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Everything posted by Mexicano

  1. im also up for ladder games, mainly pbem. signed in on the ladder page as mexicano, email me on jendrik88 [at] hotmail com
  2. [04/26/2006 2:54:03] FAILED(calculate_shortest_unit_movement_path): Segmentation violation [04/26/2006 2:54:03; 5.1.2600; 1280x1024x32(1); v1.00.00] FAILED(animate_replay_list): Segmentation violation i always get the failed(animate_replay_list) when loading the last pbem game that we are playing, pretty annyoing as we cant continue now.
  3. i also got the failed mouse error message, seemed to happen when i placed my mouse cursor outside the screen somehow.
  4. any chance of getting a downloadlink mail as well, preordered some days ago or does this take some time ?! thanks in advance!
  5. Yes that would definately be welcome and i dont understand why it wasnt included in the first place ! (so many other games forget this aswell) Mexicano
  6. I have to agree strongly here with what Bill says, make these things as an option. So people who like it can play with it and people who dont like it can play without it. Mexicano
  7. i agree with the point that strategic bombing is very effective, too effective perhaps. Mexicano
  8. I think the random factor is too great, the chance should be reduced when getting to a new tech level. For every point you spend you should still get a 5% chance, but for every level you make in that tech it should also get x% less to make it more difficult to get it. Hopes it makes sense Mexicano
  9. I also would like to see supply and readiness levels graphically displayed in the game... Mexicano
  10. a very nice read ! ah back to playing the demo again Mexicano
  11. The AI is too easy to lure into traps, and it keeps bombing/attacking the same targets even if it is rather pointless. So i would really like for this to be looked at. Mexicano
  12. i would like to see this as an option aswell. btw excellent game Mexicano
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