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Hubert Cater

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Posts posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Gandalf,


    In this case go to Campaign->Edit Event Scripts and then select any scripts that have an '*' at the end and click on Update.  This will recompile those scripts that may be affected if you've added a port.


    If you've removed ports then some scripts might fail and those will need to be edited by opening them up and adjusting the specific event or by removing them if desired.



  2. Hi Gandalf,


    To add a country like Chile to the game, what you would need to do is open the Editor and then the Brute Force campaign, followed by 'Campaign->Edit Country Data'


    Then scroll through the list of countries and find one that is not used.  I don't have Brute Force in front of me but looking at the 1939 Campaign for AoD I can see that Abyssinia (It.) is not used, i.e. it has no listed capitals.


    Find this country in the localization.txt file, this can be found in your installation folder and it would look something like this:


    #ABYSSINIA= Abyssinia (It.)


    Copy /paste this line to the *custom* localization.txt file in the Brute Force subfolder found within the 'Campaigns' folder and change it to something like this:


    #ABYSSINIA= Chile


    Save the *custom* localization.txt file for the Brute Force campaign and then re-open the campaign and now this country should be listed as 'Chile'.


    Then you can either draw (when in draw mode) or edit existing tiles (when in selection mode, toolbar button next to the pencil) on the map to create Chile on the map when in the 'Tile Layer'


    Assign a capital by selecting the Resource layer and selecting one of the 'capital' sprites and drawing it on the map.


    To add/modify terrain or tile, simply select any from the list shown on the right hand side of the Editor (when working with the appropriate layer) and draw/edit on the map.  The current selection of tiles/terrain is limited to what is shown in the available scroll list of sprites on the right hand side.


    To add a port you just need to make sure you are adding it on a coastal 'water' tile and not a full 'water' tile and not a full 'land' tile.


    Hope this helps,


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