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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Originally posted by Shatter:

    I am having trouble using them effectively.

    Now I wish I would have read more of the post on the covered arcs.

    So can you guys give me some tips on how you are using them.


    I use it in conjuction with Hide.

    You want a weapon, tank, platoon etc to only fire on a certain spot. Geometrically, you don't want a unit to fire within it's entire range of vision. Sometimes you want them to only fire say within 100 meters and only approx 30 degrees left to right.

    That's how I use the arc. It's like a fancy Ambush command.

  2. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Roxy: My dear Knight Moriarty,

    Roxanne, Keeper of Castle Moriarty, Squiress, and proud member of the Divine Bovinity.

    Snipped and tucked so I don't claw my eyes out with the disgust that is so common when men find other men who act like women. Patooie!!

    Dude, is there something fricken wrong with your mind? How do you really get off on pretending you’re a chick? It was kind of funny in a sick way to begin with but now it’s just creeping me out. We have our own freaks to gawk at and I’m just wondering if you would really fit in. Do you dress differently in real life? I know it’s none of my business and I guess I prefer if you don’t answer this. I’m getting nauseated just thinking about you and your cross dressing posts.

    As a disclaimer, I’m a chest thumping homophobic and know that I don’t have an open mind about your type of people. I think you all should be shipped to an island and forced to live with Panzerleader.

    Uh, I do hope the surgery is successful if you choose to go all the way, Roxy.

  3. I lived in Ohio for close to two years. It was a nice little town right next to Cleveland. One day I visited this monstrous mall in the middle of Cleveland and noticed a large population of homeless people. I asked a friend why it would be like this and he told me that it was illegal to be homeless in Cleveland and they would be arrested if found outside.

    The moral of this story is the people from Ohio are stupid.

  4. Oh, my stars and garters. It is yet another Peng thread and I am now typing my token response. I see that Moriarty is taking a squire. I wish him well with his training of a new person but I am reminded of days past when he and I battled. I was a fledgling Combat Mission person and he royally spanked my behind. It is odd that I would remember both that PBEM and the one where I beat him. Yes, I was surprised as I always am when I win. I remember complaining as he attempted to take another flag with his meager skills and I stomped into a bloody pulp. Little bits of him were strewn about the battlefield that day. It is the important battles that you remember.

    This is my 2nd year anniversary in the Combat Mission Board. Most of you don’t care and I am not surprised. I do remember being greeted by both Mark IV and JDMorse when I tentatively entered into this place. I was verbally castigated for being apologetic and meek at that time. How my personality has changed. I remember being given the choice as to who would be my knight. It was Meeks and Seanachai who showed a modicum of interest in squiring me. I chose the Bard. As you all know, I joke now and then about how the Bard did not give me what I need to fight battles. But it is in jest. The truth in the matter lies in honor. The Bard showed me how to be an honorable opponent. I know that I have failed him and many of you in the past by not completing games. Some of you are still bitter about this and I can only live with the guilt and despondency because of it. Excuses like I got fired and am trying to find a new job don’t really matter in this imaginary world we’ve created. “Just send a turn and lose quickly” is the predictable response.

    Since most of you only have the attention span of a gnat and probably haven’t read most of this response, I do hope you read the last paragraph. Know that I think of each of you as insignificant worms who are only worthy of being stomped upon and ground into the pavement. Any and all sycophants of Croda are worthy of bile and excrement to be heaped upon their unworthy heads. How I disdain you all as I disdain your master. Your inane prattling makes me queasy and disgusts me. But then again, that is your function. You are here to make small talk and take up bandwidth. Take a page from the Infernal One and post something of consequence or post nothing at all. Begone from my sight before I undo the belt of justice and spank each of you soundly. How I hate vermin!!

  5. What the hell is going on in here? I turn my back for a second and I hear the cackling of hens. This is not a fecking sowing circle, ladies. We don’t fecking care what color your nail polish is or what kind of decorating tips you may have. Granted, the Bard might but the rest of us who are estrogen impaired don’t really give a rip.

    Now, I love the smell of fresh estrogen in the morning. Females are a wonderful invention for fetching of beers and doing laundry. I may have to get a big hipped lovely to take care of my manly needs. (mind wanders off to desert island with Jennifer Lopez) Where was I? Oh…the simulated intoxication is cute for a grammar school class, but it’s just unimaginative in here.

    Digital men are dying in droves in my game vs Fionn and you sit there knitting!! Do something to support the war effort! Don’t you care? Buy bonds!! Until I end my PBEM against the Fionn, I expect to see light and noise discipline from now on. Oh, and fetch me a beer and shut your traps.

  6. Originally posted by Speedbump:

    Now promise me to send more than one turn a month. Croda sends turns more often...


    edit: {fargin' UBB}

    Speedbump you toilet bowl dweller. I see you clinging to the side as I flush furiously. I will not promise to send turns more often because I find it to be much more fun and fulfilling to spend time with my three year old neices. They have more stimulating conversation and we relate whereas you are boring and your prose is stagnant. I spend much of my freetime baby-fricken-sitting to help out someone who does not give a rat's patootie about Combat Mission.

    When that person is in remission, (that day will arrive some time soon I hope) I will send you turns quickly and they will be good turns that will make you weep. You will lose quickly even though you are a cheating harlot with a quick tongue and shifty eyes. I will be your pimp and you will make me money by selling your wares on the street. Bump better have my money!! Not some of my money. Not most of my money. Bump better have all my damn money!

  7. Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

    I actually sent out all of my turns last night. It was good to have an hour to myself. After calling up the King of South Philly, I realized that all that really matters is to send out turns. Here is what is happening with my games.

