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Darknight (DC)

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Posts posted by Darknight (DC)

  1. Well, I'm glad to see that your optimism is still there..... ;)

    After all the time I spent in the late summer getting my small part of this completed, I can really appreciate the HUGE amount of time and effort that you've put into this (my wife was ready to kill me over the time I had spent on it :eek: ).

    If I can help with any of the conversions or other details, let me know....


  2. Merry Christmas Philippe.....

    Haven't seen you around the boards for a bit (was almost afraid you'd driven yourself insane with all that material we put together over the summer ;) ).....

    BTW, what ever happened to all of that work we did? It seemed to fall into limbo because of our misfortune to have to compete with the release of CMBB...not that I'm complaining about that mind you, but I was interested in seeing how it all would turn out. :D

  3. Hey Gordon.

    Looks like you've been extremely busy, eh? tongue.gif

    So, did Phillippe ever pass along to you any of my files for the 21st Army Group insignia? Or was it just too much of a monster to convert to CMMOS? (which is what I suspect). ;)

    Phillippe was relaying all of the info on his discussions with you about CMMOs considerations until about the time of the release of CMBB (which I have finally got around to purchasing). Was there any decision made on how best to work the mod into CMMOS?

    Just wondering....the project consumed me for the better part of a year just with the research (ask my wife....she would just do this :rolleyes: every time she saw me on the computer)....although I'm not quite sure if the interest level is still there for my mod due to the timing.

    Anyway....love that CMMOS....now I guess I have to start dl'ing the CMBB mods, eh....it never ends... :cool:

  4. Here is my AAR for the Alterna-Brawl final match between Dinga and myself.

    AAR: Low Ground

    Briefing Info: Sept 1944, rainy weather, damp conditions

    Dawn Meeting Engagement; 22 turns

    Map: Medium-sized, a single paved road runs from SE to NW;

    Treeless belt on both sides of the road;

    Scattered pockets of trees on higher ground;

    Ground rises to effectively place the road in a valley;

    4 VL (all running from SE to NW along road at regular intervals)

    Visibility = approx 440 m

    Starting Point: Extreme northeast corner of the map

    Starting Forces: Polish Airborne

    Company HQ (Vet)

    2 x Vickers MG (1 Reg/1 Vet)

    3” Mortar FO (Reg)

    3 x 2” Mortar (2 Reg/1 Vet)

    “B” Platoon

    HQ (Reg)

    3 x Inf Squad (2 Reg/1 Vet)

    “C” Platoon

    HQ (Vet)

    3 x Inf Squad (1 Reg/2 Vet)

    “D” Platoon

    HQ (Reg)

    3 x Inf Squad (1 Grn/1 Reg/1 Vet)

    Possible Reinforcements: Polish Airborne Company

    Platoon of Sherman V tanks

    My first thought when looking at the map was “Oh my God, the map is wide open.” As I tried to formulate a basic plan, I was presented with only two initial options:

    1) I could try to secure the entry location for my tanks and then proceed to fight my way along the road;

    2) Or, I could use my initial para company to ambush whatever German armour assets may arrive;

    Not being very familiar with the Gammon bomb usage in the game, and not having any Piats to provide infantry anti-armour support, I ran a quick test with a few platoons of airborne infantry starting in the middle of a troop of Panzer IV tanks. Needless to say, I was not impressed with the results (the Gammon bombs appeared to be useless, and apart from one squad KO’ing a tank with what was apparently a regular hand grenade, the test was a flop). I was all the more disappointed after the great experience I’d had with panzerfausts in the previous tournament game.

    This meant I would not be attempting to ambush my opponent’s armour with my infantry squads. At this point, I basically decided that my best bet would be to use my infantry as a screen for my incoming armour assets. If my opponent decides to attempt to move on my armour staging area without waiting for his likely armour support, then I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to chew them up with my combined airborne infantry and armour. If I am only to receive Sherman V tanks, I plan on using my armour for significant anti-infantry duty, as I am not at all confident of success in a wide-open gunfight with no real room for manoeuvre.

    With all this in mind, I decide to send my best platoon and a MG team towards the centre of the map, close to the 3rd VL (hopefully to gain some good intelligence on my enemy’s movements when his armour appears and maybe later use as support for any assault I plan along the roadway). I send my middle platoon and a MG team towards the lower middle of the map, close to the 2nd VL and my junior platoon along the lower edge, towards the point where my armour should appear. All mortars are grouped with the Company HQ and sent towards a point roughly midway between the first and second platoons to provide the greatest possible area of coverage for supporting fire.

    My final thought before beginning is that this battle is going to be decided by body count, rather than VL (but we shall see).

    Turn 1: I place my initial orders: Company HQ is sent to a wooded depression near the mid-point between 2nd & 3rd VL to act as spotter for my combined artillery assets, which are spread out through the orchards behind this location; “C” Platoon is deployed to observation outpost positions near the 3rd VL (hopefully they will remain hidden from my opponent); “B” Platoon is deployed to positions overlooking the 2nd VL; and “D” Platoon is deployed near the 1st VL with a view to forcing a road crossing near the southern portion of the map.

    Nothing of note occurs during the turn.

    Turn 2: Still executing the initial orders.

    I observe several German units moving into position this turn. There is a cluster of units across from the 2nd VL and a few others between the 3rd & 4th VL; I wouldn’t be surprised if my opponent’s strategy is very similar to my own. I am also going to have to assume that he spotted at least a portion of my units on the move as I was still moving when his units came into view. On the plus side, all of my infantry platoons have arrived at their pre-assigned positions and my Company HQ and the 3”mortar team are in position.

    Turn 3: Reinforcements arrive as expected and are as follows:

    Company HQ (Reg)

    2 x Vickers MG (1 Reg/1 Vet)

    3” Mortar FO (Vet)

    3 x 2” Mortar (1Grn/1 Reg/1 Vet)

    “E” Platoon

    HQ (Vet)

    3 x Inf Squad (2 Reg/1 Vet)

    “F” Platoon

    HQ (Grn)

    3 x Inf Squad (1 Reg/2 Vet)

    “G” Platoon

    HQ (Vet)

    3 x Inf Squad (1 Grn/1 Reg/1 Vet)

    I have my original Company HQ and its attached 3” Mortar in position so I decide to give the Germans near the 2nd VL a welcoming party (it should arrive the next turn). Some of the original support weapons are still moving forward this turn. I am going to send most of the reinforcements along the lower map edge to assist “D” Platoon in crossing the road. “F” Platoon is going to be my Reserve, centrally located, and I’ve attached a Vickers MG team. “E” & “G” Platoons, are sent along the lower map edge to (hopefully) reinforce the road crossing by “D” Platoon; the Company HQ and the 2” mortars are sent to support the assault (I’m hoping to catch my opponent with a split force). The 3” Mortar FO is sent to join the first Company HQ. The last Vickers MG team is sent to join the “B” Platoon positions near the 2nd VL. My left flank will be precarious if the Germans mirror my strategy completely but if only a token German force crosses the road, then I’ll be able to stop it with my nearby Reserve.

    Well, the Germans are already crossing the roadway at a point halfway between the 1st and 2nd VL’s. At the same time, “D” Platoon is crossing the road below the 1st VL. A few ineffectual rounds are traded and everyone keeps running.

