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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. I am beginning to hate people. I used to just tolerate them, but now I abhor them. They think too slowly and move too slowly. When will HR institute the kicking of underlings as positive reinforcement? We all know that a good kick in the seat of the pants should help them along there way. Silly peons.

    I am currently attempting to charm the pants off a honey with a fine booty. She has that plump rump that I desire to sneak up behind and unleash some of my patented Hiram-lovin. It appears that she comes equipped with a mind. This may be difficult. She is built for lovin’ and I wish to be her love slinky. But, she wants romance and affection instead of intense and mind blowing copulatory man-hoovers. I want to capture her flag and get a major victory over that healthy heinie. (Sit down Andreas)

    I’m sure much of this is a mystery for the inhabitants of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (and she’ll always be there) what with me talking about a real, live female instead of a hairy palm. (sit down Moriarty)

    So, you can all toss your nuggets of advice on how I might pimp the ho. Or perhaps how I might delve into the crevasse of one who is so bootylicious.


    crickets chirping


  2. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lawyer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

    Penned by none other than the man himself..

    I was told to frame it but decided to put it up for the highest bidder.


    Who's gonna be first?



    Do you have any available with hair?</font>
  3. One byproduct of playing with the “Big Dogs” is that it takes forever to process turns. It took me an hour and a half to process these puppies, so enjoy the update.

    JDMorse He cheats with big splody things that make my brave men run and hide. He is currently running through the town collecting watches, lugers, and women’s underthings. The count-down to autosurrender has begun.

    Elvis Same scenario different tactics. Elvis is much more of an “in your face” kind of guy with his infantry. I respect that. He isn’t a lawyer. He doesn’t do underhanded things. Now, if my tanks needed a better warrantee, then I’d suspect him.

    Speedbump Haven’t seen him posting in a while, but our game is still going. My conscript forces are taking turns weeping and soiling themselves. I do hope the fetid stench doesn’t offend his brave American troops.

    Goanna He is a clever lizard. His forked tongue takes odors from the air and he knows where I will attack and how. I am intrigued. I wonder if I chop off his tail if it will grow back. I also wonder how long he will wriggle when I stomp on his head.

    Fionn He hasn’t beaten me yet. I’ve gotten past 5 turns and am still waiting for the slaughter. Any day now.

    The Old Firm The setup is atrocious. The forces are beyond repair already. I like it. It’s the first really creative scenario I’ve seen in a while. Not that I usually look, mind you. No need to warn me about the Mad Swede. I know.

    Slapdragon, Croda, Seanachai All owe me turns and are hermaphroditic by nature.

  4. Originally posted by Geier:

    The Hiram

    You have failed to send us a setup. We noticed that, strangely enough. The Lizard King has offered to play "To the Last Man" by Andreas or "Village Les Moulins" by Satan. Since we have played neither we have decided that we will play His Satanic Majestys Scenario against Goanna as the Allies. The reason for this is that anyone choosing the titles Rittmeister and Freiherr must know the difference between an Albatros DIII and a Pfalz DIII. This scores highly in The Book.

    That leaves just you, us, a bottle of suspicious-smelling spirits and "To the Last Man". We will be the krauts. You will be the others. If you have already played this scenario please delete all knowledge.

    Or find something else.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    The Old Firm

    That is acceptable. I would humbly ask a representative from The Old Firm (may their breath never stink of fish) send this this scenario my way or a setup my way insofar as I am so busy with things other than CM.

    So many luscious booty's to tap, so little time.

  5. Why after reading page after page of drivel, does one reply actually make me smile? It was Berli that made me laugh. Am I becoming evil? Have my more base desires come to the fore? I gladly acknowledge that I wallow in carnality with my chewy carnal center. My hedonistic activities demand constant intoxication coupled with foods that are bad for me. I now require a female with long finger nails to scratch my back.

  6. Originally posted by Moriarty:

    Hiram vs. Geier, hmmmm.

    Fresh from some of Fionn's tutoring, Hiram uses a subtle tactic to pick a fight with Geier. Well done, lad, but hang onto your hat.

    Ah, what do I know, I've lost to both of 'em.

