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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Euri

  1. Since I have no military background my question may come as elementary but it is something it always bothers me. Assuming one has a mixed force (i.e 3-4 tanks, some of AFVs & personnel carriers (Bradleys and Strykes) and Jeeps coupled with helo support and needs to travel a relatively open area with small villages here and there and other terrain suitable for concealment, what is the "by the book" approach in order to "smoke out" hidden ATGMs? Do you "lead with armor" or do you place it on an overwatch position? Do you suppress every single house and orchard you have LOS to? (sounds meticulous but there is the time limit...) I am playing mission 2 of the German Campaign right now and there is too much uncertainty in relation to the enemy positions and the terrain. Hence the nature of my question Well?
  2. Oh.... spare me...he did a second round after 30 mins and destroyed one of my tanks!! Someone should have told him in the meantime no?
  3. I am supposed to have this F-15 amongst my air assets. It has attacked 2 of my vehicles in two passes! I will do a test. I will reload at an earlier point and give to the F-15 immediate attack orders. If it is a friendly F-15 indeed then it should have something to be occupied with. Maybe the pilot is itchy on the bomb release button...An american...what can you expect?...cowboys... :-)
  4. Now this is a spoiler! Do not read further down if you have not reached mission 8 yet * * * * * * * * * * * * But has anyone reached miss 8 of the Dutch Campaign? It seems to me that the Syrians have air support!?! How is this supposed to happen?
  5. Having casualty restrictions is the only way to make Blue vs red scenarios challenging. More to that, it also realistic because, for public opinion in western democracies the death of soldiers (even a few) sent away from home has a strong political impact. And this is reflected on on victory conditions because "minimal casualties" becomes a mission objective on itself - together with all other objectives.
  6. A brief question. Can Gill Anti tank missiles be deployed in a building or only on open terrain and rooftops?
  7. True...I rushed to complain how easy things seemed to be...Now I am disillusioned :-)
  8. I like the increased difficulty of the scenarios. But in my humble opinion, in order to pull them through without sustaining grave casulties one needs much more time on the clock...
  9. It is always empty for me...hmmm maybe ... nuclear weapons?
  10. I think the columns from left to right are Light-Medium-Heavy-Smoke-?. How do I know? I am not sure :-) But usually the left column has more "stuff" compared to others...
  11. I am playing CM SF on a system with 4GM RAM, an NVIDIA 275 and a quad processor I have noticed that terrain details are higher within a certain bubble from the camera and then become less defined. This is easly apparent when one uses view n.4 where one can see the limit effect on the ground. I have all the graphics option maxed but the bubble effect is still there. If one owns a strong rig is it possible somehow to increase the range of this bubble or this is an in-built limitation. Thank you
  12. Just a note. In the first battle of the Dutch campaign the Syrians surrendered 1hr before the countdown with their force on the 2nd objective intact. It should not be that easy....
  13. For one to be able to call an "area fire" the spotter should have line of sight to the center of the "circle" and to a point of its circumference. I believe the latter is unnecessary and unrealistic. It one has LOS to point A, a request to attack point A and whatever is at a range X of point A, is a perfectly valid and specific command and should not be preclude for the fact that the spotter has no LOS to the edge of the circle. Your thoughts?
  14. I understand. I think however that a single road movement command (separate for each individual unit) would be easier to implement than a column command
  15. I believe that the following would be a major improvement idea - reducing a lot the micromanagement and the multiple point and click on the map: If the intention is to move a vehicle on a road path, there should be an option to point and click the destination point on a road and the AI to calibrate a path to go there on road only. I imagine this as an additional on/off switch applicable to all move commands of a vehicle Otherwise one is forces to point and click on every turn of a road to keep the vehicle on path. What do you think?
  16. You mean the hotfix? I applied the patch and was about to say thank you but then I noticed that now the number of enemy has exponetially increased from 5 to 21(!!) against 200+ marines :-) . I mean this is a great map. We can we not enjoy it a bit? :-(
  17. Mission 1: F18s refuse to hit the big mosque in the centre. Plane shows "attacking" but nothing happens. Artillery works ok on same target. Mission 2: Great map but no Syrian Army at all! I spend 45 minutes of my life to manoeuver my army against 5(!!!) syrians on the whole map! What is this? Please!