    Turn 4: I reroute “G” Platoon to catch the attacking German platoon if they gain a foothold and I also set up “B” Platoon to ambush the German assault as it crests the ridge (hopefully that’s the platoon HQ that’s out front). I also set some of my 2” mortars to bombard a few German units spotted on the opposite side of the road. I also decide to try to suppress two of the attacking German units with “D” Platoon by creating a pause in their sprint across the road; if I can cause the German units to arrive piecemeal into my positions, then they should easily be chewed up. It looks like we are both fairly aggressive commanders J.

    Not much to report…I dropped a few 2” shells without much apparent effect. Both of our advance assault forces turned on each other in the middle of the road (no casualties yet as far as I can tell, but I have figured out which unit is the HQ). I have also spotted what I would guess are two HMG teams approaching positions in the centre of the map. If my tanks arrive soon, then the German troops on the road are in trouble.

    Turn 5: The only question this turn is whether or not I should expose “B” Platoon and use them to attack the German assault units. Both the German and Polish troops on the roadway have halted and targeted each other (I am gambling on which unit is the HQ and concentrating firepower on it). There is at least one more German platoon racing to the area near the 1st VL. By the end of the turn I should have the equivalent of a company near the 1st VL. I waffle around a bit on giving the order, but eventually decide to be daring and attempt to destroy this German platoon early using elements of “B” Platoon to surprise him. Moving “B” Platoon is not without risks, as now my Company HQ and supporting mortars are on their own, but I just cannot pass on the fleeting opportunity to (hopefully) take an entire German platoon out of the fight early. I also take the opportunity to adjust the movement order for “G” Platoon; I want them closer to “B” Platoon’s positions.

    Damn. The Germans decided to race up my side instead of exchanging shots on the roadway; they ran right past elements of “B” Platoon racing to engage them and unfortunately, right into the positions I had ordered “G” Platoon to deploy at. I suffered a few casualties this turn but I also positively ID’d the German troop type (SS Rifle 44).

    Turn 6: Reinforcements…3 Sherman V tanks. (I really wish my opponent had stayed on the road for another turn J). I am going to hurry “D” Platoon across the road and send a Sherman with them for support. The breach has to be controlled this turn…“B” & “G” Platoons can hopefully inflict more losses than they take themselves.

    Well, something went partially right this turn. The German platoon that forced a crossing of the road is being dismantled; I know for certain that a Vet squad was eliminated and more than half of a Grn squad has disappeared. I received a few casualties spread among various units and lost “G” Platoon HQ (it was down to 1 man after last turn) but I have the alternate Company HQ nearby to take command, plus an unblooded “E” Platoon. “D” Platoon managed to get across the road and safely beneath the line-of-sight of the German defenders. My armour was split with 2 tanks sent towards “safe” firing positions on my side of the road and a single tank in direct support of “D” Platoon. My artillery also began dropping rounds about halfway through this turn, right into his positions near the centre of the map (maybe I’ll get some lucky strikes, eh).

    I can now estimate that my opponent sent approximately a company’s worth of troops to the 1st VL area of the map (including the Platoon engaged on my side). Two German HMG units have surfaced near the centre of the map and another German platoon is crossing the road near the 4th VL this turn (I am still unsure of approximately 2 platoons worth of German troops that are around somewhere and I’m going to assume that the unit markers near the HMG units are possibly a platoon and maybe his artillery spotters).

    Turn 7: I readjust “C” Platoon in order to meet any threat posed by the German platoon crossing near the 4th VL; my reserve force, “F” Platoon is also nearby. I am able to target both of the German HMG in the middle with 2” mortars. The remainder of my orders this turn revolve around destroying the German platoon that breached my lines. I also have 2 of my tanks in position to begin shelling the German infantry near the 1st VL.

    Well, this was a pretty good turn for me…I have all but eliminated the German Platoon (there are 3 men left and they are trying to run away…I don’t think they’ll last another turn). I think the German side lost 11 men this turn and I only had 1 casualty. My tanks are almost in position and my alternate Company HQ has brought the squads of “G” Platoon under Command & Control.

    Turn 8: I am readjusting some of my troop dispositions this turn. “F” Platoon is sent farther up the map to prepare for action against the German platoon that crossed near the 4th VL. “G” Platoon needs a turn of rest and “B” Platoon needs to be regrouped. My tanks have found protected spots from which to commence shelling the German positions at the 1st & 2nd VL.

    I got my first taste of German artillery this turn and took 2 casualties; it’s concentrated around my troops that fought off the German breach. I think my tanks did some damage to the Germans this turn and I know that I knocked out a German mortar (my philosophy on artillery fire leans more towards suppression of his artillery first and targets of opportunity later). I also made sound contact with at least 2 German tanks this turn; they seemed to be racing down the road towards me. I’ll have to take that into account and likely launch my “D” Platoon assault earlier than I had planned.

    Turn 9: Due to the start of the German shelling, I am again redeploying to provide less of a concentrated target. To this end, I order “E” Platoon towards their original objective of support for “D” Platoon, “G” Platoon is dispersed and “B” Platoon is concentrated behicd a ridge. Two of my tanks are continuing their bombardment of the German lines and the other is to position itself to prepare for an assault, or ward off an attack by the rapidly advancing German armour.

    A lot going on this turn…I am pretty confident that the Germans have 3 Panzer IV tanks rumbling down the road. I also spotted the German platoon that I hadn’t seen yet. I think my artillery has done some good but so has my opponent’s. I had two mortars knocked out this turn, from treebursts I think, but no other casualties from the artillery. “D” Platoon is feeling slightly exposed on the ridge beside the road, as the panzers are making good time in my direction. Whoever can deal with his opponent’s armour will win this game and I am sure that means luck will be the deciding factor because there isn’t much room to manoeuvre (I have done what I can to limit the exposure of my armour to the German panzers…I am not looking forward to a head-on encounter).

    Turn 10: Not much to change this turn...just worried about that German armour. I don’t think there’s anything more that I could do to seek an advantage over my opponent’s tanks but I just can’t shake an uneasy feeling that everything else I do during this battle rides on a few lucky shots in the next couple of turns.

    Well, I had a feeling that this turn was going to hurt. Two squads from “D” Platoon stepped off the lower edge of the map (and they weren’t routed or panicked, just shaken) after coming in range of the German tanks. I received 2 casualties from the artillery but the big disaster was the loss of the 2 squads…so much for assaulting the German side of the road.

    Turn 11: I have been observing the progress of the other German platoon that crossed the road and they are now coming into range of “F” Platoon (the reserve) and “C” Platoon; my guess is that my opponent was trying to sneak behind me to surprise me, now hopefully, I can eliminate a second German platoon because it is without any effective support. I am also dispersing my squads some more to offset the German artillery.

    Now I’ve come to the decision that I have been avoiding…how to counter the German armour. I presently have 1 tank on the far side of the road and two on the near side…all of my armour is somewhat concealed by the terrain and I have a crossfire situation if my opponent decides to move further towards the 1st VL. Unfortunately, if I don’t come up with a solution for dealing with the German armour, he can just sit there on the 2nd VL and wait for the end of the game, effectively “bottling me up” below the 1st VL. It’s a stalemate that favours the German side, so I need a solution. Well, the bottom-line with this scenario is that there are 4 VL’s sitting along an open road and my opponent and I can trade infantry casualties all game and this likely won’t be the decisive factor (at least it doesn’t appear so now). The player with his armour intact can sit a tank on each VL with impunity, as long as there is some infantry for close support. I have a possible opportunity to race one of my tanks along the ridge to attempt to get in behind the German armour and maybe get a flank or rear shot. I am going to risk a race through the damp ground and trees to get this opportunity.

