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Posts posted by athkatla

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Ahh...Athkatla, is it? I seem to remember this individual. A bovine butchering ponce who likes his nasty little faces, am I right? The Donkey's little ragamuffin of a squire who talks as if he's taken too many direct hits to the head.

    Or not enough, perhaps.

    Yesssss....I think I remember him.

    I'd be suprised if that pea sized excuse for a brain you have in your head can help you remember which way round your brown stained Y-Fronts go, but then in your case I guess it wouldn't really matter which way round you wore them. They say things shrink as you get older and I'd hazard a guess it's not only your brain that has sized down. Keep taking the medication, if you can ever find it again and try awfully hard to keep your festering mouth closed, that is after you've taken your medication, just in case you went into convulsions trying to work that out!

    [ November 17, 2003, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

  2. Originally posted by Determinant:

    {snipped} but such precisely targeted shooting is beneath the dignity of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and considered unsporting.{snipped}

    Bit of an oxymoron there, 'precisely targetted shooting' and 'Royal Artillery' smile.gif and yes, I was an MFC with 1 R Anglian :D


  3. Guys, great AAR, thanks very much. What has impressed itself on me is the significance of dust clouds. Obviously the sight of dust clouds indicates some vehicle movement, but also it can give you vehicle direction, and approximate guess at how many vehicles, where the stop etc. But also from the AAR, it was interesting to see how it was used as a deception plan. I have noted this in the back of my mind for when the great game makes its way to my computer, thanks again for an insight into one of the less obvious'weapons' of CMAK smile.gif

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