, but methinks deep down you know you need us. New blood, a little freshening of the gene pool to correct those first tell-tale signs of inbreeding, some new cliches to pick over and regurgitate, a challenge to the old order - these things are essential for survival. The captain's away and the butler will play! Sodding off (for now)
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