    Speedbump This one is tailored to be a win for him. I’m American and attacking while he is cowering in his foxholes. Since I got a draw against this sorry excuse for a personage in our last game, he thought that it would be best for him to defend. Plenty of bocage in this one and it’s a nice little map.

    The Old Firm “All I ever want to see, is bodies, burning bodies…” Sorry, had a formation run flashback there. Still remember those cadences. This PBEM has buildings and smashed armor thingies. We are going tit for tat somehow and I’m almost tempted to demolish the buildings just to find where the hell he is.

    Goanna He isn’t all that “uber” after all. I am laying the pimp slap upon him for being a mouthy trollop. Hopefully, this will be a draw because I know how that drives many of you crazy. Hehe

    Seanachai I’m Polish (just for a challenge) and he is a wussy. I mean, he is defending. I’m so twitchy in my games since I’m still playing Fionn that I’m seeing troops hiding behind every bush. Since there is a chance that he might be German and defending, then I might not get a draw. But, I do know that we will be playing this game this time next year.

    Elvis He took my flag. It was the only flag on the board and he took it. I will gather up both of the troops I have left and chase him around that flag until I tire him out. His technique is interesting compared to:

    JDMorse His tanks cower before my awesomeness. Is that a word? Okay, you caught me being duplicitous. He is also beating me in the same scenario. I do hate this scenario because my side didn’t get arty and his side did. Waaah!!

    Fionn Oh, the humanity!! I’ve never experienced such slaughter before. Oh, and he is killing a couple of my troopies too. I’ll share my technique at a later time when the role is called up yonder. I admit that he is the only opponent that is making me jumpy and waste time in actually caring where I send my troops and armor.

    Croda & Slapdragon Not sure if I should list them as opponents any more. I abhor one and am ambiguous about the other one. I was hoping to learn from Slapdragon so I could use some of that knowledge against Fionn while gleaning info from Fionn so I could really wallop Goanna and Geier but it’s obvious that I don’t need to know much to beat Speedbump.

    I was supposed to send a setup to Dalem but I’m entirely too lazy any more. Oh, well.

    [ August 22, 2002, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  8. Now, for another happy song:

    Welcome to where time stands still

    no one leaves and no one will

    Moon is full, never seems to change

    just labeled mentally deranged

    Dream the same thing every night

    I see our freedom in my sight

    No locked doors, No windows barred

    No things to make my brain seem scarred

    Sleep my friend and you will see

    that dream is my reality

    They keep me locked up in this cage

    can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

    Sanitarium, leave me be

    Sanitarium, just leave me alone

    Build my fear of what's out there

    and cannot breathe the open air

    Whisper things into my brain

    assuring me that I'm insane

    They think our heads are in their hands

    but violent use brings violent plans

    Keep him tied, it makes him well

    he's getting better, can't you tell?

    No more can they keep us in

    Listen, damn it, we will win

    They see it right, they see it well

    but they think this saves us from our Hell

    Sanitarium, leave me be

    Sanitarium, just leave me alone

    Sanitarium, just leave me alone

    Fear of living on

    natives getting restless now

    Mutiny in the air

    got some death to do

    Mirror stares back hard

    Kill, it's such a friendly wordseems the only way

    for reaching out again.

  9. When I get my grubby little paws on the game, I'm going to play day and night for about six months by myself. I might challenge someone to a game after I figure out how those armor thingies move.

    How many of you are going to actually play a human opponent within the first week?

    Edit: I'm not creating a list of opponents, I'm just curious about how soon some of you will play a human.

    [ August 21, 2002, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  10. Now, for some bitterness.

    Her hair is totally gone now. That is what she seems to regret the most. She doesn’t care about how the right side of her body goes numb every once in a while causing her to tip over. She is back on steroids because of the pressure on her brain.

    It’s one year, two surgeries, and plenty of radiation treatments later. We are glad that she is still alive and quite spunky. I do cherish her spirit and am humbled by it. I know that I would be awash in self pity if it was me going through brain cancer. The whole experience is beyond description. Somehow, I’ve been a good brother and friend. That’s all I can be because I am not the one with the scalpel.

    To the very first doctor who said that “it’s only a part of the brain that is missing” and gave her pain meds, we will see you in court. I might see you in the parking lot with a baseball bat.

    To the first surgeon who gave her 6 months at most, In your face, Motherf***.

    Now for some hope

    When you see the youngest at 12 lbs. after she was born at 3.75 lbs is a testament to almost divine intervention. Anabella has quite a spirit. When you see Beth giving the doctors “what for” when they give her a run-around, I can’t help but smile. She is one tough individual.

    Chemotherapy is next and Beth looks forward to it. I will be there for her every step of the way as it weakens her. I hope to be posting a year from now about how my sister is in remission.

    I know that when some of you demand turns, you understand that “real life” happens and I take it as such. Thank you for the support many of you have given me in the last year. I was scared and discouraged more times than I can count. It’s quite a community of good people we have here.

  11. Interesting question.

    What draws me to CM? I truly enjoy the challenge of the game. I love the possibilities that present themselves in each and every little Quick Battle I play. I enjoy the PBEM's I play against my opponents and sometimes stop and enjoy the graphics. There are some individuals who have used their artistic abilities to enhance what we see and I appreciate that effort.

    This is the first "War game" I've played. I am not a "Grog" and did not care about WWII until I played this game. Since I bought this game, I've read over 40 books on WWII and have played (and lost) thousands of games. I just can't stop.

    If the next installment of Combat Mission could be better, I may have to stay home because of the orgasmic escstacy that would run through my hirsute frame on a daily basis. I would ask for disability pay for obvious reasons.

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