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Posts posted by Wicky

  1. Reminded me of pragmatic use in WW2 of US tank destroyers i.e. M10 when there weren't enemy tanks about and there was use to be made of finite life gun barrels, in leu of more appropriate targets, rather than have them standing around with nothing to do. Would their rotation / shoot & scoot tactics be effective against Javalin?

    Not sure what the 'special sniper tanks' are about - best tank crew chosen (from peers or top down?) to get the juicy popping up mole pickings?

  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-46200218

    A group of Russian history buffs was surprised to find a reminder of Soviet resistance to the Nazi invasion in the form of an improvised minefield near a busy road.

    Members of a club devoted to the history of the nearby Krasnaya Gorka military fort almost stumbled across the makeshift mines in a quiet stretch of woodland not far from St Petersburg, the local Kanal 5 TV channel reports.

    Club chairman Alexander Senotrusov said Soviet forces stationed at Krasnaya Gorka had no mines with which to block German tanks on their way to Leningrad in 1941, so they improvised explosives from pre-revolutionary naval shells and laid them out in rows around the fort.

    "One pound of pressure, and up you go," he told Kanal 5.

    "It's a miracle that there's not been a tragedy here in nearly 80 years," marvelled TV correspondent Roman Ishmukhametov as he stood alongside a mine - all the more so as local people have been coming across occasional shells for seven years while out mushroom-picking.

  3. On 11/11/2018 at 4:46 PM, Andy_101 said:

    I also noticed that the soldiers choose different doors to enter buildings.  I thought the issue with squads running into the line of fire to get into a building was an issue that was going to be resolved in engine 4?

    Steve recently commented on that - Pixeltroopen when confronted by a queue, will like shoppers confronted by a busy checkout, sometimes decide to make a dash to a near alternative.

    A bit like vehicle routing - care and attention has to be made to planning, timing & path making to avoid too many getting funnelled in at once in a rush with resulting spillage.

  4. An interesting bit to throw into the mix - as I was reading Chinese sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem in relation to a reference to game design that features in the book   - that some games try to attain realism by jam packing in detail though realism can also be (better?) served by a an essential/vital pinch of chaos thrown into the mix - that struck a chord with CM when it can at times be hard to discern if things in the simulation are a bug or a feature!   

    Even in the text book assualt of Brécourt Manor there were 4 dead 2 wounded on the winning side - even in real life things aren't exactly perfect.


  5. From the linked news article



    Sociologist Harald Welzer rejects the notion of interpreting the images of these German soldiers as something unusual and restricted to World War I and the Wehrmacht.

    'As paradoxical as it may seem, these photographs of Wehrmacht soldiers in female underwear, on first glance so exotic, actually corroborate the normality of the situation, and not its exceptionality, precisely in times of war.'


    Cross dressing featured in Brit 1970s sitcom It Ain't 'Alf Hot Mum, in which centered on a group of concert party soldiers in Asia. And in movie Colditz with a concert scene, and in real life POW escape attempts! 


    On 5 June 1941, while returning from the park to the castle, some British prisoners noticed that a passing lady had dropped her watch. One of the British called out to her, but the lady kept walking instead of retrieving her watch. This aroused the suspicion of the German guards and, upon inspection, "she" was revealed to be a French officer, Lieutenant Chasseurs Alpins Bouley, dressed as a very respectable woman.


    And not to forget US Army featuring in 1942 Newsreel  in 'Girlie Show' -  – an all singing, dancing, and cross-dressing version of “Swing Fever”


  6. Hook new puter to broadband - Download from your account the biggie all-in-one v4 installers for your games and activate them and each module with the serials etc. You should be good to go. Any problems raise a support ticket.

  7. 4 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

    This is the most German thing ever.

    nah! A set of 4 genuine Bosch King Tiger / Luftwaffe spark plugs trump the plain Teutonic Tiger trigger. > https://www.ebay.com/itm/WWII-German-spark-plugs-for-12-cylinder-engine-King-Tiger-or-Luftwaffe-aircraft-/221780848023

    I'm surprised JK didn't make seperate thread about them including the plug gap specs.