    Well, my tank is on the move, along with a lot of my platoons. “G” Platoon has extricated itself from the shelling and is on the move towards the skirmish on my left flank. The German platoon that had crossed to my side has come across “F” Platoon and a couple of Vickers MGs. I have lost sight of the panzers for now but I’ll try to fix that next turn.

    Turn 12: This turn I am going to concentrate on the German platoon on my left…before it is reinforced by another German platoon, which is presently crossing the road. “F” Platoon has more firepower than the Germans and can hopefully pin them down; meanwhile, “C” Platoon is going to race towards an isolated German squad, which is engaged by two of my MGs. If this works out correctly, then I will hurt the German plan and be in good position to engage the platoon that is crossing the road this turn. My Sherman is continuing its race through the woods this turn.

    Damn. “C” Platoon took way too many casualties this turn. The turn started badly as one burst of fire hurt three members of a squad form “F” Platoon within the first 10 seconds. Then “C” Platoon got shot up trying to attack the lone German squad. My tank is still chugging along but this was a bad turn overall. I can’t believe that 2 MGs couldn’t keep one squad suppressed.

    Turn 13: Well, last turn wasn’t a complete disaster, but it hurt. “G” Platoon is ordered to support “C” Platoon for the expected assault by the next German platoon that was crossing the road. For it’s part, “C” Platoon had better start doing its job or else there won’t be any “C” Platoon left in a minute or so; I need to make short work of this German squad to prepare for the fresh German squad that crossed the road.

    $#!^!!!!! I lost the whole bloody platoon. “C” Platoon was obviously overrated by HQ. That really hurt, as I would’ve expected them to cause more damage than they did. Okay, I’ll have to use my approaching Sherman to do some damage then.

    Turn 14: Not much to say this turn...I’m still in shock. If I lose the game, then I would pick this as the turning point (not that I’ve given up yet but this will definitely make things much more difficult).

    The performance of my troops is becoming suspect. I probably exchanged casualties with my opponent this turn but that isn’t good enough. On the plus side, I’ve forced my opponent to move his armour. Maybe now I should concentrate on destroying the German armour and then taking the flags.

    Turn 15: Now I’m going to have to be very daring with my attempted flanking manoeuvre on the German armour. One of the German tanks has retreated to the 3rd VL in an attempt to prevent a cross-fire, so I’ve rerouted and will attempt to coordinate a 3 on two engagement at the 2nd VL (2 from below and 1 from the side). Now I just need to be able to spot him.

    Ahh, I see why he has scattered his German Platoon that made the deepest penetration…he has unspotted artillery dropping rounds on my “F” Platoon. Not worried about unspotted rounds just yet….”G” Platoon has it’s hands full with that 2nd German platoon closer to the road (I’m just not having any luck over here). I did accomplish the one thing that I most wanted this turn though and that was spotting the orientation of the guns on the German armour near the 2nd VL. They are both pointing down the road, shelling the half-squad that I’ve sacrificed for this purpose. Perhaps I can generate some luck here.

    Turn 16: This turn and the next are going to decide the winner…the armour battle begins. I need “F” & “G” Platoons to hold out for at least 1 more turn, then we’ll see how it goes. My hard-driving Sherman is going to crest the ridge to the right of the 2 Panzer IV’s at the 2nd VL. Now is the time to pray.

    I am happy with the results (good tactics + lots of luck)…my Sherman crested the ridge and took out the closest Panzer IV. The other one got a shot off but it landed short and I should get another side shot at it next turn. I lost the half squad that I sent on the scouting mission last turn when he routed and raced off of the map edge but it was worth it for the intelligence value, which allowed me to try this manoeuvre. “G” Platoon has been chewed up royally and I’m prying that I can salvage a portion of the troops. “F” Platoon has eliminated one of the German squads and hurt the HQ unit without taking any casualties this turn. I have also now spotted the other German tank (still ID’d as a Tiger?), which has climbed the ridge on my side and is moving towards my troops.

    Turn 17: I need to preserve “F” Platoon, which means repositioning slightly. “G” Platoon is basically on it’s own. This leaves me with the primary objective this turn of eliminating the 2nd Panzer IV at the 2nd VL. The German tank is unbuttoned and I target it with several squads to try and make him button up. I will get ONE shot at this tank with my Sherman before I’m brewed up because the turret is already trained on me (the German tank already got off one shot but missed). I am also going to move my other Shermans out of hiding near the 1st VL to take some shots, since the turret is at a right angle to them. The only thing that matters this turn is eliminating that tank.

    Well, I did get the first shot off…but it was a ricochet, from 85m distance! Then, the panzer got off two shots before I got to try for a second! Unbelievable, but the panzer was short on the first shot again, then I was brewed up by the second shot (inevitable…the panzer couldn’t miss every shot). Fortunately, the panzer had turned to face my Sherman and I was eventually able to KO the panzer from down the road (although he was able to come about enough to take a few shots at a 2nd Sherman (all short thankfully). I’ve created good armour odds for myself but my poor bloody infantry is still taking a beating though.

    Turn 18: Lots of action this turn…I need to hunt down that final panzer quickly. I wonder if my opponent suspects that I don’t have any infantry left in the middle to protect my artillery (they were all chewed up during my disasters on the left flank). I’m moving my armour up the road a ways in order to secure the 2nd VL…there isn’t much chance of taking the third until that panzer is gone. Also, I’m hoping for my artillery to drop on his troops near the 1st VL this turn…I could use the help.

    Okay, the final panzer is moving in to mop up the remnants of my “C” Platoon. I didn’t take too many casualties this last turn (I actually think I inflicted more on the Germans for once). I did have one of my Sherman get shocked. And my artillery is beginning to fall on the Germans near the 1st VL.

    Turn 19: The die has long been cast for this battle…it only remains to play out the final slaughter. On my left flank, the remnants of “G” Platoon are trying to avoid annihilation at the hands of the combined armour/infantry assault. Although, by sending his armour to that location, I am able to speed a Sherman along the lower ridge towards the 3rd VL…I may still get a shot at that tank. My second Sherman is going to take up a position somewhere between the 1st & 2nd VL’s to support my final moves. I also have artillery falling on the 2 German platoons near the 1st VL this turn.

    Okay, I’m holding my own for now on the left flank…until that tank rolls over me that is. I lost a Vickers MG this turn but that was expected. Hopefully, my artillery is causing some casualties.

    Turn 20: I am now racing a Sherman in behind the panzer, which has turned to advance on “F” Platoon. If I don’t move that platoon now, then I’m going to be routed be the panzer, so I’m going to assault the squad closest to the edge.

    Okay, I’m going to give up on attacking…this is the 3rd assault that I have made this battle, and this is the third platoon that has been decimated…I’ve decided that my troops are much better on the defensive. There’s also another German platoon crossing the road at the 3rd VL…they are within spitting distance of my lead Sherman.