    Ha!! I wish that Fionn would tutor me! Six turns of boredom against him and he just says things like "Oh, there you are" or "Oh, where's me gold?" I guess I have to wait for the autosurrender before he imparts some wisdom.

    As for subtle...it took me close to two years before the Old Firm (may their flaccidity never be mocked) even deemed me worthy of a game.

    No offense, Moriarty, but I cannot judge how good someone is if they beat you. It's like the secret the family has about Uncle Ernie. We don't like to talk about it.

    [ July 09, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  7. It has come to my attention that the Bard has decided to take a poke at me in the General Forum.

    For this affrontery, I demand a game. I will be Polish and he will be light in the shorts. I will be the attacker and he will be gay as the day is long. I will start my opening bid at 800 points, random weather, and regular troops, while he will be sitting on this front porch in a sun dress and sporting a parasol.

    The only poetry I will accept will be from Dante.

    Here is the requisite taunting:

    Seanachai, your dastardly deeds have not gone unnoticed. Your sycophantic attitude towards your Grog deity won’t help you. Offer up sacrifices and create poems for him, it just won’t help. I will slap you around like your ex-boyfriend did whenever you got mouthy. A setup is forthcoming upon your verbal acceptance of this challenge.

    Know that if you do not accept this challenge, then you are cowardly and should be made to do manly things like bowling. If by some small chance, you do accept this challenge, then you will still be a bit fruity, but okay (if you like that sort of thing)

  8. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy old justicar. You see, the justicar had been napping after a busy day of bumping his gums. As he napped he dreamed of the time before he was the justicar. He remembered his favorite bike (it was a girl’s bike but nobody had the heart to tell Joe) and his fellow missionaries. In Joe’s dream, he was 50 years younger and still had his hair. How he loved to share the news of Brigham Young’s beliefs. Joe was quite the hit at the temple. He would create rules for them and almost got in the Doctrine and Covenants book. His nickname there was “The Adjudicator”. He had tee shirts that said “Why join? Adjudicator Says So!"

    Little did Joe realize that 50 years and 30 pounds later, he’d be leading a sad existence as a Justicar.

  9. I would humbly remind the Bard not to mess with the Evil One too much. Since I’ve started whining about Monday’s, my work week has become much worse. What I thought was difficult before is now child’s play. My intellectually inept underlings barely have enough brain power to respirate, let alone do their jobs. The most insignificant and trivial matters stop them dead in their tracks. I’ve had three solid months of consecutive Monday’s. Since I’m working a 6 day work week, I see no end in sight regarding the misery that has been heaped upon my unworthy head. Like a man who has burning coals in his boxer shorts, I dance and wriggle with excruciating pain under the unrelenting workload and the everpresent issues. Always the issues. How can people who are 10-15 years older than me act as if puberty never happened to them? When does the maturity and common sense kick in? Of course, I can’t inform them that they are worthless bags of skin and should end their senseless lives. No, that would offend HR. I gladly acknowledge that I am the chief of the spawning pool of idiocy. Little potential and no talent coupled with a total lack of motivation makes each day a struggle. Maybe a suggestion in the suggestion box regarding permission to kick underlings would help.

    So, I would close this group of pedantic mewling with this admonishment to the Bard: However difficult you think your situation is now, it can get worse. You could be the justicar. Now that is a sad story of ineffectual machinations.

  10. The Rules

    This is infamous Peng thread your parents warned you about. Don’t touch anything and certainly don’t pull the Justicar’s finger. Wait your turn for your verbal abuse because although you are insignificant, you aren’t quite as worthless as a member of the Peng thread.

    What’s it all about Alfie? Challenge someone!! Pick One (1) opponent and use the bestest and most clever venom your stubby fingers can exude. Let him/her/bard really have it. Don’t hold back and don’t give into hokey little phrases like our Justicar does.

    Whatever you do, don’t mention anything about religion in here because we have Dante’s big brother as a member. He is the maker of Monday’s. When you gain his attention, you are just begging for a world of pain.

