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Everything posted by mchlstrt

  1. I saw a thread about this a little while ago but I don't remember there being a clear answer. PwrBook G3 400, RageM3pA (RageMobility M3 1.0f13?) 8megs. Movie skips ahead, or rather freezes then jumps forward to catch up. I've only played a few games on this machine, I'm usually on the Desktop. Here's the odd thing. I trashed the prefs & switched from 1024 to 640 to check the mod thing (in the other thread). Movie played with only a few hiccups. "Aha, (that's me) the same limitations that affect the resolution of the graphics inhibit their smooth playing-backedness." After acouple a runs I switched back to 1024 to check the difference in the width of the view, no prefs trashing. Movie plays without a hitch. 1024-hackhackcough 640-hiccuphiccup 1024-puurrrrr. Did I fix somethin or somethin?
  2. Schrullenhaft, I think you're right . I tried going from 1024x768 to 640x480 & the lo-res mods look good. The hi-res look even more good. It seems that some of us, or me at least, have been packing in so many hi-res mods that they become lo-res, & make the lo-res into no-res. Perhaps I should try 'downsampling' the hi-res mods to even the playing field. I t sounds like BTS is talking about something like that for CMBB. G3 400, Rage128 16 meg
  3. I've noticed in games lo-res mods look very fuzzy, even though the bmps look pretty good. I assumed that was just what lo-res was. However, I was fiddling with the BTS JgdTgr, & I made a tiny scenario ( JT vs US Sharpshooter) to be able to look at it quickly. It looked at least 100% better than it does in the scenario I made for comparing all the vehicles to each other. mixed hi & lo res, lo res looks mushy. Lo res only, lo res looks, well, kinda hi- res. Does anyone know what's going on?
  4. I've noticed in games that at least some lo-res mods look very fuzzy, even though the bmps look pretty good. I assumed that was just what lo-res was. However, I was fiddling with the BTS JgdTgr, & I made a tiny scenario ( JT vs US Sharpshooter) to be able to look at it quickly. It looked at least 100% better than it does in the scenario I made for comparing all the vehicles to each other. Does anyone know what's going on?
  5. I've got a decent Volksturm Mod I'd like to share. I've followed some 'mod copyright' threads & would like to do the right thing. Was a 'standard'ish approach ever generally agreed on? Related topic, i don't know how to reach 'rangefer' to do the formalities, & would appreciate advice or info. To you modders, the 'wraparound' concept on his 'luftuni' mod is a good thing. I'd also like to take this chance to ask BTS not to take the kneecap skin from the crotch area next time, as it made shading waaay too much of a challenge. The thigh would be great.
  6. Thanks, right. Wherever I got 'lwfield' it's @ CMHQ & comes out 'luftuni' by someone named 'rangefer'. Anyone know where he is?
  7. I've got a Volksturm mod that I would like to get out. need help w/ two things: a-I'm practically e-mail illiterate. How do I send graphics files? i'm Mac, Hotmail, I've got old Stuffit & DD programs around if they'll still run under my current Sys. 2-With all the recent discussion of Modders' Rights I want to get the proper OKs. However I grabbed some gear, & the idea of wrapping it 'round the side, off an unidentified Mod. It's "lwfield Folder", a Heer mod, but it seems to be another nation's uni. Green camo, grey collar w/ red tabs that have three white 'birds' on them. Don't know where I got it & can't find it again on the Net, but it's a nice mod & I used Kit & Concept off it, credit due. I'd get out a Picture but, see 'a' above. Thanks
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