  18. Vehicles behave as troops under fire Vehicles when fired upon heavily behave as infantry. I understand that if infantry is receives heavy fire the will crowl to safety (i.e. slow) but when a hammer for example receives fires the normal thing to to is step on it and run away - not "slow" movment.
  19. I have never seen how a javelin works in real life. I understand however that this is a heatseeking fire and forget missile. The soldier locks the heat signal and fires. Then the missile attacks the signal. This is understandable against tanks and vehicles. In the game however I can use Javelins against soft tagets as well (i.e. building or even troops in trenches). On the one hand this makes the game ridiculously easy for US even in elite level. Scout, locate, fire javelin, the end... My question is, does this tactic work in real life too? I mean, what kind of heat signal does a squad of 3-5 men in a trench or building have which would allow a succesfull javelin attack. Thank you
  20. When the enemy is in building what kind of ammo should one use, General, Personnel or Armor? I noticed that the anti-personnel ammo explodes "above" the target which makes it excellent for personnel in trenches - but is it any good for people in buildings?
  21. The Bug: Sometimes one or two members of a team ordered to dismount a vehicle will remain inside for ever while the rest are just outside the door. This results in the vehicle keeping its back door open and refusing to execute move commandes. Same "denial" to follow commands applies to the unit half-stuch in the vehicle. Another variation of the problem is to order a dismount and then both vehicle and troops inside it "stuck" (and refuse to follow orders) while the back door remains open for ever. The improvement: Double-clicking on a unit selects the entire formation - which is a good "shortcut". Sometimes however, I wish that only the dismounted troops advance and the vehicles stay put. Or I whish that the vehicles mounted with units move and at the same time leaving behind some dismounted troops (usually MG teams) I do not think there is a way to select only the vehicles of a fromation or only the dismounted troops of the same formation (or is there?) I think it would be nice to include such a way in the next patch. Regards
  22. The Bug: Sometimes one or two members of a team ordered to dismount a vehicle will remain inside for ever while the rest are just outside the door. This results in the vehicle keeping its back door open and refusing to execute move commandes. Same "denial" to follow commands applies to the unit half-stuch in the vehicle. Another variation of the problem is to order a dismount and then both vehicle and troops inside it "stuck" (and refuse to follow orders) while the back door remains open for ever. The improvement: Double-clicking on a unit selects the entire formation - which is a good "shortcut". Sometimes however, I wish that only the dismounted troops advance and the vehicles stay put. Or I whish that the vehicles mounted with units move and at the same time leaving behind some dismounted troops (usually MG teams) I do not think there is a way to select only the vehicles of a fromation or only the dismounted troops of the same formation (or is there?) I think it would be nice to include such a way in the next patch. Regards
  23. I am on WIN XP home (english) - in case this is important
  24. I had the problem with CMBB but I decided to buy CMAF as, save for some furstrating issues like this, the game has no rival in its category. THE PROBLEM: Game freezes after a while it starts. Normally if I pass the first 20 minutes the chances of freezing are very low. Music still plays for a while and then the monitor sreen becomes totally corrupt and have to reboot. I have read that turning Full screen AA off deals with the problem. The thing is I cannot find the option on the RADEON control panel (smartcard or elsewhere). I am currently with CAT 3.10 drivers which are very stable with all my other games and applications and am not very much motivated to update (after all the problem sees to have persisted with all past CAT versions). I would appreciate your help. I have a radeon 9700 pro on an Asus p4G8X deluxe with 512 memory.
  25. Both my cdr and dvd autostart and read all items in directory of the cd rom with the exeption of setup.exe that they take 10 minutes to identify properly (allocate an exe icon and autorun the cd) It happened to me with the CDV version of CMBB. I though it was a problem of the cd and decided to be patient. But today I bought CMAF and had exactly the same furstrating problem Any suggestions?
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