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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I have just released a new version of this with some more names on it. Have a look at the new screen shot in my first post. Some of you might be pleased And you do need to have a minimum number of mods to join this club. Its ten by the way. [ September 20, 2003, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  2. After getting fed up just doing new buttons for pakfans screens,i thought i would go the full monty and do my own. I am also adding more names to my modded by screen what do you think Or are people sick of splash screens now. Also don't worry i feel like going back to doing some more mods now.I just needed a break from doing vehicles for a while. [ September 25, 2003, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  3. I have done a quick screen to replace the CDV screen in non US versions of the game. And i also wanted to see my name on screen.(i know vain arn't I) this will not work with a US version of the game. Please don't be upset if i have missed you name off the list as i can't fit every body on.But i am willing to add more names if wanted. I can also do this as a splash screen if wanted as well.As i have done a version with differant writing on it. [ September 20, 2003, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  4. HA Ha i have done mine I have done all of them apart from ny BA64B mod which despite all my attempts to edit refuses to come up with an edit button. So please fix or do somefink (i have waited years to say that)
  5. Its all right i am not doing anymore now. (well maybe not for a night or two). I am also thinking about doing one of my own.Anybody got any nice Russian photos i can use.As i seem to have loads of german ones. I am also thinking about doing some of the other screens.Like the chose a side screen and the AAR report. Just to remind everybody i am only modding the buttons not the screens.These were all done by Pakfan.I just happen to like them [ September 15, 2003, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. Here is my latest screen I will work through the rest asap. any other ones that people want doing IE not pakfans screens.
  7. hotdamn, your got some great folks working for you G! call me demanding... but i still like the dark red text. it just give things a certain....feel. and yes, your efforts are *highly* appreciated! </font>
  8. I have my latest mod ready for posting when the database is upgraded. Its for Pakfans Tiger A splash screen. I have changed the text colour to stand out more. So its easier to read now. So watch this space. edited cause i cant speeel [ September 14, 2003, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  9. What do people think to this. Its a very rough WIP. This is going to take some work to sort out. But if people like it i will try to finish it.
  10. Download it and give it a try as it looks better in game.If you are still not happy let me know and i will see what i can do. Hows that for service. :cool: Oh and by the way i have posted it now so go and get it.
  11. The mod is ready to post now. But the database is down at the moment. So i will post tomorrow night.(Thursday) as i'm going to bed now.
  12. So you spotted my diliberate mistake then. The go back button is shown when you go onto the select scenario screen where its at the bottom of the picture. But its nearer the middle when you go to the multiplayer screen. So whichever image i use for the button will be wrong on the other screen.
  13. Oh nooooo More ways for me to cock up when i upload a mod. But thanks for the hard work as i think this is needed.
  14. I will sort out the GD markings and post them later in the week.As i have got a new idea to fart about with.See WIP its not a vehicle thread.
  15. I have posted this mod. SO GO AND GET IT I have done all the three splash screens that use the background image. A while a go i downloaded Pakfans SDKFZ 221 splash screen. I am so happy with this that its been on since then. Thanks pakfan But i thought that the standard buttons spoilt the effect. So i was having a think the other night and i came up with a plan. So after two nights of farting about i have finished the first screen. See close up of buttons below I think this suits the photo prefectly. Its easier on the eyes. And i have also managed to get a mouse roll over effect with a change in brightness. the only problem i have is that the " go back" button is in two places on two screens. So will need to think about that one. What do people think. I like it . Edited cause i get my SDKFZ 221's and 222's confused [ September 11, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  16. I was talking about if people want the plain camo unit markings sticking on the camo version,And vice versa. So if you want a camo version with the GD markings let me know.
  17. I have finaly posted my StuG 111 F mod. It was becoming a bit of a nightmare to post a camo version and non camo version with all the options. So i have posted 2 versions of this mod. One plain and one with camo. These mods come with optional unit markings and added hull tracks(thanks mickey D). I have only included 1 set of markings with each mod.but if people want i can stick an extra mod up with the other markings for each mod. So let me know. The camo scheme is taken from some photos and was kindly done for me by flesh. :cool:
  18. Thank Flesh for the camo. I can't cope with doing camo's as it does my head in.
  19. What a sound idea. :cool: i bet its a bit of a night mare sorting them all out isn't it.
  20. latest piccy. hopefully about 1 more day to go to release.Just a few tweeks here and there. i just need to sort out all the options and such like. Flesh is sending me the last bmp's for the camo scheme as i type. so watch this space. This camo is taken from some photos and an illistration in Panzer colours 111. Note the differant colour unit markings.
  21. No problem nit pick away yes i agree that the important bits would be kept clean.but i would have thought any added dirt etc on the shield would be left on as added camo. i would also like to see more added foliage but i don't know how to do this yet.
  22. All i did to get the dark look was just to alter the brightness and contast slightly. I think the models look better like this as i think they look a bit Washed out as standard. Thanks for all your feed back its much appreciated.Its hard trying to do mods if you get no feed back.
  23. Sorry, I got sidetracked with those Jagdpanthers and some other mods I've been working on. I should have something for you in a day or two. </font>
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