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Posts posted by Steiner14

  1. Originally posted by Other Means:

    What's the difference between using one processor, and not using multiple ones at once? Apart from switching overhead.

    Just to be precise: a Quad processor is only one processor, too. Butit has four cores.

    The difference in using multiple cores over one core is parallelism. The cores can calculate things parallel, which results in a much higher performance, if a program is able to create different threads and spread it over the available cores.

  2. Originally posted by Other Means:

    AIUI, no game works with Quad core, in fact very few applications do. It will make a difference in creating video or some specialised applications but nothing more than that.

    Not true.

    All apps work with Quad cores like with single cores. What they often don't do yet, is to use all the available cores simultaneously.

    But that's only a matter of time. The software developers are right now in the phase to start to use compilers optimizing for multicores.

    I'm absolutely sure, CMx2 will some day also be compiled that way. But since switching to a new compiler-mode can add some substantial addititional coding, this has no priority for CMSF right now.

    The more cores, the better.

    [ February 03, 2008, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]

  3. @Steve/Battlefront,

    i think Cid250 makes some very good points about the negative impact of RT on WEGO. You know, WEGO-players want the best possible AI and the highest possible realism.

    I understand perfectly, that it is impossible to implement things for WEGO-only, since the engine is RT.

    So my idea is the following: could it be a solution, to make a kind of "maximum AI and LOS/LOF" mode, that is optional for the engine itself?

    That way, WEGO players would get the highest possible realism with the best Tac- and Strat-AIs possible AND RT-players could use that, too, if they can accept the slowdowns or hickups.

  4. Peter Cairns,

    and what happens, if only a few satellites are knocked out?

    Hard enough for the US-soldier already, to find the toilet without GPS, but if all heavy weapons are based on extremely high precise satellite navigation, then someone just can switch off the light and they sit in the dark. Not that i would be sad about it, if it hits USrael, :D but it doesn't seem very clever to me, if an army goes that route.

    A weapon system must not only be effective under perfect conditions, it should also be robust, fault tolerant and not built on too much functioning sublayers, to be useable at all.

  5. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    A Real Time with pause, with ability to issue orders in realtime and in pause mode, with ability to rewind last 60 seconds would be Revolutionery, and is not at all what WEGO is

    Wow, that sounds interesting.

    How will you call your game system? ;) RTWEGO?

  6. Wow, that is really great news.

    The explanation why it currently doesn't work as expected is exactly on the point. This is the good old Battlefront. Now i'm very confident, that the WWII release will become a huge success.

    Steve mentiones in the blog, that todays processors are often dual cores. Does that mean, patch v1.06 will use more than one core? :cool:

    And just a reminder, for the WWII development:

    Do not forget to take the turret height of hull-down tanks into acount of the hit-chance.

  7. Good, that these aspects were raised once again:

    Many of the oddities and limitations inherent in CMx1 were the result of taking WeGo as far as it could go without it being RealTime. Things like not being able to track the actual flightpath of a shot, which resulted in things like tanks being shot up after moving behind cover.
    IMO that's not a valid argument, because that case was extremely rare and when it happened, i just thought: the tank was one or two seconds to slow. So that caused, at least for me, not the slightest problem.

    Now we have bullets regularly flying through terrain.

    So where is the advantage?

    Artillery shells falling to hit the ground AFTER the 60th second passed.

    Not perfect, sure, but no deal breaker, too.

    You are exaggerating not so perfect things in CMx1, to make CMx2 look better, imo.

    Not being able to have viable TacAI memory from one turn to the next.
    From a programmer's point of view, i do not understand that. Unit memory is an aspect to give units a memory, where they can store the kind of threat, it's position, direction, time, severity,...

    Why should WEGO forbid to give units a memory? It's only additional storage-space. It was not possible to expand CMx1 in that way, due to code restrictions. But now argueing that RT is the prerequisite for unit-memory, does not seem logical to me.

    [ December 04, 2007, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]

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