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Darknight (DC)

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Posts posted by Darknight (DC)

  1. Originally posted by spayor:


    "Hang on a tick (another British expression),"

    I posted my additional info just as you responded to it. I then tried to delete it as obsolete based on your response. I will check to see what other mods I need to download from the CM Mod Database. You make a very good point that this may be the problem.

    I'll let you know!

    Thanks again for your excellent and obviously exhaustive work!

    Steve smile.gif

    I'm just glad some people plan on using it.... :D

    And feel free to email me with any problems/concerns about it....maybe I'll do another project like this one in the future.... ;)

  2. Originally posted by spayor:


    Here is some more info:

    Some divisions, such as 7th Armd and 6th Gds Tank Bde, seem to "work a treat (as the British say),"

    but others, such as the Gds Armd Div and 11th Armd do not. Again, I have NOT selected multiple options.

    Any thoughts from you or anyone else?

    Make no mistake, I congratulate you, DK, for your excellent work!

    I look forward to correcting whatever it may be that I'm doing wrong.


    The 11th Armd now too....

    Hmmm, I'm going to take another look and do some more testing.

  3. Originally posted by spayor:


    The problem seems to be mostly with the Guards

    Armoured Division. I am not choosing multiple options. Here're a couple of questions:

    1) My version 4.05a was upgraded OVER my 4.03. So I still have the mods for the Commonwealth Vehicles (Bergmann I think) installed with the placeholders for the 11th Armoured, 4th Armd Bde, Guards, etc., if you know what I mean. Is there a possibility that they are interfering with your overlays?

    2) What purpose does the Guards Armd Div placeholder serve in "Commonwealth Vehicles?" It doesn't seem to do anything. Perhaps this is related to question 1?

    I'm not sure about how installing v4.05 over v4.03 will affect things, that's MikeT's department....I took the opportunity to reinstall everything from scratch in order to clean things up a bit. (my mod works fine in v4.03 though because that's where it was created). It has it's own ruleset so it shouldn't have any conflicts with other mods.

    I did try applying a few options from the Guards tab and they seemed to work okay. Did you install all 24 of the mod files for my ruleset (this could be important as the program may be searching for mods you hadn't installed)....different units had differing combinations of vehicles which are spread among the mod sets for the vehicles in my mod. I used the advanced options to separate the vehicle options from the uniform options within my ruleset.

    As for the placeholder in the Commonwealth vehicles, this ruleset has absolutely nothing to do with my mod, so I'm not positive, but I would assume that if there is a placeholder then there may be a mod set that needs to be installed for that option. Again, this would be totally separate from my mod....when you click on the vehicle options under my ruleset (the advanced ruleset options) and choose a unit, the program should add the specific base vehicle mods that I had chosen to work with and then apply the decals. I only modded only the vehicles that a specific unit would use (eg. choosing an infantry regiment will not add decals to a tank).

    If none of this helps, there are a few more options:

    1) try a fresh install; or

    2) walk me step-by-step through your process so I can try to replicate your problem exactly;

  4. I'll take a look at it tonight....

    I came across that issue when I was putting the files together and I there was a creason for it, but I can't remember right now.....

    One thing to remember is that you must be careful what you click on. For example, if you click on one option then click on something else whithout 'unclicking' the first choice, you will get an error....but I don't remember if this was specific to your problem or not though....

    I'll look into it.

  5. Originally posted by MikeT:

    I was a bit surprised to see that AndrewTFs Kubelwagen mod for CMAK is the highest downloaded item with 135 downloads? More downloads than CMMOS itself and you need the new version to make his mod work!!?! Wait till you see his Kubelwagen for CMBO, if memory serves there are 8 different version to choice from, yeah something like that.


    I think I can shed some light on this mystery Mike....The SPW250-1 link actually leads to the Kubelwagen....I think it needs to be corrected.... ;)
  6. Originally posted by AndrewTF:

    It's a rare mod-by-request: khaki drill tropical battledress for all Commonwealth troops, including Canadians. At Modslut Heaven now! smile.gif

    These have actually been done for weeks--I just forgot about them! :eek:

    I was wondering if you'd gotten busy and forgot about them..... ;)

    Thanks for the KD....now if I can just complete the massive OOB, then I'll get back to work on that special CMAK project (research is soooooo time-consuming) :D

  7. Originally posted by JonS:

    It changed.

    NZ Divs 28 (MG) Bn maintained the 4 MMG coy arrangement until it was disbanded in Jan 1945. The hvy mortars were handled by the A-Tk regt (go figure).

