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Darknight (DC)

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Everything posted by Darknight (DC)

  1. We won't know until we get the update and check it out. I would expect that some of Aris' textures will port just fine, some of them will need extensive reworking and the majority will require some tweaks.
  2. Thanks Steve. I'm not worried about spending $5 more or less but I was curious. In any event, I plan to get it as soon as possible, as it will give me a jump start on modding with the new models/artwork.
  3. I don't want to derail the thread topic (;p) but a thought crossed my mind (infrequent as they are) leading to a quick question. Is the patch going to become available before the MG module? And if so, can we purchase the bundle at that time, if we're planning on purchasing MG? Essentially, if the patch is going to be available more than a month before the module, can we pre-order the Module/Patch combo and get the patch immediately?
  4. The mod is based on the Commonwealth formations which comprised the 21st Army Group in Normandy. You would need the CW module to have in-game access to the various components in these mods. All Canadian formations in the game are found only in the CW module.
  5. I have a feeling that I will have a significant amount of reworking to do with the 21AG mods I have released....though maybe there will be a few things that are easier/quicker to do than before (there's a few things, like separate textures for certain CW formations that I hope to see but I won't hold my breath ). With the possibility of packs of new vehicles down the line, I'll have to update the mods periodically anyway.
  6. I think I may play around a little bit with the Humber III on Saturday and see if I can get it to look even a little bit like the vehicles that Aris makes....if I can come up with something that is decent, I'll put it here.
  7. There's valid opinions on both sides of (almost) any argument but go re-read the OP....it was not a statement of opinion for discussion....the tone of the OP set the tone for any of the responses that you're objecting to....the OP was not looking for meaningful discussion. The trolling happened with the OP, not the responses.
  8. Yes it will, as BFC stated they could be producing mini content packs (could be a vehicle or two, could be a campaign, could be anything). I'd say this could qualify as making CMBN better and better.
  9. If you're using the Commonwealth Airborne or Commando mods I put together, I have seen the berets cause some issues where they are rendered like red/green helmets at certain distances (I think this is a issue with the work-around we had to use to get the beret in the game). As to 'bat wings', I have never seen this.
  10. Okay, I'm at a bit of a crossroads now....I could begin work on the Armoured Divisions, but Aris hasn't completed the models....I could attack portions of it in the hopes that the rest are modded as I'm working away....I'm also wondering when exactly most of this will become obsolete with CMBN v2, if it does become obsolete....at which point I will probably undertake to update the mod....but again, more work. I'm really hoping for a Humber III from Aris to move forward with a lot of pieces simultaneously.
  11. Why do people get their panties in a knot over something that seems like a minor issue? People work and expect to get paid for their work (including the employees at BFC). I work and expect to come home with a paycheck as well. I choose how to spend a portion of my entertainment money and if that includes a small fee for upgrading a game I enjoy playing, it's no big deal. If I didn't want to purchase the upgrade, I could just play one of the new CM theatres as they are released and get all those features (personally I like fighting the NWE battles, so I am happy to have the ability to upgrade). On a side note, this thread seems to be a rehash of other similar threads complaining about this item since the announcement last month. So my question is, 'Why do we continue to feed the trolls?'
  12. Okay, I have it broken up to be a more manageable download. The final parts of the 2nd & 3rd Canadian Divisions should show up tomorrow.
  13. I think I may have over-taxed the Repository with the final part of this Division (it was a little large). I'll split it in half and re-up it tonight.
  14. The final parts of the 2nd & 3rd Canadian Infantry Divisions are uploaded and will hopefully be up in the next day or so. These mods will complete these two formations.
  15. If this were indeed the case, then I would have expected a short note from the man, seeing as I had been talking vehicles with him and providing refs for 3 months....I haven't heard a peep from him for over a month, so I hope it's just vacation or something...he's a good guy and I hope it's nothing bad. I don't think he intended to leave the work on the CW vehicles unfinished, as he was so close to the finish line.
  16. Covering....only about 50% there....the 21st Army Group contained the 2nd British and 1st Canadian Armies and all their sub-formations.
  17. Well, I found another error which slipped by quality control (I really should get more sleep). The 2nd Canadian Division BRZ files don't have the full nomenclature I've been using, which will have an effect on organizing your files and may create conflicts with other named files (though this shouldn't happen). I will update them at some point in the future. I noticed this when I finished putting together the next phase of mods....which I will upload to the usual places tomorrow night.
  18. Steady up man....there are several community members on here with the requisite knowledge of the American formations....and I believe there were a number of uniform packs for the US forces....the Germans, that might be trickier, but someone surely will tackle it at some point. The news that NWE will get upgrades to stay technologically current with the release of future games is stupendous news, as this means that all of the work the modders have added will still have a home because this game will have such an extended life. With the time it takes to create quality mods, this is awesome.
  19. There's lots left for me to do....the Commonwealth Infantry Divisions that served under the 21st Army Group in Normandy are substantially done (there's a few odds and ends to clear up with them, but the fighting battalions are all there). There are five Armoured Divisions plus a number of Armoured/Tank Brigades plus a few other bits.
  20. If they would just allow me the ability in this instance to edit that one initial post, I could keep it updated as I continue adding to the mod.
  21. Unfortunately, I don't have the background/knowledge to adequately address the US or German divisions....that particular set of subjects will have to be left to whichever community member is: a) knowledgeable in the subject matter; has a modicum of artistic ability/creativity; c) is good at organizing the work-load to make it manageable (unless he/she wants to purposefully drive themselves insane); and d) afflicted with a similar OCD to myself
  22. I'm planning to work on some vehicle detailing this evening and through the weekend, and I should have something pretty neat to upload by Sunday (maybe late Saturday).
  23. Damn....I was hoping to be able to update the initial post as I released mods, then it would all be up-to-date on the first page....I didn't notice the problem until I tried to go back and add the links to the Repository.
  24. Maybe the dementia is setting in early....I tried to edit my original post to add a link to each file in the repository but I can't seem to edit the post....this seems strange...any suggestions?
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