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Darknight (DC)

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Everything posted by Darknight (DC)

  1. Not bad actually...I have been creating a plan-of-action for something we chatted about a few weeks back....y'know, when you told me I might be committed before I got thru it.... I got the uniform changes working and will probably upload some of it later tonight. And regarding sanity, my wife deserves a lot of credit (not least of which for putting up with me and my mad obsessions).
  2. Actually, I never really thought about doing that. (I'm not a very good self-promoter, am I? )
  3. I am using Aris' vehicles as a base for the vehicles. I have been given access to the layers he used, which in turn allows me to layer in the decals and unit markings. I am actually using my own Formation signs, UnitSigns and TacSigns, as I am able to mask out the layers from Aris' mods (he was recreating specific and interesting vehicles, whereas I am trying to apply markings applicable to the entire battalion/regiment). There will be some items left on the vehicles from his mods that I'm not messing with (serial numbers, for example), but that is a function of not having sufficient research collated in this area to apply consistently. Decals would certainly have the potential to make the sizes of the mods more manageable (it takes me a half hour to upload each of these) but I don't think they would apply correctly in the manner you are suggesting. For example, if I were to use the base game vehicles and create the correct decals layout for a particular vehicle/unit on that model, it would look exactly as I intend on that one model. If I were to apply the same decals to Aris' version of the same vehicle, the decals would be brighter with no mud covering them, which would look strange (like someone wiped the Formation Sign clean but nothing else). Decals would basically reduce the size of mods (an estimate would be one of my 75 MB mods would probably shrink down to about 30 MB) but I don't see how they can be swapped between different vehicle skins without looking wrong.
  4. I have more in the works, but I feel like I've been uploading a lot lately....maybe too much?
  5. I probably should have created this thread 2 months ago as a unified place for news regarding what I'm up to with this mod, questions pertaining to any issues that people come across and additional info or update information but I figured having my own thread would be a little presumptuous. I hope that everyone is liking the mod so far and have found it to be useful (I know the files are big, but that can't be helped ). Anyway, here is a basic run-down of what is available so far (both at the Repository and CMMODS): Commandos (each unit has a corresponding organizational file that can be imported into the editor) 6th Airborne Division I) 3rd Parachute Brigade; XXII Pathfinders II) 5th Parachute Brigade III) 6th Airlanding Brigade; 6th Airborne Recce Regt 3rd Canadian Division I) 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade II) 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade [ver1.2] III) 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade 50th (Northumbrian) Division I) 69th Infantry Brigade II) 151st Infantry Brigade III) 231st Infantry Brigade 56th Independent Infantry Brigade [ver1.2] 3rd Division I) 8th Infantry Brigade II) 9th Infantry Brigade III) 185th Infantry Brigade 51st (Highland) Division I) 152nd Infantry Brigade II) 153rd Infantry Brigade III) 154th Infantry Brigade 49th (West Riding) Division I) 70th Infantry Brigade II) 146th Infantry Brigade III) 147th Infantry Brigade IV) 56th Infantry Brigade [ver1.2] 15th (Scottish) Division I) 44th Infantry Brigade II) 46th Infantry Brigade III) 227th Infantry Brigade 43rd (Wessex) Division I) 129th Infantry Brigade II) 130th Infantry Brigade III) 214th Infantry Brigade 59th (Staffordshire) Division I) 176th Infantry Brigade II) 177th Infantry Brigade III) 197th Infantry Brigade 53rd (Welsh) Division I) 71st Infantry Brigade II) 158th Infantry Brigade III) 160th Infantry Brigade IV) 158th Infantry Brigade (after Aug 4th, 1944) V) 160th Infantry Brigade (after Aug 4th, 1944) 2nd Canadian Division 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade
  6. They are also featured in pt III, but it is the same file, as their UnitSigns remained unchanged after the Aug 4, 1944 re-organization of the 53rd's brigades.
