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Everything posted by x13th

  1. Wow you post fast! Sorry I did not read that I already had 95% of the graphics etc. My impression was that it was "really" revamped. Well then I will just shut up now and get back to my game
  2. Sorry I just re-read and realized that it is $30 for each? thus $60 vrs $65. Better but still not great. I realize that when new versions of a game come along many people simply step up and re-purchase. If you had said that CMBO now on CMBB engin with new graphics, etc. no problem, I can see the "newness" of the game. Simply saying that we need to re-purchase to obtain a better looking version of a game I already paid for at a lesser cost than I paid. It just irks me. What can I say.
  3. Ok, so you are going to sell CMBO and CMBB for $30 and include a whole bunch of new stuff. Great. Presently you sell it at $65 for the two, and $45 for CMBB alone. Not so great anymore. So, for those of us who purchased the game from you at the higher price, that is over twice the "new" retail price, can you do something to get us those special features, improved graphics and so forth? Just wondering.
  4. If you think it's bad when it's this slow, think of how it'll be when my ISP shuts me down. With traffic use like this, it won't be long. And don't forget, speed costs $$$ and this site is free. COG Yes and then **** will hit the fan. The site is free the product is free and it should not matter if the down load time is 1k/sec. It is free. Thank you for staying free COG. x13th
  5. Sorta, ramdomly make a map and then want to use that map in a later battle...
  6. Can you save a random gererated QB Map to the QB Map folder? Thanks
  7. Yes and no. If BTS were to sponsor you in any way and it was agreed that your site was the go-to to host *all* the mods (or at least most), then I would shell out $10-20 US a year (That is $16-32 CDN btw.) and I would have no problem with that (Can you wait till Feb?) Mabey it is because I live in Canada where our government uses our tax dollars for who knows what? but I always worry about where my money is going and why. I belive that you are spending the money in good faith and perhaps you were unprepared for the bandwith situation. The concern is more that *other people* start to ask for subsciptions, prices go up and so forth. One site that has all the goods with a fixed sub. rate is ok, espicialy if BTS supports. Why BTS support?, if you are *the* site, then they should be there and at the very least reconize your site on thier list of go-to sites or something. It also adds a level of ligitamacy to the site. Rather than a "fan" site, it become the "CMBB" site for mods. I see the subsciption rate as the only real viable methodology other than outright sponsorship. Internet ads of any kind do not make money and only piss people off. I think $1 a month/per person shoud be more than adiquite. That would be $100-200 a month. Would that cut it? Discussion is a good thing.
  8. Off the top, CM Mods is a good site and I understand that it takes work to maintain a site and money to pay for bandwith, *especially* in the states. I emailed COG a while back asking him where he was going with his site when he asked for money via "paypal" as I had a feeling that a subscription would be comming. So with that being said and with his idea of a "not for profit buisness" about to unfold (nessacary over $600? Whats that, 6 months of high speed conection?), I would like to make the following points: 1. Have as many "pop-ups" as you like, I have mine disabled 2. Being the only, and the first site to charge this community a "subscription" fee for mods that are "free" (Other than the time the Modders put into them) would be a shame and frankly frustrating. 3. If this is where it it as for you then it is time for BTS to get back to you. You have been doing a fine job with the site, it is clean and simple and easy to use.(and really good) Perhaps BTS/ Maddmatt could help you out somehow? I would be nice to hear thier input. 4. I think that having the mods in one place is a fantastic idea. (should I repeat that?) 5. The Modders and the Community as a whole help make this game (CMBO & CMBB) *Better*. This Forum, the Mods and the support(Such as CMMODS) are never mentioned in any review and that is a shame. These are the resources that make this game stand out above and beyond any other. 6. If a "Subscription" thing were to happen, for the sceptics out there, COG would you be willing to have a link on the site that once you "Subscribed" you could see a breakdown of cost vrs. "ads" income vrs. subscription funds? In other words if you do make this a "NFP" buisness would you be willing to have those who subscribed on a yearly turn be a part of the opereration? 7. Frankly COG I do not know you. So far you have put up a good and usefull site, and that is appreciated, have no misunderstanding there. When you ask for money though it makes me wonder why you are the first? Then again, with mabey the exception of CMHQ, you have been the best, and most current. I do not mind working something out to input my share if that is what it comes down to. I do think it should be "not for profit" though and I think you need to be able to show us that. How I am not exactly sure. I am in no way tring to discurage you or hinder this site (or any other) I would simply like to see a "check and ballance" system that ensures fairness. 8.COG, give us some numbers, let us know(and BTS) what this is costing. With luck this will be smothed out soon.
  9. well, v1.01 Real Color installed Real Color Patch installed (Fixed King Tiger) Is this a Mod vrs. Mod Problem? By this I mean if I down load RC mod and then use a more current Stug Mod will the pink bits show?
  10. Radio equiped spottters *move* faster. I belive that is about it.
  11. The rule sets are named things like Zimnly_Kamuflyazh_ruleset. Did that make a differnce?
  12. Ok You click on the rule set, it become highlighted in the File Name dialog box and then you click open, is this right? If it is it should work (I am doing it right now)Are the file down loaded fully/ properly?
  13. Right, So I just tried to simulate the map conditions under which the senario took place and lined up a batalion for a foot race. Resualts: 1. Not a single HQ "out ran" thier squads 2. I learned that the pause technique is really good, thanks 3. My senario must have been a one off event or as a resualt of "other" forces such as suppression, cover fire etc. Thank you to all that responded.
  14. thank you for all the work you have done, It has made this a more enjoyable game to play.
  15. Oh, and everyone was on the same experence level.
  16. This seems logical and I do place my HQ behind my units. What I find though is that they simply seem to move faster. The specific senario that made me decide to post was this; HQ + SMG platoon. I "HQ click" to select the unit, advance to building (45m away?) Enemy in building vaporised the HQ becasue he *ran* past the platoon, way ahead of them. ?
  17. SO in this mega patch that is comming out, Can you fix this problem? If you "HQ" click a unit and then command it to move the HQ will run to the spot faster than the infantry. Thus it gets shot and you loose comand of your platoon
  18. With rairity on I think the KT is a gamble at best. You need a road and an open line of fire or else you just sank 300+ points into a real cool looking tank going no where and doing squat. This beast bogs like it wants to swim. Other than that, try flame throwers, they light up a tank real good, avoid "open" excanges, rain artilery on the tank position then close with infantry. You do not need to "blow up" a tank to knock it out of commission.
  19. A mod that greatly enhances the grafics of the game. Do a search in the forum for it.
  20. So I say a screen shot and would love to have this mod...(And thank all involved) So where is it again? Thanks
  21. My problem is this, I am unable to find certain .bmp's to load to rid myself of the "disabled" logo's examples: the vast majority of the "Winter Wonderland Mods" Gunslinger, DD's, Juju and tanks a lot, as well as BTS. The A27 and A30 bmp's John tuckers german mods, ect Everything works, I just can not find these BMP's to install them? Peter
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