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Everything posted by Keke

  1. Who was the unlucky man I brutally butchered and ate with curry then? :confused: :mad: (Note to Spanker: lucky choice of flavour, I didn't ask him if he tasted like chicken beforehand). I guess I should have first asked him if he was a Canadian and if he sucked royally at CM. :mad:
  2. Care to elaborate about what's wrong with Manstein's analysis about the Crimean campaign, other than presenting his point of view?
  3. ADDRESS TO A MAGGOT: Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin'-race! Aboon them a' ye tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm: Weel are ye wordy of a grace As lang's my arm. The groaning trencher there ye fill, Your hurdies like a distant hill, Your pin wad help to mend a mill In time o need, While thro your pores the dews distil Like hot molten TNT. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. TNT-chuckers all let us rejoice, For we are young and free, We've golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance TNT-chucker fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, "Advance TNT-chucker Fair." :mad:
  5. The reason I'm posting here is that I drank all of my spirits!! :mad:
  6. No I won't. You suck as bad as a ten dollar ho! :mad: ...and that's a high praise! :mad: </font>
  7. No I won't. You suck as bad as a ten dollar ho! :mad: ...and that's a high praise! :mad: </font>
  8. Our land, our land, our TNT, Sound loud, O name of worth! No mount that meets the heaven's band, No hidden vale, no wavewashed strand, Is loved, as is our native North, Our own forefathers' earth. Thy blossom, in the bud laid low, Yet ripened shall upspring. See! From our love once more shall grow Thy light, thy joy, thy hope, thy glow! And clearer yet one day shall ring The song our land shall sing. :mad:
  9. O TNT! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O TNT, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O TNT, we stand on guard for thee. O TNT, we stand on guard for thee. :mad:
  10. No I won't. You suck as bad as a ten dollar ho! :mad: ...and that's a high praise! :mad:
  11. No I won't. You suck as bad as a ten dollar ho! :mad: ...and that's a high praise! :mad:
  12. LOL! I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!
  13. Hear ye, Hear ye! Sergei, while not exactly a maggot, is down and out! Casefire after 13 turns of "Clash of Titans" brought a 76-24 victory for yours truly. My men had drunk some molten TNT with their tea, and spat it all over his filthy Italians. :mad:
  14. Hear ye, Hear ye! Sergei, while not exactly a maggot, is down and out! Casefire after 13 turns of "Clash of Titans" brought a 76-24 victory for yours truly. My men had drunk some molten TNT with their tea, and spat it all over his filthy Italians. :mad:
  15. Now that's shocking! :eek: Where do these friends live? Antarctica? :mad:
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