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Hubert Cater

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Posts posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Battlefront has just posted a hotfix for the v1.03 patch which can be found here:


    Please install the v1.03 patch first prior to applying this hotfix as the hotfix is not all inclusive.

    The hotfix is installed via the installer by double clicking the hotfix EXE installer file.

    The hotfix includes the following CTD corrections:

    - fixed a controlled unit movement error (patrat618)

    - fixed a rare submarine movement error when the sub is in Silent mode and passes near hidden enemy Destroyers that may interrupt the movement path (rjh1971)

    - animate recon error


    NOTE: If you are playing a multiplayer game both you and your opponent will need to upgrade to the v1.03.2 Hotfix.

    The hotfix will load all v1.03 and v1.03.1 games in progress.

  2. Had Global Conflict on vista, no problem, just got a new computer with windows 8.1 64 bit, and when try to install, I get this:

    "the setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program."

    as the file was a download from you guys, it can't get any newer, so I was wondering if you have a solution. I might get a lot more work done if I can't get it installed, but I don't know that I'll be any happier. Thanks.


    I would try to run it as an Administrator as wlape3 suggests and if not then you should be able to re-download from your Battlefront account.

    If you need help with this please open a support ticket with the helpdesk:


    Hope this helps,


  3. Not that I know of to be honest and generally speaking Blitzkrieg as far as I know runs fine on Windows 7 as well... I run Windows 7 at home and Blitzkrieg runs as expected so this could very well be an unexpected quirk with the Demo.

    You could try to see if the error is repeatable and even try disabling the Aero Desktop theme for Windows 7 if you are running that as from past experiences that seemed to help.

    The D-Day scenario also comes with the Weapons and Warfare expansion but that's about it other than possible mods for newer releases but I don't know of any offhand.

    Hope this helps,


  4. 1) Definitely a fair point and we can adjust this for future games :)

    3) I had to double check as the parent HQ experience that is passed on in that formula has its own formula and yes it does depend on HQ strength

    The parent HQ experience value that is passed along is as follows:

    hq_unit.experience * hq_unit.strength / 10

    Note, the rating is not reduced by the HQ strength, only the experience.

    It should also have an immediate effect during the turn as readiness is a dynamically calculated value and never stored... so whenever a unit readiness value is in need of determination the formulas are applied to determine the most up to date value.

  5. Hi :)

    1) Correct

    2) Correct

    3) The bonus a unit receives from an HQ is the HQ rating as well as the experience of the HQ and these are always taken into account when calculating the attached unit readiness.

    Here is the most recent formula for unit Readiness which may differ from the manual:

    ((unit.strength + attached HQ Rating) / 2 + unit.morale + attached HQ Experience) / 2

    4) It would be 5%, not percentage points and is always the value specified and entrenchment or other defensive bonuses do not play a role

    In all cases, if the demoralization value is let's say 5% the calculation is as follows:

    morale_recalculation := defender_unit.morale - defender_unit.morale * 5% * attacker_unit.strength / 10

    Hope this helps,


  6. If you are running Windows 8 then this might be an issue with the older Blitzkrieg game as it has some issues unless it is not run in Full Screen mode.

    Unfortunately the older Blitzkrieg game does not have the option to disable the full screen mode... however the newer releases such as Weapons and Warfare, or even the Global Conflict releases for Strategic Command have this option.

    This can be tested out with one of their demos to see if that helps,


  7. Hi Caustic,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble.

    We've also come across this bug and unfortunately it would also appear in the pre hotfix version so no advantage to rolling back.

    This is fixed on our end and I could release another hotfix as needed.

    Can you send me the turn that is causing this crash and once I confirm that the current fix on our end resolves this I'll release a new v1.03.2 Hotfix.

    Please send to support@furysoftware.com



  8. Hi Philippe,

    I would suggest to simply think of the base WWI game and the Breakthrough expansion as two separate games, and only because of the number of game engine changes.

    This is unfortunately why the older WWI campaigns are not compatible with the Breakthrough expansion and vice versa.

    If you want to port a WWI campaign into Breakthrough then you would need to export all the applicable data sets of the WWI campaign using the 'Export' feature in the Editor and then 'Importing' this data into Breakthrough using the Breakthrough Editor 'Import' feature.

    Note, not all data will be compatible and you may need to skip the unit map and other unit related items such as the production queue data.

    There could also be quite a bit of manual adjustments required to country data as well as the bitmaps and so on.

    It is not impossible, but unfortunately usually quite a bit of work which is why we tend to mostly build new campaigns from scratch for expansions or as we build the expansion on our end we begin the porting process earlier on and use coding techniques to ease the transition.

    Hope this helps,


  9. If you look to the exact (not rounded) results, there is a difference of nearly 1.0 points between the two results. Does this difference have any effect (maybe a higher chance of causing the one point extra losses, you wrote about) or is it completely equal, wether the prediction comes from a strongly rounded up or a strongly rounded down calculation?