    Turn 21: Well, I am still not sure who is going to win this battle. I’ve been keeping track and I’m not sure how he’s going to take the VL’s. One German squad was lost early, a second is chewed to pieces on my left flank, a third is ripping me apart on my left flank, and a fourth platoon is in the midst of crossing the road at the 3rd VL (near my Sherman)…this leaves approximately 2 platoons, which is what I estimate is still near the 1st VL. With this bloodbath coming to a close, I figure that I need to secure 2 portions of the road and contest a third to hope to pull out a narrow victory. With some luck, I can hurt the platoon at the 3rd VL with my tank, and “B” Platoon is on the move to that location as well. My second Sherman is closing on the 2nd VL and “E” Platoon is going to move across the road to the far embankment to secure the 1st VL, assisted by the remnants of “D” Platoon (I don’t think my opponent is aware that I lost to squads to the map edge, since we’ve been playing a waiting game near this location for most of the game). I am also ordering “F” Platoon to retreat forwards…with some luck, this will put them near the 4th VL so that I can contest it (I doubt there are many enemy troops near there anyway).

    Now this is a bit annoying…I just found out that my opponent has squad AT capabilities (I didn’t even receive the piat teams that are usually integral to a platoon L). I lost my lead Sherman to a faust…actually, this is the most upsetting part of the battle so far…I know very well how deadly those things can be and the Gammon bombs of the parachute squads definitely do not measure up to the effectiveness of a faust. Enough ranting. Since I lost the Sherman, the platoon I sent for support got chewed up (what else is new)…I may still be able to contest the 3rd VL but it’s going to be very tough. Not only did I lose the lead Sherman, my final Sherman bogged and is now immobile. I have definitely not had much good luck in recent turns. I was able to get “F” Platoon off and running but I’m not sure if they’ll make it in time.

    Turn 22: This is it…I have to make a grab for each of the VL’s because the last few turns have really hurt me for points. If I can contest some VL’s, maybe I can squeak by but I’m not going to hold my breath.

    Well, I think the final result is going to be 1st VL to me, 3rd VL to my opponent, 2nd VL unknown and 4th VL contested.

    AAR: Draw

    Axis Score: 47 Allied Score: 39

    Men OK: 141 Men OK: 96

    Casualties: 124 (40 KIA) Casualties: 174 (57 KIA)

    3 Mortars destroyed 2 Mortars destroyed

    2 Vehicles KO’d 2 Vehicles KO’d

    1 Captured

    Final Thoughts: I knew going in that this map was going to be very difficult. I think I started with the proper idea but got caught up “putting out the fires” as opposed to carrying the initiative throughout.

    Both my opponent and myself began with very aggressive moves and I took the wrong lessons from the first engagement. Basically, a German platoon breached my lines and was annihilated by 2 of my platoons (1 which was already in position and another which moved into position during the battle). I placed too much faith in the firepower of my squads (fairly decent b/c they were airborne troops) and decided that attacking an enemy already in place was asking to be annihilated.

    Unfortunately, this conclusion led me to continue positioning, while my opponent carried the initiative by sending more troops to attack my side of the road. This was also where bad luck and poor timing hurt me. I had figured that 2 platoons could handle the 1 German platoon on my side and had sent an entire platoon (plus fire from an MG) to engage a single squad while the rest of the German platoon was some distance away and engaged by the 2nd platoon. Much to my surprise, my entire platoon was eliminated within 2 turns…I received heavy casualties making the short run to engage the enemy squad and was then taken apart by enemy fire. This was one of the big turning points in the game. I then sent a 3rd platoon to assist because of another German platoon crossing the road and my timing hurt me, causing casualties before effectively engaging. By this point, my left flank was wide open and my options became very limited.

    Now with the armour, I feel that I was much more tactically sound than my opponent and this paid off for me (again, bad luck did not allow me a complete victory here, but my opponent could probably attest to the fact that I “caught him with his pants down” as it were). I knew going in that I would likely be facing Panzer IV’s (another of the assumptions I’ve made due to this being a tournament game…I could never have made this assumption anywhere else but the conclusions would likely have been same) and that a frontal engagement would likely leave me with 3 burning Shermans. My opponent advanced all 3 of his tanks up to the 2nd VL with impunity (and rightly so, because I couldn’t do a thing about it at that time) and did some initial damage to one of my platoons (which, in another stroke of bad luck, caused 2 squads to exit the map). I kept my armour behind the ridges and sent one tank on an end-run to attempt a flank/rear shot of the German tanks. When my opponent figured out what I was doing, he sent a panzer back up the road to prevent this (I think) but left 2 sitting ducks. I was able to crest the ridge and effectively surprise the two panzers, gaining a first-shot kill on the closest one and bagging the second from down the road when it turned to face the closer threat (really bad luck here, when my 1st shot at the second panzer ricocheted off the side armour…I got brewed up 10 seconds later). My opponent was able to use his final panzer to do what I had been originally hoping to do myself…that is, to provide mobile close support for the infantry (and he did that well).

    In the final turns, I lost a Sherman to a German squad’s panzerfaust, which came as a great shock. IMHO, those squad weapons are so unbalanced in this type of game…as I had no PIATs, and the Allied squads have no real squad AT weapon…I ran some tests with a company of airborne troops starting in the midst of a number of enemy tanks and the Gammon bomb seems to be really ineffective (interestingly, I did knock out one tank with a grenade though). I know from playing experience how effective the panzerfaust can be. I had made the assumption that my opponent would not have any better AT capability than I would…that was a mistake on my part.

    The end rush for the flags resulted in 3 flags being disputed and my opponent holding one uncontested (where my Sherman was toasted by the infantry squad). I was slightly surprised that I hadn’t been given one of the flags because I had a platoon and a half of infantry preventing the end-rush German platoon from getting too close but I guess the computer didn’t think so. In the final tally, the discrepancy in casualties came from the disasters on my left flank and the difference in the victory points was probably the one clean flag that my opponent secured at the end.

    I’d like to thank Dinga for a good game. At one point he said to me that he was really enjoying the game because I made him really have to think; I said that that was a high compliment, to be able to really challenge your opponent. Now, I have this to say to the other finalists, “You had better be careful because Dinga will really make you think.”

    Thanks for a fun tournament Ted and good luck to all the finalists.


  5. Well, here's the first of the AAR from the final rounds. I was matched up against R.C. in "X Marks the Spot". I wrote the AAR turn-by-turn, so it contains my thoughts as each turn played out.

    AAR: X Marks the Spot

    Briefing Info: May 1945, clear weather, very dry conditions

    Daytime Meeting Engagement; 30 turns

    Map: Medium-sized, various pockets of scattered trees, mostly flat

    Town in the centre of the map; 4 VL (N, S, E & W parts of the town)

    Starting Point: Extreme northeast corner of the map

    Starting Forces: all SS 1944 troops

    Company HQ (Reg)

    2 x HMG teams (1 Reg/1 Grn)

    81mm Mortar (Grn)

    Panzerschreck (Reg)

    “B” Platoon

    HQ (Grn)

    2 x Inf Squad (1 Grn/1 Reg)

    “C” Platoon

    HQ (Reg)

    2x Inf Squad (1 Reg/1 Grn)

    “D” Platoon

    HQ (Grn)

    3 x Inf Squad (2 Grn/1 Reg)

    My basic plan, at least to start, is to capture/secure the VL to the east of the town and send the rest of my forces to secure the buildings in the NE part of the town. I’m assuming that I can take the VL to the north of the town with any reinforcements as they advance and then figure out a way to wrest at least the southern VL from my opponent later.

