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Everything posted by Keke

  1. I was just rereading Glantz' article "The Red Army at War, 1941-1945: Sources and Interpretations" when this caught my eye (p.603): What?! He wasn't the evil Nazi just distorting history, like I have read on this forum! :eek:
  2. Now why you had to bold his name? It's like "please Seanachos, please enlight us with your witty posts, thou great penguin, even if we maggots are not even worthy of licking yer boots". Slithering bent-over maggot! :mad:
  3. Attention Xena69, Sponger and Moby D! Sent me some freaking set-ups (preferrably scenarios) with lots of hot face-melting TNT, xplody things, klankety things, butter-bellied Krauts, crispy lips, maggots etc. etc. :mad: And I'm not kidding. Trust me. Really.
  4. Do you always have to seek his approval before you do anything? Take the initiative, laddie! I know you can! =D Kitty </font>
  5. Dream Dictionary Definition: Seeing maggots in your dream, represents your anxieties about death. It may also be indicative of some issue or problem that you have been rejecting and it is now "Seeing or eating away" at you. You need to confront it for it is destroying your sense of harmony and balance. In particular, to dream that you are stepping on maggots indicates guilt and impurity. You are trying to repress your immoral thoughts or behavior. On a positive note, it may symbolize your resilience, persistence, and your ability to bounce back from adversity. :eek: :mad:
  6. word: DICTIONARY Dream Dictionary Definition: Dreaming that you are using a dictionary means that you rely too much on the opinions of others in the management of your own affairs.
  7. Btw, (by the way for Axe) shouldn't we call Kitty as Puss around here?
  8. Dream Dictionary Definition: Dreaming that someone is lame means failure in realizing your hopes and desires and much disappointments. Ask yourself who or what is holding you back.
  9. I'm shocked! How long has this practice been allowed? Michael </font>
  10. Nope. First I had some email problems and now Berserk is gone until Thursday. :mad:
  11. Madmatt, please lock up this thread. It has turned into imitation of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread thanks to the <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> themselves. :mad:
  12. Our God??!! :eek: In the other news, my email account finally started working and I spent about 2hrs :eek: setting up the troops picked up by our very own secret agent. And it looks delicious! I have no idea how Basket could ever smash my defences of the 503rd Heavy SS Tank Battalion. :cool: :mad: PS. Soddball, get rid off your MasterGoodalish habits and send me a freaking turn! :mad:
  13. Yep, good ole US patriotism makes all of their guns much more effective, in games especially...
  14. Yes I do, Sven. A while ago I had the displeasure of reading a classic German book about the history of western literature (I have already forgot its author and the name of the book, lol), and it was translated to Finnish in most respected manner, ie. old style German language structures used as much as possible (or at least that's the way it appeared to me), and there were FE most complicated sentences filling whole pages. :eek:
  15. What you mean? I got it in clear Finnish (including some corrections btw). It is true that the book is not detailed enough for wargame scenario designers, but that obviously wasn't his intent.
  16. Well, one factor here is that the Crimean Campaign was eventually very successful, so there's less need to speculate what should have been done etc....
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