    You mentioned it twice in the above discussion Jon, but wasn't the 28th NZ Bn the Maori Bn and the 27th Bn was the MG battalion? ;)
  8. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    The problem with this is that some units didn't get the beret until 1944. And before 1943, no one had them. They were still wearing the FS Cap. [/QB]

    Before 1943 is a bit of a moot point because Canadian infantry troops aren't in combat prior to Sicily 1943 anyway (except for Dieppe, of course). Some units may not have been issued the beret prior to 1944 but some were (and there's lots of pictures of Canadian officers in the beret throught the period 1943-45). I think it would be fair to say that for most of the time Canadian troops were in combat the beret was officially worn (even though there's always exceptions).

    To be fair all around, maybe it would be possible to have Canadian Bn/Coy HQ switch to the beret after Sicily (or maybe a month or two later).

    Not only is it historically accurate but I think it would also help make the Canadian troops a bit more distinct from their British counterparts.

  9. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Reams and reams of data and no real correlation to what you think is wrong in the game.

    If you wanted to say - briefly and succinctly -

    a) what is represented in CM

    B) what the reality was

    c) the suggested fix for the patch

    That would help. Lots of good data there but it started to look like a simple laundry list, or "Mark Gallear's Guide to What Tanks The British Used". That's great, but you need to show what is broken in CM before we can suggest that it be fixed.


    Okay, let's try your format Michael....

    a) Canadian Company/Battalion Commander modelled with service dress cap, same as all other Commonwealth infantry;

    B) Service dress cap rarely worn by regimental officers in the field. Most pictures of Canadian officers from battalion level down show the khaki beret to be the proper headgear. According to Canadian regulations, ONLY officers above the rank of Lt-Col were allowed to wear the service dress cap in the theatre of operations, all other personnel wore the beret (khaki for infantry, black for armor, etc). Also, officers below the rank of Colonel were not permitted to wear the service dress cap with Battledress.

    c) I suggest using the head model used with armoured troops. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to change but the armoured troops wear a beret already, so maybe it's not difficult to implement that model with the Company/Battalion HQ unit for Canadian troops.

  10. Originally posted by MAsta_KFC:

    Andrew, do you remember which division used the triangle? I can't seem to find a triangle insignia in the sites I've browsed so far, although it's probably out there. According the notes in the site I linked;

    'Note: 6th Division:- flat rectangle, 7th Division:- diamond, 8th Division:- oval, 9th Division:- initially a disk, then a T for Tobruk after 1942 '

    Would it please be possible to create 'options' for the divisions? Please? Thanks!! tongue.gif

    I don't think you know how much extra work you're requesting from Andrew when you mention options for the divisions....

    I have plans to mod the insignia for the Aussies (as well as the rest of the Commonwealth) but it takes time to get it right and then make it CMMOS compatible so that you can actually use the options....as soon as I've had a chance to play around a bit with Andrew's uniforms a bit, then I'll be able to do my stuff.

  11. Nice work Andrew....I have some nice extras planned to complement your uniforms in the not too distant future.... ;)

    Now, on the topic of headgear....

    (and this is just a general musing, directed at BFC not Andrew)

    Why are the Canadian Company/Battalion HQ units wearing a Service Dress cap as opposed to a beret (like units in the armoured corps)? I can't recall seeing many regimental officers in service dress caps in the field. From what I've read and seen in pictures, the beret was the typical heagear in theatre.

  12. I'm not sure of any specific website that would talk about this....(maybe regiments.org?)

    I have been studying the Commonwealth troops and the British regimental system very closely for the past 3-4 years and accumulated a lot of what I've learned from books (I put a real strain on my local library's national inter-library loan system....it must have cost them a fortune in postage ;) ).

    [ December 29, 2003, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Darknight_Canuck ]

  13. The British 'regiment' is an administrative entity only....the various battalions of the same parent regiment seldom fought together in the same brigade or division, although it did occur from time to time (the 51st and 53rd Divisions come to mind as examples of this exception). Various battalions were raised by their parent regiment and then added to whichever brigade or division the higher administrative authority deemed (I have no idea if they had any system for which battalion went into which brigade/division).

    Every battalion raised by the regiment was numbered (eg. 2nd Bn, Scots Guards; or 5th Bn, Sherwood Foresters).

    Now for the major confusion....the INFANTRY battalions with split designations, such as the 1/5th Bn, West Surrey Regt and 2/5th Bn, West Surrey Regt. Prior to the war, this would have been a territorial battalion, the 5th Bn, West Surrey Regt. The Territorial Army was expanded by splitting this battlion (and many others) and redesignating it as above. So this would mean that the 5/7th Bn, Gordon Highlanders were originally the 7th Bn, Gordon Highlanders (which was a part of the Territorial Army prior to the war and which was split into several other battlions).

    The CAVALRY regiments are precisely as indicated in the above posts....they were amalgamated regiments (eg. 17th/21st Lancers; 4th/8th Hussars).

    The Royal Tank Regiment numbered it's sub-units as battalions (and many RTR battalions were converted from territorial infantry battalions).

    It can be confusing but it starts to make some sense when it's all explained.

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