    Turn 1: I start by sending one of my depleted SS Rifle platoons (with a HMG team and a Panzerschreck team under command) to the eastern edge of town where I’m anticipating being able to secure the eastern VL. There is a large heavy building in the centre-NE part of town and I’ve decided to move the Company HQ and a HMG team to this location (it may be a bit of an obvious choice but the heavy building can take a bit of punishment and I can get a higher view of the battlefield). At first I was thinking about leaving my 81mm Mortar team with the Company HQ, but I found a better spot for it with decent LOS (and hopefully it will stay safer…. I’ve had some bad experiences with on-map arty being too close to the fighting). I have one full-strength SS Rifle platoon, which I decide to allocate to the centre of my front. From here I can react more strongly to any surprises from my opponent. This leaves me with one depleted SS Rifle platoon, which I send to the more northern part of the town. I’ve located a small rise in the centre field and I figure that I might be able to get a platoon hidden on the small reverse slope. I’m estimating that it is going to take at least the first 5 turns for most of my forces to be in position and even then, my heavier weapons are going to lag behind (half of the first turn is going to be command delays) but my opponent is likely going to have the same problems and by then I expect that we’ll see some reinforcements.

    Turn 2: No new orders this turn. My men are already tiring but I think they can suffer for a bit (they can rest later).

    Turn 3: Reinforcements arrive. I receive a duplicate of my starting forces (a depleted SS Rifle 44 Company (hey, isn’t it supposed to be May ’45 ;) ), except instead of two depleted platoons and one regular strength, I have two platoons at regular strength and one depleted; they arrive at the extreme NW corner of the map. I set about ordering one regular strength platoon (with attached HMG & Panzerschreck teams) to the NW side of the town, towards a cluster of buildings at about the midway point between the North and West VLs. I decide to move my second Company HQ to a heavy building near the North VL and place the 81mm Mortar team in a nearby grove of trees with sight to the East VL. With reinforcements arriving so soon, I can modify my original plan a bit and replace the depleted platoon from my initial forces, which was ordered to the area near the North VL, with a depleted platoon (plus attached HMG team) from the reinforcements; the released platoon is redirected to strengthen the first Company HQ position and its replacement will become my Reserve.

    I’m left with a single platoon and I have two thoughts on its use: either to strengthen my units in the town, or I could try to infiltrate along the western edge of the map. I would like to go the daring route and try to catch my opponent in the flank, but the conditions are clear and the ground is relatively open. The success of an infiltration will largely depend upon whether my opponent observes what I’m doing or not, and I can’t be guaranteed of staying hidden from view. Ultimately, I decide to move them towards the western edge of the town, but a little slower than my leading troops, hopefully buying some time to recce my opponent’s movements before I’m forced to commit to a final decision.

    Turn 4: I still cannot see any of my opponent’s forces on the map. My forces have taken control of the Northern VL. The forced marching is killing my men, but they can rest when they’re dead ( :D ).

    Turn 5: Okay, now it’s time to be a bit more careful with my men. I slow down the reinforcements approaching from the northwest so that they are not exhausted when they arrive. One of my original platoons has breached the town perimeter and is deployed near the Company HQ (they have decent LOS and will have a turn or two to rest now). My other original platoons will be in position by the end of this turn (sans support weapons...they are frustratingly slow to move). I have also spotted my first British unit this turn; it appears that my opponent is either making a wide sweep around my left flank or he just didn’t drive them as hard for the eastern edge of town. I am now going to assume that he has spotted at least some of my own units.

    Turn 6: The British units have begun firing on my central platoon in the town but this is ineffective as the distance is still around 300m. I have also received 2 Tiger I’s (1 Grn & 1 Reg). I leave the original company alone for this turn to recuperate from the run and speed the Tigers to the northern edge of town (meanwhile, I’m wondering what my opponent received if I got 2 Tigers...I’d probably be less worried about this if I had received Panzer IV’s instead but I figure he must have a veteran Firefly or something to offset my Tigers).

    Turn 7: My men are resting in cover and the enemy seems to be willing to expend their ammo at long distances, so I’m feeling that I’m in a pretty good position. I have spotted a large body of British troops to the southeast of the town. It seems that a portion of them have headed for the South VL and some others have attempted to close on the East VL through some scattered trees. I’m feeling like I’ve spread the squads of the platoon on my left flank a bit too far apart but at this point I’m not moving them until they’re rested up or they get forced out. If my opponent presses an attack on my left in any strength, then this platoon will be annihilated or routed but if he just probes a bit then I think it’ll hold until I can get a Tiger into position for support.

    Turn 8: By now, most of my original company has at least partially recuperated from their run but their support weapons will still be another turn or two before arriving. My Tigers are moving up to support my left flank. Some British troops have moved through the South VL, and it appears that another British platoon is trying to turn my left flank, while it looks as if the British support weapons and possibly the third platoon are also going to move towards the South VL. I have good sight of most of the original British company but the distances are still to great to open fire and expect any significant results.

    Turn 9: Well, my men decided to open up on the British troops along the left flank (not too bright as the distances are still considerable). The British did fire into one of the advancing support groups but this had minor effect. I now have a good idea where his mortar is and possibly an AT weapon. I also have a pretty good idea of where his platoons are deployed in the southeast. I have received 2 additional Tiger tanks as reinforcements this turn ( :eek: ) and promptly ordered them towards the northwest portion of the town. My first section of Tigers is now in the northeastern part of the town and I order them to hunt forward (hopefully they will do some damage to my opponent and force him to show his armour assets). I also move the reserve platoon from the first company deeper into the town to take advantage of some of the stronger buildings as cover. I am slightly worried about my 81mm mortar team, which is being targeted by a British mortar, but I leave his orders as they were and target the British mortar too (the mortar was so slow moving up that it was caught in the open).

    Turn 10: My tanks have opened up on some of the British units; I still cannot see any of his tanks. I’m going to assume that for at least a few turns he’ll be wondering if these are truly Tiger tanks or just a misidentification. I can see about a platoon of British troops (4 units) beginning to move through the southernmost buildings in town and have engaged some of them; they appear to be heading for the Church. I plan on using a tank to soften this platoon up a bit this turn. There is also what appears to be a depleted British platoon in the houses to the southeast, with an AT unit also approaching this location; I plan to remedy this fairly quickly with my other tank, then back off to stay away from any lucky AT shots. I decide to halt my original 81mm mortar team where he is and return fire before I lose him for nothing; I figure that since my opponent is already expending shells with one mortar, I’ll target the second one I think I can see (with the added bonus of a nearby MG?). There appears to be a complete British platoon forming on my left flank (with an attached MG team still lagging behind…nice to see that it’s not just my support weapons that are painfully slow to advance). I think I can hold there with the platoon that’s already in position…as long as I can see him I’m not worried. The British reinforcements seem to have stopped for tea before marching on the town and I estimate another turn or 2 before I need to worry about them. Meanwhile, my reinforcement company in almost entirely in position (sans support weapons again L), resting and observing. I still wish I knew where his armour was heading though.

    Turn 11: Well, this was probably the last turn of skirmishing…the battle is just going to get more intense now. My tanks fired a few shots at the British infantry in the southern houses and it appears that I have eliminated an AT team (some good luck). It also appears that I have knocked out a British mortar (what I had originally thought was the MG? team), although my 81mm mortar is now panicked and I will have to wait to see if he will be of any more use (but a mortar for a mortar is better than nothing if it comes to that, and he’s expended most of the other mortar’s ammo on my 81mm team as well). The British have also found my left flank platoon HQ and are concentrating on it, so I’m going to readjust one tank’s targeting for some direct fire support. I also made sound contact with British armour this turn (no sightings yet), and it appears to be moving off-road behind a small depression to the south of town. I do some rearranging of my troop dispositions on the west side of town, as by now all of my platoons are in their originally ordered positions. The thought briefly flashes through my head that perhaps I should assault his squad inside the Church but I think waiting another turn or two might be wiser, especially since I’m more concerned about locating his deployment of armour.

