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Posts posted by Wicky

  1. 9 hours ago, Sublime said:

    Im not arguing the battle of the Atlantic was doomed from the start unless all those shiny pocket battleships and the Graf Spee had been turned into another thousand uboats and I still doubt it.

    I still also believe the Nazis defonitely would have lost anyways but realizing enigma was cracked and changing everything could have drastically changed how the war played out and Im shocked it didnt occur to Donitz as he was so close, it seems, in hindsight at least.

    Revealed: the careless mistake by Bletchley's Enigma code-crackers that cost Allied lives

    "The mathematicians at Bletchley Park may have figured out the Nazis' code, but their ciphers were broken too. Claudia Joseph explains how the catastrophic failure to react led to the loss of hundreds of ships"

    "Günther Hessler, Admiral Dönitz's son-in-law and first staff officer at U-boat Command, revealed what he called the "game of chess" played before the British cipher was changed in June 1943.

    In his official History of the U-boat War, published by the Admiralty, he wrote: "We had reached a stage when it took one or two days to decrypt the British radio messages. On occasions only a few hours were required. We could sometimes deduce when and how they would take advantage of the gaps in our U-boat dispositions. Our function was to close those gaps just before the convoys were due."

    Captain Raymond Dreyer, deputy staff signals officer at Western Approaches, the British HQ for the Battle of the Atlantic in Liverpool, found out the extent to which the codes had been broken only after the war. "Some of their most successful U-boat pack attacks on our convoys were based on information obtained by breaking our ciphers," he said."

  2. In 1943 allied anti-sub measures - better air cover and escort were getting more & more effective, so much so that Dönitz pulled back his subs back to base.  Code changes and crackability were only relatively temporary.  https://uboat.net/allies/merchants/losses_year.html

    There was in 1942 a window of 10 months when codes couldn't be broken. > https://uboat.net/technical/enigma_breaking.htm

  3. IIRC In the Med - with the shipping losses the Germans were casting a suspicious beady eye on their Italian allies as being less than trustworthy ('Loose lips sinks ships' style)...   Allied reccon aircraft were from top down directed, from broken intercepts, to happen to patrol certain 'probable' areas where they just so happened to 'luckily' spot Axis supply convoys sneaking along leading to follow up attack and sinking  - which in turn gave ships a chance to radio back circumstances of their initial spottiing . Therby alleviating blame and suspicion that it was broken codes responsible.  Caused much headscratching for Germans.

    Besides there was liitle joined up thiinking with German Interlligence Depts and without effective overview. -  it was another just dept/dog fighting with others in competition over the bone of Hitler's attention.

  4. I follow the 1–2 hour mission streams of the Grim Reapers on YouTube just to marvel at the detail and gameplay in the game simulation.   Seems a part time job just to read the manuals and finding the time to gain experience to get up to speed to participate - so i just spectate at their antics. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Erwin said:

    "What is your justification for that statement?"

    So, more a morale booster like the Doolittle raid on Tokyo.  But, since the Vulcan raid wasn't repeated (AFAIK) wasn't worth the logistical effort.  

    There was Black Buck 1 – 7

    During the 1982 Falklands War, Operations Black Buck 1 to Black Buck 7 were a series of seven extremely long-range ground attack missions by Royal Air Force Vulcan bombers of the RAF Waddington Wing




  6. 1 hour ago, Erwin said:

    Unfortunately, friendly fire happens now and is accepted as part of war.

    I thinks more frowned upon than 'accepted' and lessons learnt are hopefully enacted even with humans diectly in the loop   - but if potential foes start employing it like Putin and his claimed drone nuke torpedoes then I'm sure military would want to develop and use AI on frontline whatever the costs.

    Initially AI I'm sure will be used more in support roles  - but even then it could have fatal consequences even then when humans have problems dealing in peacetime with machines designed to deal out death & destruction

    Electronic Chart System to First U.S. Navy Ship Certified for "Paperless" Navigation - Sounds good on paper 😉 Like CM's AI vehicle pathfinding...

    "The Voyage Management System provides an extra margin of safety when operating in restricted waters. “We don’t have to wait to plot visual compass bearings or radar ranges by hand on the paper chart, since the computer updates our position relative to navigation aids and potential hazards on the screen instantly,” said Shanley."

    Reality: Worse than you thought: inside the secret Fitzgerald probe the Navy doesn’t want you to read

    "... a Voyage Management System that generated more “trouble calls” than any other key piece of electronic navigational equipment. Designed to help watchstanders navigate without paper charts, the VMS station in the skipper’s quarters was broken so sailors cannibalized it for parts to help keep the rickety system working."


    This robot's programmer seemed to have forgotten Asimov's Laws...


  7. On 2/23/2019 at 5:56 PM, Erwin said:

    The tech isn't there yet for civilian use.  But, on a battlefield one could take more risks with autonomous weapons systems.

    Call to ban killer robots in wars

    "A group of scientists has called for a ban on the development of weapons controlled by artificial intelligence (AI).

    It says that autonomous weapons may malfunction in unpredictable ways and kill innocent people.

    Ethics experts also argue that it is a moral step too far for AI systems to kill without any human intervention."

  8. The Afghan village built from missiles ☹️

    Residents of Qezelabad in Afghanistan have lived for years with unexploded weapons built into their walls and holding up their ceilings.

    After Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan 30 years ago, following a decade-long war, the villagers could not afford building materials. They used what they could find, including missiles left behind by the Soviet army.

    A de-mining team is working to remove the weapons, and the BBC's Aulyia Atrafi went to see them at work.

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