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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Originally posted by Geier:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Oh...I never got into "Dungeons and Dragons".

    I dated girls, instead.

    Oh, I did both. Chewing bubble gum and walking at the same time is something else you never got around to I expect?

    I could do something with that "got into" you wrote there but I'm not touching that even with a bastard sword.</font>

  2. Well, after reading this thread, I'm not going to review a scenario again at the scenario depot. What's the use? If I give high marks for a certain aspect it's suspected to be "overinflated" and if I think it was lacking in one aspect, then it offends whoever created the scenario.

    My simple way is just to compliment whoever made it in the combat mission chat room.

  3. Just an oh so humble suggestion, if I may, Mister Dorsosh, sir. This "fan" thinks that perhaps you might want to play them all. That is my plan. Savor the yummy goodness of the Operations and jump into the scenarios. Peruse the PDF that comes with it and do it chronologically if you wish. Or, maybe you could do whatever tickles your fancy, assuming you have a fancy, and play them randomly, but do play them. That is the important thing here. Play them.

    I can hear them calling me from that secret, special folder on my hard drive and need to get back to my scenario friends.

  4. Oddly enough, CMBB runs faster on my machine than CMBO did. I have no mods and am currently playing a huge scenario. It runs quite well. I have a PIII 700 with 128 MB RAM and the obligatory hamster providing power to my hard drives.

    I recommend the Stalingrad Pack to anyone who is disillusioned by CMBB. That is what you truly need.

    You may think because it's improved, that it should be slower. Right? Delve into the goodness of the Stalingrad Pack and realize what you've been missing all of these years.

    The Stalingrad Pack gives you what you need when you need it. It fulfills all those secret desires and runs quite smoothly.

    I was an empty shell waiting for fulfillment until the Stalingrad Pack came into my life. Try it, and quit b*tching about CMBB.

  5. Originally posted by OGSF:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    This is me over here puking my freaking guts out at the notion of OGSF and Joe Shaw setting up a date for heavy petting and pillow talk.

    Noo tae worry Jimmy, Ah've jus' tha cure fer ye. Yoo fill ye face an' belly wi' lumpy porridge, an' Ah'll tamp at doon wi' a feckin' big caber.

    Bah tha way laddie, di' ye ever manage tae coax tha gerbil back oot? Ye knoo tha wun, ye called at "Stinky".</font>

  6. I know that the designers put alot of new commands in the new and improved version of CM. Well, I wasn't one of the one's who requested them and after the "newness" of the game wore off, I found myself going back to my old habits. I use the basic commands that CMBO had and am enjoying the game.

    "Move to Contact" is obviously for wussies. I hate having each and every one of my digital soldiers hitting the dirt whenever a shot is fired. Am I demanding they change anything? Nope. I like it just fine. I just choose to play it like it's CMBO.

    This post is just a tongue in cheek way to let people know that this is a game to be enjoyed no matter how we play. Sometimes, we can change how we play instead of demanding changes to the game.

  7. These might be answered in the manual, so please be patient with me. I read the thing twice but am unsure about some things.

    1. The TRP's I set as an attacker during the first battle are gone during the second battle. Would I be getting any more TRP's during the course of the operation?

    2. My artillery is way off. I mean way off. This is without a TRP. I mistakenly shelled my own men even though I set my FO to shell an area about 500 meters from where they were. It is light snow and poor visibility. All other attempts at arty have been fine though. The AI arty has been quite good to my detriment. Any suggestions for Arty without LOS?

    3. This is my first Static Operation. (Der Manstein Kommt) Any general tips on how to beat the snot out of the AI? It's personal now.

  8. Need my precious pack. I cleaned out all my current scenarios and tucked them away on another part of the hard drive in anticipation of this awe inspiring scenario goodness. I'm hopped up on Mountain Dew and polishing my mouse.

    I look at it like Chimera for Myth II. Almost a campaign.

    Edited because of jubilatory excess.

    [ November 18, 2002, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

  9. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

    "Yes....YES!!!! That is the equation! Survival... must cancel out programming."

    (Can anyone identify that old Star Trek (original series) quote? Hmmm?)

    I believe both quotes ("Andrea, kiss Marlow. Now strike him." being the other) come from the episode "What little girls are made of."? The first was spoken by Ted Cassidy who would later go on to play Lurch.</font>
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