    At the rate he's going compulsively sourcing militaria odd & ends we could buy all the necessary parts off the internet to group build a bitsa Panzer

  8. A bit like the Jesuits "Get Them Young, and the Possibilities are Endless"

    First group of Syrian kids arrives in Russia for military education

    Eight kids from the Syrian “School for Late Heroes’ Children” have arrived to St. Petersburg and are now preparing themselves for studies in various Russian military schools, a popular daily reports.
    The head of the Syrian Culture Center in St. Petersburg, Waddah al-Jundi, has told Izvestia daily that the eight children are expected to begin their studies in Russian military schools on September 1, as part of the recently signed agreement that allows Syrians to study in Russian military schools for free, given that they prove their knowledge of Russian and pass all necessary medical tests.

    Russian Forces in Syria and the Building of a Sustainable Military Presence - I


    The Syrian Army has inherited a few of the norms and customs the French used for running army affairs following the French occupation. These did not include any provisions on regulating the army. After the Baa’th Party came to power, particularly after Hafez Assad had assumed office, the norms and customs guaranteeing minimum rights for army soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers faded gradually, leaving room for cronyism and allegiance to individuals and to the regime as the sole guarantor for the military to gain their rights. Leaders of military units became almost governors of their own units where nothing could take place without their blessings

    The Russians became fully in charge of the Syrian Army and started to instil rules and regulations that would ensure discipline and transform the army to a professional force capable of actual missions on the ground. Such rules included entrenching among Syrian soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers’ allegiance to Russian military officers and meant to subdue and prevent them from exercising their authority. This has established the Russians as the de facto leaders in the minds of members of the Syrian army.

    This has mainly shifted the responsibility for all the atrocities committed by the Assad forces under the Russian leadership to the Russians together with the regime’s officers and leaders. Despite their inability to make decisions, they are responsible, in terms of political structure and posturing, for all cases of genocide, chemical attacks, displacement, starvation and other violations.

    It has therefore become difficult in the Syrian context to separate between the Russian leadership and the Syrian Army, except in terms of differentiating between the leader and the follower, a divide that Russia has been working on consolidating in the media and in its diplomacy as an entity “assisting to achieve peace and combat terrorism”, while it undoubtedly deserves the description of “occupier” with its ability to run a lot of important issues on Syrian soil.


    I'd be surprised if in the past/present Russian allied Arab Officers don't attend or at least visit for courses in Russian Military Colleges / Academies like they do in the West with 'Sandhurst sheikhs' - or the Russian Military way of doing things  'courses' came to them.

  9. The shortest quick battle / war in history

    The little known Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is generally considered to be the shortest war in history, lasting for a grand total of 38 minutes.

    The story begins with the signing of the Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty between Britain and Germany in 1890. This treaty effectively drew up spheres of influence between the imperial powers in East Africa; Zanzibar was ceded to British influence, whilst Germany was given control over mainland Tanzania...


    ...at 9am the order was given for the British ships in the harbour to begin bombarding the palace. By 09:02 the majority of Khalid’s artillery had been destroyed, and the palaces wooden structure had started to collapse with 3,000 defenders inside. It is also around this time, two minutes after the bombardment started, that Khalid is said to have escaped through a back exit of the palace, leaving his servants and fighters to defend the palace alone.

    By 09:40 the shelling had ceased, the Sultan’s flag pulled down, and the shortest war in history had officially ended after only 38 minutes.


  10. A popular standalone forum setup uses https://www.phpbb.com Check the footers of forums that you like and follow the link to the makers.

    I develop Joomla CMS websites and if clients want a forum added I set them up with https://www.kunena.org so they can have the same log-in avoiding the need for Battlefront sales & community's two separate logins.

    See what your hosting package cpanel / Softaculous has as options for convenient installation.


  11. 28 minutes ago, domfluff said:

    Unit walks towards a building, units hidden in the building open fire, sending them to ground. As the volume of fire builds up, they choose to bug out, and rather than run away, they decide to run directly *towards* the the same building the fire is coming from, losing a man in the process.

    One of those heroic or daft actions depending on the result....    

    What the hell is Michael Clarke thinking? He gets bowled for charging down the wicket and yet he leaves the ball.

  12. 17 hours ago, user1000 said:

    Add generic animation or button for vehicles that are stuck to be worked on by crew with tools? Maybe after some time, it will become mobile. Or 50/50 percent chance they will make it move again?

    A three-part series on vehicle recovery that could be a game / simulation by itself...



  13. "I've seen cases where an enemy unit moves on map and opposite side's armored vehicle seems to spot it immediately and also act on this without ANY delay."


    Saw some clips of Gen 5 military thermal imaging camera footage used for forthcoming BBC wildlife program that was jawdropping.

    This is an example from 2014

    and 2017


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