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    Washington state
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    Graphic artist/burger flipper

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  1. ya but his point still makes sense, I've only seen an hmg not fire at a group visible to him once out of a good deal of playing time so I agree with him.
  2. is that a AP round in your barrel or are you just happy to see me?
  3. get 10.2 it was pretty common knowledge that OSX was still some what a beta in previous versions. I've been using 10.2 since it came out and the computer hasn't crashed once and I also heavily use graphic apps and multitask only program that crashes for me is AIM
  4. This is why I buy pzIVs sure they dont have the angled front 80mm mantle but they have a turret and are pretty mobile with the same 75mm gun I might add, Stugs are only good in 1 on 1 head to head engagements I like flanking my enemy.
  5. me too, I wouldn't mind trying to by pass stalingrad or trying the "what if's" at the operational or strategic level then going into fight the actuall battles.
  6. manchildstein thanks for that link, that was one of the most interesting and informative sights I've been to and gave me a lot of insite into the swastika. It's a shame the average person sees it only for the evil hitler gave it
  7. ok heres my view on this topic. First you're choosing to play a QB with armor and chooing not to ask the other player to not get uber amounts of stugs, it's your own problem they want to win obviously so you should find a way to win other than trying to go head to head against the german tanks(just like in CMBO you never go head to head with the german guns). So either do something about it before the game or deal with it. War is unfair and when you're competing you're going to pull out all the stops to win. From what I see BTS is learning a lot about how to make the players play the game their way so hopefully in the future you can pick the "divisional" option instead of playing the standard QB
  8. First I'd like to say this would deffinately help the CM community. I'v never liked the senerio depot as my first experiance with fan based file archives was myth2. http://www.mythmaps.com/ is a very good example of a solid file site. Senerio depot has a poor search system and lots of broken links to files. To do this type of thing you got to have access to a lot of server space and a helluva lot of bandwidth. I'd suggest emailing the creaters of the page I gave you and get some info from them.
  9. Personally I like the iron cross better than the swastika
  10. You have to remeber that the panther was designed for mass production the major problem was that german industry hadn't geared up for war as quickly as their allied opponents. And when they started too they were getting bombed round the clock. The german tank designers didn't just disregard the advantages mass production gives.
  11. I'd personally like to see a vietnam version of CM. I'd love to listen to ride of the valkyries while attacking the NVA with my huey's . I actually made a vietnam total conversion for myth2.
  12. Generalizing americans as fat dumb rich people like so many europeans do really pisses me off. For one the US has litterally thousands of different cultures. We pretty much have no homogenity. We have kids fighting out a life on the streets we have farmers we have middle class we have high class. When you look at a 4year univeristy you're going to see more diversity in cultures and life styles then any other country. Just because you saw some idiot on TV doesn't mean the majority of americans are dumb lazy white and middle class.
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