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Everything posted by ColdSober

  1. Don't get me started again! I'm living in France, and ordered my copy a couple of months ago, when the release date for the rest of Europe was still 20th September. The French version is now due out on October 18th according to Strataegis, the company that owns Focus, who have the rights to distribute the CDV catalogue in France. I'm told that the English version, which I've ordered, will be available "a few days before". But I'm now wondering whether or not I'm justified in driving the 260 km into Germany to buy the German version: the advantage of speaking three different European languages! Why wait another three/four weeks for something that I could have tomorrow? If I left after breakfast tomorrow, I could have the damn thing installed by tea-time!
  2. ...you can't move anywhere unless you see a line painted on the ground in front of you
  3. ... you refer to a one night stand as a "shoot and scoot". ...you have a 'phone that is mobile, and a Tiger tank that isn't. ...the Russians yell "Oo-Rah" and your girlfriend hits the floor. ...your wife left you because she could no longer get line of sight. ...you go to a restaurant, and "very rare" is your chances of scoring a hit on the waitress. ...you start calculating the thickness of the armor on the pickup that just overtook you in the inside lane. ...you know the firepower of an MG42 at 200m by heart, but you can't remember your kids' birthdays. ...you wonder how many split squads you could get into your office, and whether or not it constitutes a "light building". ...you think "was it good for you?" is an excuse to publish an After Action Report.
  4. Come on my Euro pals...just fight (play ) back! Here, I'll help you out... American Beer, Americans from the South, American (insert consumer product other than CM-game here), And George Bush for criminies-sake! How big a target do you need? Poo Bear: "Americans from the South" I'd tell the Jeff Foxworthy joke about airport security if I didn't think that it was in extremely bad taste at the moment!
  5. Originally posted by Thin Red Line: What's wrong exactly with the French ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I really resent is that they are so good in bed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really, I never heard that about Frenchmen! I lived with a French woman for over four years. She confirms that the only people who think that French men are good in bed are, well, French men!
  6. Personally, I'm not French, but I do live in their godforsaken country. Isn't it bad enough that we're going to be the last people in the known universe to get our hands on CMBB without you Yanks rubbing it in? By the way, who gives a monkey's about the Canadians? Nobody over here can tell you apart from the Americans anyway.
  7. The official CDV site says non-German version release date "to be announced". From the link page posted above Release Germany 20.09.2002 other countries tba
  8. Combat Mission 2 : De Barbarossa à Berlin Euro 42,50 (F 278,78) Sélectionnez le produit en cliquant sur ''ajouter au panier'' puis cliquez sur "Valider la commande" dans le menu en haut de page pour remplir votre bon de commande. [paiement par CB ou par chèque] Sortie officielle repoussée au 18 octobre !!! Source: store4war.com, part of net4war.com My French suppliers Sorry to be "alarmist" or whatever...
  9. Feeling sick? I am! I just discovered that the release date for CMBB over here has been put back to 18 October. Is this another attempt by CDV to further ruin my life, and drive away customers? Jeez but I wish I'd asked someone to send me the US version. I hope BTS seriously reconsiders its partnership.
  10. You can always order it from here It might get to you a bit quicker from France than from the States. Just don't forget to indicate that you want the English language version!
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