    The difference doesn't have any effect on the +/- 1, i.e. it is the same regardless of any previous rounding.

    additional (1): You told my, that the prepared attack bonus applies to the attacker multiplier in the formula. Is this true for the calculation for the defender losses and the attacker losses (in both formulas the attacker multiplier is used)?


    additional (2): For an HQ-Unit there is shown no readiness in the unit informations, but the combat formula bases on the readiness. Do they have a value for readiness (and if yes, where can i see it) or don't they (and if this is right: how is the combat with HQs calculated instead?).

    Yes, even though it is not shown, HQs have a value for readiness and morale and it is calculated the same way as it is for all units.

    Maybe it's too long ago, that i went from school, or we have another notation for mathematics in Germany but i think these formulas can't be correct too. If I fill into the morale formula an old morale of 90 and strength an supply each 10 (nearly optimale values), i get the following result:

    Internally the values are stored (generally speaking) as a value between 0 and 10 and then converted to a % when shown in the information displays. So when you fill in the old value for morale it would be 9 and not 90. I can agree that this is more confusing than it has to be so we'll clarify this in the next version of the manual for future games.

    Hopefully that helps :)


  10. - Combat formula: Ok, seems like i missunderstood the manual. The listed factors, I enumerated in my starting post above, are already contained in the combat formula itself, or in the formulas for morale and readiness, on which the combat formula is based, right?


    Additional (a): The effect of prepared attack (should be 35 %) is calculated in the end, based on the outcome of the combat formula for the defender losses an then multiplied with 1,35. And the effect for attacking over rivers (should be - 30%) analog (combat outcome defender losses x 0,7) right?

    The effect of the prepared attack bonus applies to the 'multiplier' in the combat formula.

    Attacker Multiplier = Readiness / 100 + 'Prepared Attack Bonus / 100'

    The effect for attacking across rivers only reduces the final defending unit losses by the amount specified for being across a river. So if the normal predicted losses would be 10 points, then it would be reduced by 30% and result in 7 points of losses.

    Additional (B): The effect of weather does influence the battle too, doesn't it? Which are the exact effects and are they calculated like prepared attack bonus/river malus?

    Defender losses are reduced by 50% when they are attacked by air units that attack in rain, snow or sandstorms, or by ground units that attack on frozen ground, or by naval units that attack during storms.

    Additional ©: What about an uneven result in the combat calculation. To make an example what I think about: The calculated result for the losses of the defender is 3,3 (instead of 3,0). It should be shown in the battle prediction as defender losses 3. Is there a higher possibility to cause 4 points of losses, than it would be, if the calculated result would be 2,8? Or does it make no difference, wether the calculated result is (to name the extremes) 2.5 oder 3.4?

    I'm not sure I understand, 3:3 just means that the attacker is predicted to lose 3 points and the defender 3 points as well. After that there is the possibility for both sides to receive an extra +/- 1 point loss to their predicted losses.

    Additional (d): Experience isn't always an even value, too. Before I get the first full experience star (or iron cross if I play the CPs), it can be 0,3, 0,4 0,5 etc... Does the battle formula calculate with the exact (uneven) values or does it only calculate with the full numbers 0, 1, 2 or 3. If the last one is right, does the game round up from a value 0,5/1,5 etc. on or do I have to reach experience 1,0 to gain the first effect from experience?

    Where can I read the exact experience value, my unit has at the moment?

    It calculates with the exact uneven value.

    -entrenchment/ground cover: To make it clear for me: There is no difference in the battle result between two defending units, one with entrenchment 1 and the other with ground cover 1? This would mean, that it is useless, to entrench units, until I have researched trench warfare...

    In terms of the 'entrenchment' value that applies to the combat formula, no, but you do get the defensive bonuses applied to the formula when a unit is inside a trench only when it is 'entrenched'.

    All this means is that when you entrench you also build trenches that give you the additional defensive bonuses of being within a 'fortification' that is applied to the combat formula as well.

    When you look at the properties of a unit on a 'Trench', right click unit and select Properties->Trench, you'll see the defensive bonuses that will apply during combat when defending.

    Additional: I think this one wasn't answered clearly (or I didn't understand): If a unit is attacked from a side, trenches are not facing, does this unit have ground cover instead of entrenchment?

    It will have whatever the current 'entrenchment' value is applied to the formula. It could be at entrenchment 4 but it will receive no defensive bonuses for being in the trench if it is attacked from a side the trench is not facing.

    - entrenchment/facing: You write, entrenchment will always have an effect in the formula, but there will be no defense bonus from the trenches, when attacked from a side, the trench is not facing. But what remains as an effect? The formula for the defender losses is

    Att-Mult* (Att Typ Value + Att Exp/3) - (Def Mult*(Def Exp/3 + Entrench + Def Bon)).

    This just means that in the above formula, the value for Def Bonus = 0

    Lets fill the variables, maybe you can see, where my problem is or where i make the mistake. Lets make an example with defender readiness 70 and attacker 90, entrenchment 2 and just plain terrain (what means no extra Defense Bonus from terrain). Attack and defence type value are 4 in my example. Experience 1 for each side.