    Turn 12: Okay, now I know he has Churchill VIII’s (95mm gun, low velocity). Two are approaching through the southern part of town and another is heading along the road to the southeast of town. We’ve traded some casualties but I still think I’m in good position, and with a little luck in my tank hunting, who knows? My left flank seems to be giving a good account of themselves and I’m pretty sure the lead British squad is taking casualties. I’m repositioning my Tigers for flank shots at the Churchills and I’m going to try to distract one of the British tanks with some long-distance AT shots from my Panzerschreck team hidden in the woods. But my big decision this turn is to attempt an assault on the British squad in the Church with approximately a platoon’s worth of troops (unfortunately the most convenient units to use for this purpose are green…I guess I’d better keep my fingers crossed, eh). Now is the only feasible time to attempt this manoeuvre, as his reinforcement company is now within about a minute’s march of seriously joining the battle.

    Turn 13: Well, I managed to immobilize one of the Churchill tanks to the south but my eastern flank took a beating from his other Churchills. I lost most of a squad in a building explosion and will have to make some more alterations to my plans. Also, the assault on the Church has started but there was a second British unit in the building as well (perhaps the platoon HQ?); I’ll have to find a way to support this attack. (Arrrgh!!! :eek: …I’ve just noticed that my Tiger tanks have no AP capability, only HE…that’s just cruel Ted). I’m committed to continuing my assaults now and will have to just hope for the best.

    Turn 14: Holy $#!^! :eek: Okay, I want to trade my 4 Tigers armed with their 88mm gun (but no AP rounds) for my opponent’s 5 Churchills with 95mm guns (and no AP rounds). Tigers without AP are de-clawed kitties. I figured I was getting a good side shot on the Churchill that was creating havoc in my left flank, only to be immobilized when 3 Churchills showed up to the southeast of town. I had assumed we’d have equal numbers of tanks (a thought which was reinforced by the lack of AP in my Tigers) and that the trick would be to see who figured this out quickly and would use their armour properly as infantry support tanks. Now I’m feeling like I might have been a bit overaggressive in my planning. Presently, I have the equivalent of a stationary (but well-armoured) 88mm gun, although I have been immobilized in a fairly dominating position, the east-west road through town where I can dominate the left flank (and therefore the East VL). Now I give my left flank Panzerschreck team orders to retreat and make for rear cover so that I might be able to use him in the town if the Churchills decide to close on the town (I’ve realized that these are now my best-available AT capability and kick myself for wasting some precious AT rounds as a diversion). Also, I’m still trying to get that 81mm mortar to lob some shells but I think he’s shellshocked. I’m also ready to shoot the HMG team (Grn) that made it to the Company HQ location and promptly jammed their weapon…they haven’t even fired a shot yet. Now, on to that other debacle which I instigated…“the Church”. I hope that I’m at least causing my opponent some concern because I surely am not having much luck. I sent an entire platoon (almost) into the Church and now only have two squads left (the other isn’t annihilated, just routed and running for the rear…he may still prove useful). One British squad is pinned inside the Church, so I’m going to try to knock that one out first and hope for the best. On my right flank, I can see hordes of British troops approaching the town from the southwest. I’ve decided to try doing some damage to the moving troops with my Tigers on that flank…to Hell with worrying about his tanks (they’re mostly hidden by smoke at this point anyway). I still have a platoon in reserve and with only half of the game completed, I don’t want to commit it to battle too quickly. Okay, now to hold my breath and wait.

    Turn 15: Well, I didn’t come off too badly this last turn. I think my troops in the Church routed a British squad, although another ran in to take its place. The Churchills are really devastating to my troops in the buildings though. I finally have that 81mm mortar on my left flank firing. This turn is just going to be chaos again…my primary concern is finding ways to avoid the incoming 95mm HE shells. I also notice that my opponent is using Crew? units in the front line of battle (I’m guessing knocked out mortars, since his Churchills are still intact)…this may prove expensive for him if he loses those crews.

    Turn 16: At this point, I think this battle is going to be decided by a few lucky shots. If neither of us can eliminate the other’s armour, then it’s going to be a two-sided massacre. My left flank is crumbling under fire from 2 Churchills (I could have held on here indefinitely if I were able to take care of the British armour). I don’t have many choices here, the left flank troops will have to die where they stand and hope to take a toll of British troops with them (the Platoon HQ was lost last turn and the movement delays would be ridiculous). I’m going to use my left flank tanks to reduce a light building strongpoint this turn and hopefully catch a large number of British troops in the collapse; the right flank tanks will continue with anti-personnel duties. I can observe a large concentration of British troops in an orchard to the southwest of town and, fortuitously, I have an 81mm mortar team in good position to cause some chaos (hopefully). Also, my HMG teams are in place to try and chew up those troops who choose to run for it. I must be doing some damage to my opponent b/c I can see some British squads making for the rear. Finally, the battle at the "Church of the Shedding Blood"…my two squads (both Grn) are still hanging in there. One British squad fled last turn, and a new squad took its place. I’m battling a Platoon HQ?, a reduced squad (Vet) and a damaged squad (Grn) (hey, hold on a minute…where did the British get Veteran squads from?…the German troops are all Regular & Green). I’m going to concentrate on routing the Green Squad this turn in order to even things up a bit. I can only continue the attack here for another turn or so b/c of ammo depletion, then I’ll have to attempt to evacuate and leave the remnants for my tanks to blast.

    Turn 17: Well, this was a much better turn for my troops. My original tactical plan was to take the town early, thereby forcing my opponent to have to fight his way in, and at this point I’m feeling vindicated. I’m pretty sure that the second British company, which approached the town from the southwest, has taken heavy casualties while attempting to infiltrate the town (at least it appears that the majority of 2 platoons are in retreat). My hold on the left flank is still tenuous due to the almost uncontested superiority of his firepower on that flank right now (2 Churchills). The British tanks are systematically destroying any of my troops they can gain LOS to in the vicinity. Of the original depleted platoon that was deployed on my left flank about the East VL, only 3 men remain (and they’re split between two squads). Fire from the British tanks has also routed one of my HMG support teams this turn but with events on the right flank going my way right now, I can afford to give up the East VL, at least temporarily. Unfortunately, my Panzerschreck team on this side shot off its last round without orders from a brutal distance.

    Now to the better news (for me, anyway)…my green troops in the Church have held out, running out of ammo at the end of the turn, and eliminating the HQ unit, routing one British squad (Grn) and all but destroying the other squad (Vet). These units also have some Panzerfausts between them, so I may yet get a shot at the Churchill parked behind the Church (at the very least, control of the Church will allow me to flank the British tank with my own armour). My Tigers also destroyed the building he was concentrating in to the south of the town. As an added bonus (and a great stroke of luck), one British Churchill made its way in front of this building during the turn and then rotated its rear towards my Tigers; the tank driver must have been a direct descendant of William Wallace, intent on provoking an emotional reaction from me with the armoured version of “shooting the moon”. Alas, we shall never know because one of my Tigers took offence at the gesture and rammed home an 88mm shell through his rear armour, causing a massive explosion; I seriously doubt there were any survivors :cool: . I did have one of my right flank Tigers immobilized by several track hits this turn but he’s still in good position to continue blasting away, for now anyway. This turn I’m going to focus on trying to take out the Churchill behind the Church (hopefully by blasting it from two sides with my Tigers).