    If you do decide to post…and this is quite important: Do it with class. You can allude and insinuate certain things, but don’t just come out with expletives. We have little patience with those who enjoy talking like they are nine (9) once more. We respect the fact that our maker has given us naughty bits, but don’t mention them in your posts. Type from the diaphragm. That is to say…don’t be meek about your speak. Oh, I rhymed again. If you apologize, you will be pummeled, eviscerated, and then be forced to live with the justicar to be his love slinky. The bard tells me that he has clammy hands and bad breath.

    If you don’t have the stamina/intellect/verbal ability to understand these posts, then leave. Since you are all just insignificant worms beneath the intellectual might of a certain grog who’s name rhymes with Morosh, you can just end your worthless lives now and forget about posting.

    Oh, did you think I was welcoming you to the Peng thread? Wrong!! You may have wandered into the Combat Mission Outhouse that we keep packed with malodorous fecal matter, but you are not welcome here. Go back to creating your threads about the upcoming Combat Mission. Our communal commode can only fit so many logs that float. Be sure to wipe on your way out.

    [ June 29, 2002, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  11. Originally posted by Fionn:

    Well, the best thing to do would be not to make the original post. After all ALL GB did was quote what you had stated. That it was objectionable and rude had nothing to do with GB quoting it. It was all to do with you typing it in the first place.

    Honestly, as I have recently found, you can't do anything about people quoting forum posts OR even private email in an attempt to stir up trouble/or whatever. The best thing to do is to simply NOT make the post/write the email to begin with.

    I respectfully disagree, Fionn. I think that we shouldn't be fearful of posting just because some bonehead might steal our words and pretend that they are their own. We sort of have a gentleman's agreement on our messageboard here that quotes are attributed to the original source.

    Lord knows, I'd sooner stick steak knives in my eyes and dance like a chicken on hot coals than agree with Mister Dorosh, but I do understand where he is coming from on this subject.

    As a disclaimer, this is my oh so humble and self deprecating opinion.

  12. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I have a brain that is larger than many small children. My boundless egocentricity is awe inspiring only to me because I am the only one that matters in this universe. You may stop what you are doing and admire my intellect and hope that you can be like me. You can wish all you want, but you won't be like me. I am superior to you all and the only one who recognizes my brilliance, besides myself, is the Bard. He is my true sycophant.

    How can I possibly respond to that with my teeny brain?
  13. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I am a feeble minded twit with a mad desire for strained prunes


    Joe, you Geriatric, Geritol munching Gigalo. I like to say “shut up” because I don’t give into peer pressure. Just because all of you boneheads say “sod off” repeatedly, that doesn’t mean I should do it too. Just say “no” Joe. When you get the urge to expectorate some of your verbal flatulence, just say “no”. When the nurse offers you your daily high colonic and your meds to keep you happy, just say “no”. When Mrs. Worthington stops by your room to play some gin and reminisce about the good old days before the great depression, put your teeth back in and say “no”. Use the new teeth your great grandchildren gave you Joe.
  14. Originally posted by athkatla:

    Hey Bo Diddley are you not taking up my challenge, or are you quaking in your athlete's-foot filled boots at the prospect of being savaged by my brothel-visiting french studs? I succumed to your babyish whining when you thought I would play as the Brits, you liver-livered, gutless speck of poo on a dogs tail, come out and fight, and Prepare to Die.

    Dude, shut up and go away. Shoo!!
  15. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    By all means, Hiram, do post me some photos of your house/apartment/room in your mom's house, and let me know what you consider acceptable decor. I am sure we would all be thrilled to see it. I do presume you don't live in a glass house.

    Thanks for the laugh, Michael. That was pretty good. My age is in my profile and I live alone. Thanks for the concern though. I think I'll refrain from posting pictures of my personal hovel.

    I still think it's odd that you would do what you do, but that is...my opinion. I still have the right/privelage on this board to post my opinion. It's your choice on how you react to my opinion. Your reaction was enjoyable though.

    Regarding passion, much of mine is for large hipped ladies.

    [ June 26, 2002, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  16. The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

    If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate. Perhaps an intellect of such magnitude cannot stand for anything less than something made of plastic. Theses cannot be refuted because the uniformed individual sharing one's living space is not alive.

    Maybe this is the way of our northern neighbors and I am ignorant of their ways. If so, please don’t mind me.

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