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Everything posted by Cortes

  1. alright, so what we do is compile a list of guys who will be willing to play, who have sns on AIM or AOL.. easy. That way no games of tag played on the Finder boards and a way to talk tactics without having to type an essay.
  2. Yes, AOL is terrible, and yes, I've a cable modem.. no need to brag.. simply put, AIM would be a free and easy way for guys to exchange tactics and set up games.
  3. I've been thinking, since everyone and his mother, father, uncle and half daughter has AOL, why not set up an AOL or AIM list of CM players' screen names? I think this would be a lot easier than having to check the occasional member profile, and we could converse with ease, as well. Any thoughts?
  4. Have you tried going topdown view? Maybe the distance is a bit more exaggerated by your camera angle?
  5. funny coincidence, I played the same scenario first, except from the German side. The Russians had a T-34, and my armor was too weak to stand up to a quick manuevering attack.
  6. you need to do the uberleet cheat, alt-f4!!!! and if that doesn't work try ctrlaltdelete for the cheat menu
  7. I don't talk much unless it's about something trivial. Today, we will be discussing newb hatred. It's subtitle will be freshman fever. As a freshman, I can only see one parallel to these constant noobie berating.. of course, you've enough ammunition, damn near all of my generation is full of either idiots or elitists.. I count myself as one of the latter. You older forum members tend to look down on us noobs (and I was here before 'BB, thank you very much) and I think that's pretty silly. On the other hand, you can be intelligent and clear when we ask questions that actually make sense.. my first post was centered around tactics about city fighting, I got three pages of replies. This community rocks. Don't poison it with noobhatred. Yes. I am finished.
  8. if you need a second playtester I'd love to play it. The fighting on Mamayev Kurgan was prolly my favorite point of the battle, if one could have a favorite point of a hole with about a million corpses, .
  9. I remember something along those lines happening over here a coupla years ago.. it was fall, Thanksgiving, I believe, and most of the trees still had some leaves on, and the snow started coming down like nobody's business (god that's a loaded term). Anyway, I was young, and can only remember running out into the snow and ruining my formal little kid clothes. And didn't Matt say something about all the conditions in 'BB being randomized, so you could do, literally, anything? Why mess with a treemod when you've got something purdy and confusing!?
  10. It only took about eight days for me to recieve my copy. I'll admit, I was nervous, but it really wasn't a problem for me to get it.. just a little later than it should've been, is all. And the game itself makes up for it. Trust me. (5tur/\/\t163r 43\/3r) edit: then again, I AM in New Jersey. [ October 24, 2002, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: Cortes ]
  11. Yeah, I'm not whining either but I ordered like, last Tuesday and it has yet to get here. I'm in New Jersey.
  12. This is most certainly off topic, however after I leafed through this post I rushed to the nearest book store and got a copy of Stalingrad. It's incredibly good. I'd like to thank everybody for drumming up such hype, because the book roxorz my boxorz. mmmyep.
  13. Any ideas as to what scenarios I should first try? And also, why is everyone harping on the Finnish? And comparing them to the Irish?
  14. Honestly, I don't see why everyone gets so damned pissy around here. The jokes are funny up to a point, and then it's just brutal. C'mon boys, leave the bloodshed for the games.
  15. In other words, Mustang.. OWNED!
  16. One time I was awake for thirty four hours in the summer.. the trick is celibacy. I won't explain why. Men will get it. Also, lots of caffeine- I assembled a drink called the Heart Attacker. I'm not giving away the recipe, but it'll keep you Day of Defeating for 34 hours before you collapse in your computer chair! MMM MMM GOOD!
  17. Playing as the Axis, I think the AI handles decently on land. They prevented my invasion of England when I clearly has them outnumbered and outgunned, did incredibly well in delaying me in France, etc. They do need to be tuned in the naval aspect, but otherwise, I think it'll do.
  18. I believe the easiest solution would be like with Civilization 2- once you declare war, all your units fly back to the Fatherland. But, this would eliminate surprise attacks.. so a one turn delay is the smoothest. Agreed.
  19. Yes! Yes! Manic post alert! Anyway! I know exactly what you mean. With other games, the demos get old, but since this game is literally different each time (see my Italy debacle), I can't stop! Those little changes, like the fact that Britain's fleet is near Canada so I sent my Norwegian forces into Edinburgh, or the fact that the Balkans are so fickle, etc, makes it incredible. !!!!!
  20. Oh, I forgot- did anyone else have a pro-Allied coup in Yugoslavia after seizing Romania and Hungary (or Bulgaria and Romania or Hungary and Greece)?
  21. The game itself is the first non-flashy war game that I've played, next to TOAW, and I love it, dearly. The variations are amazing. I simply set Russia to Neutral and seized the Low Countries in my first turn.. and then things got weird. My tanks got flanked by a BEF army, and so I used my recently acquired Italian units.. which, strangely, ended up seizing Paris. With 1356 credits, I was amazed. Instead of going for Russia or Britain, I decided to go after the Ploesti Oil Fields- but Romania joined the Axis the turn I started considering it, and Hungary the next. I used Italian units to knock out Yugoslavia, and used Italian tanks to seize the Iraqi oil fields. I glanced at the war map at the end of the game (agreed, the May 1941 cut off is Satan). A new Rome, indeed.
  22. Oh! An attack upon my integrity! Trust me- if one based all of their arguments simply upon sound fact, and allowed for no speculation, debate would not exist. In fact, I challenge you to find a man (or woman) who can say that, if they do, when they argued they did so with no thought to their speech or their manner.
  23. As a decent debator, that's actually quite true, from my expierence. You go in as well prepared as possible but need to be willing to divert from a plan to seize victory.. hopefully not a Kiev. The key to debate is to think quickly and act quickly. Talking fast is what has gotten me countless wins, whereas my opponents look absurdly stupid when asking me to repeat things, and judges tend to scoff on pesky 'repeats', as they take up time. And I started when I was ten!
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