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Everything posted by Squeaker

  1. Thanks PhilM, I think that's the second time you've helped me out with a query, and once again, a full and comprehensive reply, thank you. However, I was able to download the 10GB pack first time with no problems, and everything seemed to work, but hopefully this will help out someone else.
  2. whow, 10GB??? I'll give it a go... Thanks for the info gents.
  3. Hi all, I hope someone can help, I'm a bit confused. I have CM:BN commonwealth bundle, and the market garden expansion, as well as having purchased v2 and v3 packs, do I install the base game and MG expansion, then v2, and then v3.11? I take it there is no auto-patcher for the more confused members of the audience (ie, me)? TIA for any help.
  4. Doh! Completely missed Phil's post with the detailed instructions that helped me fix it, apologies! The reset state command line switch didn't do it, but deleting the appstate.txt file worked, all up and running now, thanks Phil. I'll PM Gaj asking him to ignore/close ticket 218. :-) Thanks again Phil,
  5. Thanks Phil and Gaj, I'll complete the bug reporting thingy Cheers gents!
  6. Good idea Phil, but I can't get it to load, so I can't access the help menu.
  7. Been using CM helper for a while now, and it just stopped loading. Updated to the latest version (1.6.2) and I think I'm getting the same error. I have had a few HD problems lately, and I suspect it may be linked, but not sure how if I've just used the new version. The error message I get in a CMH Error Message popup window is Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 6, in <module> File "__main__.py", line 128, in <module> File "__main__cmh__.py", line 125, in <module> File "controller.py", line 51, in __init__ File "appstate.py", line 52, in __init__ File "permadict.py", line 29, in __init__ File "permadict.py", line 79, in load ValueError: File not in a supported format Anyone have any pointers?
  8. Thanks for the replies chaps, I'll speak to him, and if he's not going to fork out, I'll get it for him for Christmas. :-)
  9. Hi all, I did do a forum search for this, but couldn't find it. If it's already been asked and answered, please just point me to the original thread, and I shall hang my head in shame while I read it. I am thinking of getting the v3 upgrade for CMBN and I just wanted to confirm that I will still be able to play with a mate who has v2, both in PBEM and live games, before I pull the trigger and get it. TIA.
  10. I can appreciate what some have said about too much level of control at low level, but as a compromise, what about a "Scavenge weapons and Ammo" command? That way, most of the decision is taken out of the players hands, as YankeeDog said, some weapons or ammo may be unusable for various reasons, so the soldiers would not get them.
  11. As the title says, just like you can currently acquire ammo and supplies from trucks, could it be introduced that you can command a unit to 'acquire' supplies from units in the same location or possibly within 5m from them? This would mainly be things like recon teams pinching more 9mm ammo from another section, or anti-tank teams taking rockets or one-shot weapons from another squad. If this is considered unlikely (after all, what unit would want to give up their own stuff, who knows how close the ruskies are!!!) how about from dead or incapacitated soldiers in the same location? This would also get around a problem I am sure I'm not alone in facing when an anti-tank team comes under fire, and one bloke is hit. Now you have a single soldier with either the launcher, or the rockets, but not both, and you try and make the little bleeder grab the other half of the gear he needs to get him back in the action. But ooh no, he'll just sit there, watching a tank roll along past the window, and get annoyed at the empty tube that keeps rolling off his shoulder and knocking his coffee over. This could be implemented further, grabbing an extra MG42 from the remains of a soldier propped up against a wall. And look, there some slightly gooey ammo on his mate next to him.
  12. There's probably a good reason why we can't have this, but I'd like to be able to repeat the review of the last turn in between giving orders. On large maps, I section down the battlefield, so what I'm after is the ability to review, and then issue orders, and then move onto the next area I wish to concentrate on, review again from that viewpoint, and issue orders to the units in that field of view. Rinse and repeat until I have covered all the sections of the battlefield. then submit. And on that note, a submit confirmation dialog!!!
  13. Fancy getting your hands on something to really test armour penetration values or in-town mobility? http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/06/03/huge-collection-military-vehicles-being-auctioned-in-july/ (I'm not affiliated with this in any way, and I hope it's not against forum rules to post this. If so, I apologise, please delete this post)
  14. I seem to have an error when I run v1.2.1 on running, I get the message Traceback (most recent call last): File "wx/_core.py", line 16767, in <lambda> File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 30, in sendMessage File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 340, in _publish File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 359, in __sendMessage File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 64, in _mix_callListener File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/listenerimpl.py", line 27, in __call__ File "controller.py", line 319, in OnAppEvent File "controller.py", line 176, in _Go KeyError: u'type' And then when I try and add a game sintallation, I get Traceback (most recent call last): File "view.py", line 483, in OnInstallNew File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 30, in sendMessage File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 340, in _publish File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 359, in __sendMessage File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 64, in _mix_callListener File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/listenerimpl.py", line 27, in __call__ File "controller.py", line 328, in OnAppEvent File "controller.py", line 397, in _ProcessUserEvent File "controller.py", line 582, in AddInstallFromUser AttributeError: Controller instance has no attribute '_installs' Have I done something wrong? Windows 7, 64bit.
  15. For some reason version 1.0.6 is duplicating my games... I show two entries for each game, one of CMBN and one CMRT. I also had to manually configure the EXE for each savegame, is that correct?
  16. I think mine went through fine, let me know if it's not there. Thanks again for a great tool, looking forward to the CM helper!
  17. You, my friend, are a top bloke. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't get as much fun from the game, because you make playing CM:BN H2H too easy not too. And now it appears you're going to do the same for CM:RD. How do I give you a little monetary thank you?
  18. Thanks for the clarification womble, I have a few teams with demo charges holed up in buildings, I shall tell them to add a new 'window' next time I want them to move to try it out.
  19. Damn, I did wonder when I suggested it if it was already in! Thanks, I shall be trying that forthwith.
  20. I completely agree with what you said, I was only using the example to illustrate that it can be done if the situation allows, but you're quite right, it was not the norm by any means. and therefore I can see it would be difficult to include without it becoming the standard tactic, making the game less realistic. But going back to my idea in parentheses, could assault charges be utilised to make your own entry and, in extreme cases, exit points? Perhaps with some level of suppression to building occupants when it goes off?
  21. How about "Slow" through windows? The aim, after all, is for soldiers to evac the building without going through the front door, ie, discreetly. This would also simulate the time taken for the blokes to open or smash open a window, getting rid of any larger pieces of glass, and removing/passing through to mucker/rewearing webbing. I've (IRL) done building assaults, and the a common method of assaulting a building is anything BUT the front door, as it's too obvious. the preferred method is to make your own door (using charges... could that be an option to use assault charges? "ASSAULT" in a particular direction would blow a wall out and could be used going in and out of a building) or through a first floor window using ladders or grappling hooks. Obviously this scenario was in a conventional war when damage to private property was lower on the priority scale.
  22. I'm sure this has been suggested before, but why can't infantry jump out of a window?
  23. Yes, but only within units in the same CoC. A situation I have come across before (and there was a brief thread about it) was two anti-tank sections, one without ammo, and one without a launcher, but they were under different commanders, so never the twain would shoot.
  24. Will there be something along these lines for infantry units? IE, a unit has no rounds but it's right next to a fresh unit that has lots. How about weapon and ammo scavenging? I know it's been said that soldiers are not trained on enemy weapons, but if you're in a former enemy position, and you have no ammo left with enemy to your front, I GUARANTEE you any trained soldier will pick up enemy small arms and figure out which is the dangerous end pretty sharpish!
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