    Filled this in, the formula is

    90/100*(4+1/3) - (70/100*(1/3 + 2 + 0)

    Not quite, if let's say the attack is a 'Soft Attack' then the 'Soft Defense Bonus' for a Trench of 3 would apply as follows:

    90/100*(4+1/3) - (70/100*(1/3 + 2 + 3)

    If I attack from a side, the trench is not facing, it should be like this:

    90/100*(4+1/3) - (70/100*(1/3 + 0 + 0)

    Not quite either, it would rather look like this:

    90/100*(4+1/3) - (70/100*(1/3 + 2 + 0)

    Hope this helps :)


  11. Hi,

    - Is the terrain defense bonus cumulative to entrenchment or ist it alternativ(should be cumulative, shouldn't it)?

    This is shown in the formula on page 40 as cumulative, i.e. it is 'entrenchment + defense bonuses'

    - entrenchment and ground cover is not cumulative but alternative, right?

    - The effect of ground cover is much lesser, than the effect of entrenchment,

    right? (can anyone tell me, how big the difference is?)

    These are actually treated identical in the formula as 'entrenchment', it is just that we rename 'entrenchment' to 'ground cover' for the WWI releases if and only if a unit is not in a Fortress/Trench.

    - If an entrenched unit is attacked from the rear, does the entrenchment have no effect? The entrenchment (like i do understand it from the manual) should have two effects: a defense bonus and a chance of suppressing losses. I belive, an entrenched unit, that is attacked from the rear, will not benefit from the defense bonus of his trenches, but it will benefit from the loss suprpression chance, right?

    - Does an entrenched unit, that is attacked from the rear, benefit from the ground cover, the unit should have, when it would be not entrenchend?

    Entrenchment will always have an effect in the formula, but the defensive bonuses may not apply if and only if they are attacked from a side that a Trench is not facing... otherwise the defensive bonus will apply for other items such as a forest, hill, town and so on regardless from which side it is attacked from.

    - The chance of loss suppression, that should be 10 % for every step entrenchment: This does not influence the combat formula itself but is calculated, after the combat is calculated, right? Is this chance calculated for every point, that would otherwise be lost in the combat? (to make an example what I am thinking about: a defending unit with entrenchment 3 has a combat result of 4 points losses. Is there a 30 % Chance to avoid all 4 points of losses, that is calculated one time or will there be four calculations - for every point of losses - with each a chance of 30 % to avoid one point of losses [i belive the last one is right...])

    It should be just the one time chance to avoid all losses.

    would be glad, to hear your opinion,


  12. Hi Furchtlosundtrew,

    I would suggest starting on page 37 (WWI manual) in order to understand how Unit Morale and then the subsequent Readiness values are calculated first as these play an integral part in the final combat formula.

    The combat formula on page 40 is indeed the full one as it makes use of the previously calculated morale and readiness for each unit.

    For example, once attacker and defender readiness is calculated based on unit morale, the 'multiplier' is determined (as shown in the formula for multiplier on page 40) for each of the attacker and defender, i.e. the attacker multiplier and the defender multiplier.

    Then this multiplier value is factored into the final combat formula.

    The defender and attacker type values are determined by the type of combat. For example, if a Corps is attacking another Corps unit then it would be the Soft Attack value for the attacker, and the Soft Defense value for the defender.

    These values can be seen for the unit types either in the Game or Editor under the 'Properties' screens for each unit type.

    The 'experience', 'strength' values etc., are what are shown for the unit when clicking on them or moving the mouse over them.

    The specific 'defensive bonuses' for the various terrain and resource types can be found by right clicking the specific item and viewing its properties.

    Hope this helps,


  13. Hi Ranger33,

    Welcome aboard :)

    Sounds like your WWI game is up to date and yes you would just need to patch to v1.05 for Breakthrough to be fully up to date there.

    Unfortunately there were too many game engine changes added to the Breakthrough Add-On that the older WWI campaigns are not compatible and simply dropping them into the Breakthrough campaign folder won't do the trick.

    We did update some of the more popular ones from WWI to include in Breakthrough but after that Breakthrough simply contains many new and great campaign additions.

    To get started I would highly recommend reading the AARs as you've done as well as to take a look at these threads:

    Information for New Players:


    New Features (Breakthrough):


    For campaigns, some of my personal favourites for the smaller campaigns would be the following:


    1915 Gallipoli

    1918 Megiddo


    1915 Siege of Kut

    1916 Verdun

    And then for a very nice medium sized campaign I would highly recommend the 1870 Franco-Prussian War.

    Once you are feeling comfortable with any of these then a crack at the much larger and detailed main campaigns such as 1914 Call To Arms should provide you with a great feeling and overview of the entire war.

    Happy gaming :)


  14. Hi Cantona66,

    The landing of Amphibious Troops can be set by the #COASTAL_POSITION and the troops at sea will then try and land as near as possible to this position.

    For Paratroops, this is automatically handled, you just need to place them in range of the #GOAL_POSITION and set them to Prepared if this is something you want them to do at the start of the campaign.

    Otherwise, the AI will attempt to put them into position and automatically set them to Prepared for the eventual amphibious assault.

    Another trick is to have them placed in range via a UNIT script once the Amphibious Assault script has been triggered and then they will prepare on their own and join the assault.

    Hope this helps,


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