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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. It's close to US base in Alexandroupoli. In range to UKR I suppose. That makes me think that Greece is not far away from the war zone. I fear if Putin prevails, and West appears weak , Erdogan which is of similar mentality, might try his chances with revisionism in aegean Islands. That in case of a wider escalation and Turkey deciding to ignore NATO, like it's doing the last years with S 400 etc... But that is off topic at the moment and hope it stays like that. Still this war has completely changed my mindset on what's possible or not anymore.
  2. Low resolution pics cause some kind of clipping and blurring, this is the case with this. It's a real photo I think.
  3. The second pics looks like destroyed trucks, while first one is MBTs. Still what disaster is this, sitting in perfect line like a plane strafed them and had no reaction time
  4. Something just struck me that probably the Russians send a lot of green troops ill equipped and I'll prepared to pretend they are a larger force and cause UKR to surrender more easily. When this didn't happen those naturally dissolved, with no ammo, fuel or specific mission. Maybe that 40km long convoy is the same case. Also I have read reports that indicate they used green troops in the start in several occasions, as probes and reccon to reveal enemy defenses and now more experienced troops are taking over. Sounds cynical but I think CMBS shouldn't try to portray this stuff in the core design , they are easily editable mission specific things
  5. A reminder to the trigger happy crowd from Einstein himself : I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
  6. Yes, it looks more like a half-hearted operation
  7. From what I have read, they actually had a plan. Over a year in planning as some officials have revealed. Zelensky himself admitted they were saboteurs, agents renting apartments in Kiev etc months prior to invasion. Apart from the first blitzkrieg wave that didn't succeed they had a backup plan now unfolding. They have a major morale issue and I suspect officers were divided over actually invading, some even leaked info to the Ukrainians is said. Probably this explains poor execution and the desertion of that scale.
  8. I'm sorry but some of the boycott things are rather retarded . A university in Milan thought to ban Dostoyevski. And on the funny but still retarded side a girl in a sandwichery told me they are banning russian salad. Freedom fries anyone?
  9. I have seen sooo many footage of destroyed, abandoned hardware and I'm wondering how the Russians aren't routed yet. They are nearing the casualties of the whole Afghanistan war in a week's time. It's madness.
  10. I consider him a lot more more intelligent and knowledgable than Hitler. I know this doesn't guarantee anything though. In case he has completely lost it we are doomed, I know Hitler would use nukes if he had them in 1944. That's why I'm against completely blacking out Russia out of this world. We depend on the people around him. If they feel we consider them as species to be extinguished,(they have fond memories from their western borders in 1941-45 and their 25 million dead) the propaganda will play them like clay, they will rally around the strongman like primitive creatures in danger and then this is our end as well. But people think this is some kind of "cancel" culture. You just can't cancel the largest country in the world with thousand of nukes like it is a child molestor. I hope behind the curtain, there is still an open line with sane people in Russia.
  11. I don't think he has even plans for moving further west. This operation has been a huge reality check for him. I'm pretty sure he has already regretted it.
  12. Well US democracy was seriously challenged with Trump administration. For some time it was the beacon of the far right crowd, we even witnessed things like a raid in the capitol. But yes, I agree the multicultural background and the origins of US will never allow hopefully for a fascist takeover . I think fascism has more to do with a social illness though and not the genes of people. Unless we think germans were born to be nazis which is absolutely not the case proved with today's Germany. About the list, honestly seems pretty pathetic compared to Anglo-Saxon interventions through the centuries
  13. Yes of course. I was mostly referring to the point that no matter the leadership russians will be the problem.
  14. So Russian people are the problem of the world as some people suggest here. Well I remember debating you here about invasion of Iraq 20 years ago , many here were all for it. Turned out the pretext for invasion was a fabricated lie and short and long term consequences were half a million dead, destabilizing of middle east, ISIS, refugee crisis etc etc. And Iraq was just an ex colony thousand miles away from home. We didn't demonize people back home. It ultimately had an impact on US policy and intervention logic. Ukraine will have an even bigger impact on Russia.
  15. I can't understand what the russian troops are doing. Abandoning their equipment just to be used against them later. They didnt have orders to blow them up? One lowlife would at least sell them to the UKR army. These are worth millions and are invaluable, maybe even more than the material the West is sending.
  16. I wonder what has happened to the first wave troops. VDV, chechens etc. Did they all get wiped out? They dug in in defensive positions? Is the Wikipedia page false that states that Antonov airport near Kiev is under Russian control?
  17. About the GPS issues and units getting lost, is the West capable of disrupting Russian Glonass in Ukraine?
  18. Really now. Enough with this analogy. Noone can win a nuclear war. I fear Putin has signs of deteriorating mental health, I hope the personnel won't carry his orders, like the troops on the ground did.
  19. How so? NATO will be stronger than ever after this conflict and they are next in the checklist. Imagine a western puppet Russia on their borders. China is the ultimate goal of this campaign. Time for them to build another great wall.
  20. I suspect the belorussian units will be of cannon fodder level. What a mess... Kim Yong will be watching this and thinking they all have gone mad.
  21. I agree about the xenophobic part. Russia has suffered far more from the West than vice versa. But we fail to grasp that because we are too used in living in a Anglo-Saxon universe. I mean last time, it was almost yesterday, when they lost 27 million people to the Nazis and had their country in ruins. Part of the reason they attempted this shocking invasion, was plain fear.
  22. We have seen the estimates for Russian losses, but I have seen none of UKR side. I was watching CNN and I think an Ukrainian official denied to reveal details but when the journalist insisted he said they were "enormous". Because of the massive firepower and kalibr missiles he stated. Probably he was reffering mostly to static installations, bases, airports etc I guess. But I wonder if they are still armored formations of Ukrainian army fighting, or is it mostly asymmetrical, small units, with artillery support and UAVs. Those are the only things I see on videos.
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