  7. Well, the late nights finally caught up with me. I messed up the file I was trying to update (clicked the 3rd Division instead of the 3rd Canadian Division) and it appears that I have inadvertently 'updated' the wrong submission. I will fix all this up tonight when I'm at home by re-submitting the 3rd Division (pt II) and properly updating the 3rd Canadian Division (pt II). lol...what was I looking at the other night? PS - I got it right at CMMODS, so both files should be correct there.
  8. With the model that they have unveiled, I'm pretty sure that CMFI will NOT include North Africa. On the bright side, I would suspect that North Africa will eventually be it's own 'family' of games, which is only proper, as each portion of that family could deal with the specific phases of that back-and-forth conflict.
  9. I'm not sure what is causing your confusion but I'll try to help. My mods are intended to cover the fighting formations in the 21st Army Group. They include parts of mods from other modders (Aris, Mord, Juju) plus my own stuff. You can download them from the Repository or at CMMODS. They are mostly zipped together according to brigades and contain 3 or 4 .BRZ files that cover the individual battalions in that brigade. The BRZ file for the formation you would like to see in game just needs to be dropped into the 'Z' folder and you are ready to go. I'm not sure if this answers what you were asking or not, but I can provide more info if needed.
  10. I'm planning all of 21st AG.... I'll have the final infantry divisions up this week (the Repository just has to catch up with me). I kinda need an Aris Humber III LRC to continue as I have been, but I will probably take on the Armd Div infantry battalions next, as I can do them completely....maybe a few odds and ends. I may start on the Tank Brigades this week too, though it depends on the time I have available.
  11. On a positive note, there's only a handful of CW vehicles left for the 'Aris treatment'. Churchill V CS (which I think he had almost completed) Humber III (I REALLY need this one to continue with the mod sets) Sherman I Sherman III Sherman V Firefly Ic Stuart VI Sexton II
  12. I'd give it a shot, but I'm spending all my time modding (and others are better at it). Knowing that CMBN will not become obsolete now (yay!), I'd imagine we'll still see a lot of love for Normandy scenarios in the coming years.
  13. You do at that....London might have you guys beat for actual snowfall (but props for the -30 temps....those are killer).
  14. I guess it depends where in ON you are....please don't tell me you're in T.O. and complaining of snow.
  15. A big 'Thank you' to Chainsaw for some very productive discussions regarding this oft-neglected formation.
  16. I can relate completely to the busy nature of summer. It seems there's more going on and everything catches up with you (reminds me, I gotta find time to cut the lawn). There's only so many hours in the day (and I seem to spend most of my free late-night hours doing quality control on my mod sets thanks to my own particular brand of OCD ).
  17. Part I of the 59th Division is also in the repository but not announced here. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2157
  18. Honestly, I have no problem changing the numbers, I'd just like to be certain. It is entirely possible that the sources I've seen made an error (or assumption) based upon logic (forgetting that this was the Army they were attributing logic too, and the British Army at that ). I can't recall ever reading about the purple strip either, so it is easy to miss things (I got that in the mod BTW; it is tough to tell as the scarlet and purple are similar, but it can be discerned in close up). The hunt for sources continues....
  19. lol....text cutting and pasting....you had me worried for a minute that the actual mod had something wrong...
  20. If there were more than one source saying the UnitSigns were 67, 68, 69, then I would certainly change them, but everything else I've read is contrary to that. Also, it just doesn't make any logical sense (I know, British Army and logical in the same sentence) that an independent brigade would be numbered like a junior brigade in a division, unless that brigade had been part of a division and then hived off on its own....which I checked for the 56th, and they weren't a permanent part of any division prior to Normandy, so that rules legacy numbering out. This would definitely be a case of a picture being worth a thousand words. Maybe I'll hold off on updating them for a little bit....the changes aren't difficult to make, I just want to be sure. BTW, how did the changes to the 56th in the 49th Div look for you?
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