    Turn 18: My left flank defense is broken (you can only ask so much of the troops). I can accept this for now…if everything works, I’ll be able to take out the Churchill by the Church this turn, either with my Tiger tank pushing south through the gap or with the panzerfausts of my troops inside the Church (if luck is on my side and his tanks remain occupied where they are that is). If I can take care of another Churchill this turn, I’ll breathe easier. On my right flank I’m just going to continue wreaking havoc among his valiantly advancing troops. I also still have my fresh reserve platoon waiting to move in when the time is right.

    Turn 19: Lots of explosions this turn. The two British Churchills advanced on the left flank, one towards an immobilized Tiger and the other directly towards my Tiger advancing at the Church. The British Churchill at the Church moved too far forward last turn and tried to reverse back behind the Church but one of my heroic squads from the Church assault blasted him with a panzerfaust from about 10m distance. This leaves me with an armour advantage, especially on the western edge of the town where the British troops are being slaughtered. I also estimate that the British AT capability consists entirely of Piats attached to the platoons (which means probably 6-8 Piat teams to worry about). I have eliminated 2 Piat teams and spotted 3 more, leaving likely one more to worry about. My biggest concern this turn is to get some squads into position for a shot at his armour on my left flank. I have two different squads waiting with panzerfausts, a decoy Panzerschreck team and the Panzerschreck team from my right flank all making their way into position (not to mention 2 Tigers). On the right, the carnage continues…there are definitely 2 platoons worth of infantry moving in the opposite direction from the battle. I also have to start worrying about ammo levels now as some of my squads are beginning to run short. I’m also still withholding my reserve force. I want to take care of his armour support on my left and then use them to take the East VL or, failing that, push straight through the town and secure the South VL. The next turn or two will decide which course I take.

    Turn 20: Damn. If I could have kept his Churchills busy for another minute, I would have been fine but my opponent split them up and advanced on the town. Right at the end of the turn, my immobile Tiger on the left was abandoned after a lucky strike (I didn’t see the shot come from his Churchill, so I assume it could have been the Piat I haven’t spotted yet…so much for my pincer strategy). I’m going to have to commit my reserve in order to get some troops with panzerfausts close enough for a shot at the Churchills, so I order them to make their way to my Company HQ inside the heavy building in the town. My Panzerschreck team is also sneaking into position. Also of concern is the fact that my other left flank Tiger and a Churchill have passed within 10m of each other. Now I have to try and rotate before he can blast me in the tailpipes. This is a turn to hold your breath :eek: .

    Turn 21: This was a strange turn. I was lucky in that my squad closest to the easternmost Churchill got an accurate panzerfaust shot off prior to being wiped out (the members of that squad, and the other squad in the Church, deserve Iron Crosses for their service). The other British Churchill didn’t fire a round this turn…I was wondering if I may have damaged his gun (regardless, I have to move my Tiger this turn or become Piat bait, so we’ll soon find out). Speaking of which, I located the last Piat as it sprinted across the open area near the East VL in order to get a good shot off at my Tiger. I’m going to have to try and suppress that unit this turn (my Company HQ is the only available unit for this task…hope he’s accurate). On the right, I’m continuing to chew up the enemy forces and eliminated another Piat. Now I’m fairly confident that I know where all of his AT capability is located.

    Turn 22: I’m not sure what happened to the British Churchill by the Church but I suspect that its gun was damaged because during this turn it was immobilized by a hit and then the crew bailed. The Piat didn’t stop to try a shot, instead running for a nearby building. The British also assaulted a house, on the eastern edge of town, which contained two less-than combat ready units (a Panzer crew and the empty Panzerschreck I was trying to bait the Churchills with). I don’t think he is aware of my approaching reserve platoon.

    Turn 23: He got one shot off at my Tiger but it was ineffective. The Tiger successfully backed up towards the South VL and is now in good position to blast the final British Churchill to Kingdom Come. The British troops have now secured the East VL but the assault on my remnants in the house on the left has been costly for them (one British squad was eliminated this turn and replaced with another squad which immediately hit the dirt upon arrival, my empty Panzerschreck team took to their heels and successfully extricated themselves to a safer position near the Company HQ, and the Panzer crew is holding on tenaciously with pistols and no ammo). I estimate the remnants of two British platoons on my left flank and approximately one-and-a-half platoons making a go of it from their foothold in the southwest of town. This turn I hope to eliminate the last of the British armour, scatter the British forces in the southwest of town and recapture the house on my left flank.

    Turn 24: Well, everything can’t go my way I guess...that frustratingly slow turret traverse allowed the immobile British Churchill to get the first shot off and it damaged my gun. Now I’m going to have to readjust my armour forces a bit and move my other mobile tank to the left flank to clear out the British. I’m going to concentrate on his forces in the town for the next few turns I think.

    Turn 25: Another Piat eliminated this turn (the one on my far right flank). I’ve successfully moved my mobile Tiger on the right across the town, where it will support my final assault to retake the East VL. The British must be getting desperate because I observed the Company HQ sprinting for the building where the fighting is taking place. This turn I need to reduce his troops in the building on my left (with my tank supporting, this should be accomplished. Once these troops are eliminated, the only British infantry troops left in the east part of the town will be an MG, a platoon HQ and one squad. The light building to the west of the Church is still causing some problems but it will have to wait. I have enough troops in the Church to keep it secure but not enough ammo to make an assault yet. On my right flank, I think some of the British squads have regained their morale and are regrouping, but I think I can keep them from causing too many problems.

    Turn 26: The loss to the British of their armour support is really giving me free reign of the battlefield at this point. My troops forced the British out of the building on my left flank and cut them to pieces when they tried to flee. The Piat on this flank also stumbled into a crossfire from 2 Tiger tanks and was eliminated. The building containing a concentration of British units near the Church was also hastily abandoned this turn when a Tiger tank began shelling it. On the right flank, the distances are still too extreme to worry about wasting more than HMG ammo this turn. I plan on eliminating the British troops around the East VL this turn and reducing the British troop concentration in the south of town. If I can remove the infantry threat from the south part of town, I may get a shot at that final Churchill.

    Turn 27: That damn Churchill is still causing headaches. I lost a few men in a building explosion and now its set its sights on one of the squads I had earmarked to secure the West VL. I’m going to try to take care of it this turn.

    Turn 28: The British are all but completely routed on my left flank. The Vickers team was eliminated (actually, it appeared that they tried to surrender but the Platoon HQ in close proximity to them must have changed their minds and they were subsequently cut down attempting to retreat) and the only intact infantry squad ran in circles desperately searching for cover. I was able to move my Panzerschreck team to within 25 metres of the Churchill but they missed their first shot (and now have to run for cover because of the amazing turret traverse rate of the Churchill). A British squad is making a run at my deep right flank but I’m sure I have plenty of firepower to make them duck and cover. One thing I have noticed is that the Churchill creates a large amount of smoke when it fires from a stationary position, thereby blocking its own LOS every other turn or so.

