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Everything posted by GRUMLIN

  1. My problem is an odd one - I have several games of CMBO and CMBB running by email. I have to keep swapping the blimmin CDs over again and again as they wont both sit in the CD drives (I have two) and both work. Any ideas? G
  2. Radical idea - an option in the next engine to tick a box for something called 'limited recon' in assaults or probes. That would give 'sound contact' for points along defenders line, giving a rough idea of where most enemy troops were, but not all, or what they were. This might represent limited recon intel.... G
  3. Jesus wept. I wish I had the time to run 400 tests of equipment. I am playing in the ONION WARS (www.onionwars.net) and only get time for one hurried test for most games. "Oooooh look grum, your PAK50 DOES take out a KV1 in the test! Use those! Now quick, go cook dinner!" Then I get kicked in the head in the real match... Grum
  4. Do you mean JP-1s? They dont do squat against KV1s and t34s unless they get lucky on the T round count. G
  5. Well, I didn't get any pictures this time, but I can get loads if you want. What sort do you need? I can ask my contacts over there to go mad with a camera. There is a particular road into St Lo that runs down from bocage country that must be 1:4 slope - all I could think about was what a fantastic arty spot position. It was to the south, so the axis would have had it.... G
  6. Except for those games where you know the enemy has a bunch of arty (I'm thinking campaigns here) and you knowingly exposed some poor partisans on turn one so the enemy thinks its your main force and dumps barrages on them.... is that gamey? Grum
  7. Hey!! The COMBO forum is very quiet, and at the risk of getting slapped by battlefront chaps, I want you ALL to run over and answer my question about Moyon. cheers G
  8. Just spent a very relaxing weekend in Normandy in a nice little gite near Moyon (south of St Lo) and have to say that each time I see the bocage it drives home what a shocker it must have been to attack through. Anyway, was wondering if anyone had any info on battles around Moyon and Tessy sur Vire? Be of interest to the people we stayed with. G
  9. Hey, I keep thinking that bogging automatically gives me HULL DOWN. well, I think that right up until the point I burst into flames. Grum
  10. In a recent Qb my KV1 got front penetrated by a STUG, crew shocked, sat there for 40 seconds or so. The human player retargetted the STUG elsewhere. When I could re control the crew, I was able to kill the STUG. And THATS why the deathclock is great. Grum
  11. I just completed a 2,000 point assault on a soviet town where i paid for a ground attack ME109. It was a 35 turn game and the plane turned up on... TURN 35 !!!!!! GAH!!! Still, good job he didnt have 2 KV1s defending the key ridge all bloody game wasn't it? Oh wait, he did. Grum
  12. Keke has acheived a record alright, just not the one he was claiming... Grum
  13. Here's my chance to be a grog - the female orcs arent covered in the books or films 'cos they are all kept in breeding pits in the Orcs lairs. See the excellent series of modules by Iron Crown Enterprises (now OOB) for more details on the fun life of a female orc.. Grum (Hurrah, a subject I can out-grog people at on the CM boards!!)
  14. Can you imagine the threads "Do ents take airburst damage from arty" "My orcs won't light blackpowder charges - whats wrong" "The evil dark lord keeps trying to get his hands on my oil......I mean ring of power" Grum p.s. I still want this game.
  15. I love CMBB and all that - great therapy after a hard day - but I was wondering what twists people would like to see the boys from Battlefront make in an ideal world. MOi? why thansk for asking. I would love to see a fantasy LoTR version. Mmhhhh.. tactical gaming without having to pinat a million figures...hordes of orcs overrrunning hobbitholes.....elvish ambushes in the woods - giant spiders on speed...... and before you flame me, look me in the eye and say you wouldnt play it... Grum
  16. Ooer. didn't expect my honoured opponent to see this so fast . Got your surrender - read my mini AAR to see how touch and go it really was at one point...! and there is a rematch included in the email - this time it will be me attacking uphill... Grum
  17. Having trawled the forums can't find any hints on this.... How can I get units to throw explosives properly? I am fighting a defense against rhudat and kicking his arse, and the counterattack is about to push him back off a hill BUT half my squads simply refuse to throw the high ex they have. The rest of the squads no problem - I target an empty patch of ground 30m away and away the go, spreading russkie arms and legs nicely, but the rest just won't chuck it. whats going on? LOS is definiately there btw, and they are not pinned, not even alerted. Grum
  18. Hey! Thats not a bug! don't fix it! I reporting this in an earlier thread - thought it was a clever cross-reference to the famous quote about WW1 and the lights going out across Europe.... Or am I being over-intelligent for the mass of CMBB players *DUCKS* grum
  19. Hey - no helpful comments. what gives? :mad:
  20. Well Well Well - din't my lickle thread do well. I only started it as a rant against scoot and shoot losing me two T34s. Btw, I won that scenario 63-37, so it wasnt all bad. Timely use of 150mm arty on his infantry rush through a wood helped... But on the same thread - is it gamey or realistic to use 37mm/20mm cannons to attack heavy armour going for the statistically likely 'gun damaged' result? surely this wasnt really and option on the eastern front? Grum
  21. I am wondering why flamerthrowers are so bloody stupid in CMBB. It is not possible to pretarget nme (unlike every other troop/weapon) so if you are assaulting with flamers, you have to plot a run or move, then hope you get a turn back when the enemy is in range but before you die, and then order the flamer to shoot. Why cant you target a 'hunt' type move, where the flamer moves until LOS + range is there, then he stops and WHOOSH. IRL surely the order would be "advance on that house and when in range give em a squirt", not "walk up to that house but DONT FIRE until i say so in about a minute". Grum
  22. Ooar, rumbled by a Carrot. time to buy a peeler. Grum
  23. Quick help needed guys - If i do a preplanned barrage for turn one, do i need LOS? If not, how much drift am i going to get, and is it linked to the spotters experience level? Grum
  24. Well I am waiting for the email back which should show me the impacts....and i have a company of SMG troopers hiding 80 mtrs away...I might just try out your counterattack suggestion... And his 'tactical error' was an attempt to storm my line with what now looks like the best part of three companies. Unfortunately, I withdrew my line last turn as the arty was timing down...heh heh G
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