    Turn 29: Well, the left flank is secured (although the VL hasn’t changed hands yet b/c there are some British units still pinned there). The British finally abandoned the house near the church and I’m going to try taking care of them this turn. Also, my Tiger is moving west along the south road and will help rout any British troops still clinging to this small corner of the town. I lost my Panzerschreck but he kept the Churchill busy for most of the turn. On my right flank, the dashing British squad was forced to abandon any thoughts of turning my flank by an intense concentration of firepower. Some of the other British squads are starting to fire back again but the distance is still too far to be decisive. I am also setting up the movement orders for the platoon that is going to secure the West VL (supported by a Tiger) and will use up the last smoke rounds from my 81mm mortar team to try to screen them from LOS with the Churchill.

    Turn 30: My troops have eliminated all opposition on my left flank and secured the East VL. The planned assault on the remainder of the British troops in the town made some headway and should eliminate the British units within another turn. My second attempt to take out the Churchill didn’t work out so well either…I was able to get the squad to the building, but with no HQ to assist, they didn’t get the panzerfaust shot off and were eliminated when the Churchill blew the entire building…this also had serious repercussions for my other Tiger tank, as the building had been blocking LOS between the two tanks, which targeted the now visible Churchill but couldn’t eliminate it and the British tank damaged the gun on my Tiger (this is the 2nd gun-damaged Tiger this game…coincidence?). On the right flank, I have almost an entire platoon on the West VL, protected by some smoke from my 81mm mortar. My plans were disrupted by the loss of yet another Tiger gun…hopefully, his Churchill continues to concentrate on trying to eliminate my tank and gives my infantry a break. The East VL is secured and I think there are only 2 British units on the east side of the town (an infantry squad containing 3 men which is in full retreat and a mortar team that was last seen in the house to the far south of the town). I will have almost a full platoon on the West VL by the end of the turn, supported by a Tiger…I’m pretty sure they can secure this location against my opponent. There is going to be some more close quarters fighting in the houses near the Church this turn as well.

    Final: The Churchill did concentrate on my gun-damaged Tiger for the entire turn. At the very end of the turn, the crew abandoned her despite not receiving any penetrating hits (and at this point, the Tiger on the left took it upon itself to blast smoke around the Churchill to protect its fellow tank crew while they escaped…remarkable :cool: ). My troops near the Church eliminated all British opposition and turned their attention to the final battered- but-determined British troops maintaining a foothold in a pile of rubble at the southwest of town. I have a full platoon on the West VL with no nearby opposition, a Tiger and parts of a platoon dug in to the orchard near the South VL, the exhausted equivalent of a platoon’s worth of troops on the East VL and the North VL was never disputed.

    AAR: Axis Tactical Victory

    Axis Score: 68 Men OK: 111 Casualties: 120 (27 KIA)

    1 Mortar destroyed

    2 Vehicles KO’d

    Allied Score: 32

    Men OK: 48

    Casualties: 211 (67 KIA)

    4 Mortars destroyed

    4 Vehicles KO’d

    Final Thoughts: First off, that final Churchill crew deserves a Victoria Cross (at least the tank commander does, everyone else will have to settle for DSO’s). It buggered up my plans more times than I can remember and caused WAY more damage than it showed on its Kill Report (most of my infantry casualties on the west side of the town, immobilized a Tiger tank, gun-damaged 2 other Tiger tanks, disrupted and annihilated every assault I sent to try and take care of it). I usually play British/Canadian troops in regular games and so have never really been on the receiving end of the Churchill (great blast value, heavy armour, EXCELLENT turret traverse); it may be a slow tank, but speed isn’t always the winner.

    Next, I have a newfound respect for the value of the panzerfaust; of three attempted assaults on British armour, two were successful and the 3rd failed mostly because the squad had no C&C with an HQ unit (an absolute necessity when dealing with Green troops). An infantry squad is much more robust than a dedicated AT team, and an opponent might not worry as much about an infantry unit closing on his tank.

    And, on the topic of Green troops (of which approximately half of my force was composed)…I thought they performed admirably, and in some cases exceptionally. The entire secret is to keep the units in Command and Control (and with the Command bonuses, it wasn’t too difficult). I had two Green squads rout/eliminate an entire British platoon inside the Church. The British had at least one Veteran squad in the platoon but I’m not sure of his C&C situation during the battle. A quick scan of the bodies left on the battlefield indicates individual units from several different platoons in the same area, so C&C may have been a decisive factor.

    Finally, I’ve learned never to take any units for granted based upon assumptions that I have about those units. For example, I received 4 Tiger tanks during this battle and immediately formulated a basic tactical deployment for them based on the knowledge that my opponent would likely have strong armour support as well. I never bothered to initially check my ammo loadout and this came back to haunt me. I had assumed that with the Tigers I could take on whatever armour my opponent had without too much worrying but after the first engagement wherein my Tiger and his Churchill traded several non-penetrating hits, I noticed that I was firing HE rounds (because that’s all I had). The Churchills were probably saddled with the same handicap. After some limited success in the armour-vs-armour engagements, I decided that it was better to let my opponent blast away at my tanks while I provided infantry support and caused chaos among his troops. I think that this (and the fact that my troops infiltrated the town early to obtain defensive positions and observation of enemy movements) was the most important deciding factor of the battle. I got a few turns of blasting my opponent’s approaching infantry before he joined in and created the same havoc among my troops in the town.

    As a final note, I'd like to thank my opponent for a good game.

    [ July 06, 2002, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Darknight_Canuck ]

  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    5th Canadian Div also transferred early in 1945; perhaps this is a source of confusion?

    Not mine :D

    I know exactly where the Canadian troops were...

    but maybe the information I spotted was based on someone else's confusion....

    I had always thought that the British 5th Infantry Division fought the war exclusively in the Mediterranean, but I'm not the expert, so I figured I ask here.

    Are you researching for the "hopefully upcoming" release of your british sleeve mod?

    *crosses fingers*

    I'm still looking forward to it.

    I haven't forgotten about the sleeve mod (just ask my wife). I've been preparing all the patches for application. On the plus side, all my research will make it very easy to do the MTO at a later date. ;)
  7. I found Ottawa to be a fairly impressive city too (March was my first trip there as an adult). But in December, I visited the Wolseley Barracks in London (regimental museum of the Royal Canadian Regt) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I found that it was much easier to follow history of a single regiment (in depth) than the very broad scope of the war museum (at the risk of repeating myself, that building is just too small for the subject matter).

  8. I was at the main "Canadian War Museum"....just up the street from the American Embassy and the National Art Gallery (it has the Sherman tank out front). It tries to cover all Canadian military services throughout all of their conflicts (a pretty tall order for such a small building). It contains lots of items but apparently there's 6 times as much stored away waiting for the new building.

  9. I don't know if it helps but I was at the CWM (that building is far too small for the subject matter BTW) in March and took pictures of the rack of WWII uniforms, among other interesting items, that they have on display there for my insignia research. They don't seem to be too greenish to me, but there is variation in the colour. I would post a few pictures but can't figure out how to get a picture inserted.

    I don't claim to be a battledress grog....but ask me about insignia and that's becoming a different story. :D

  10. Wow....I thought everyone forgot about me.

    Well, I thought I was making headway but it became a very involved project to get the insignia as historically accurate as possible (ask M. Dorosh). I got held up in the research phase (ongoing now, all the time) and then the last month and a half was shot because of job training and family issues. :(

    Also, I'm still waiting for Andrew Fox (when he has the time...btw, love those new vehicle mods Andrew) to provide a proper tank crew shirt (with shoulder straps). Maybe if some of you ask him nicely for me :D .

    I'm still planning on releasing something in the future but if i didn't get it historically accurate then i would be remiss in my duty (and Dorosh would probably court martial me ;) ).

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