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Torsten Glacer

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  1. Actually I enjoyed that article very much, Carter. Mr.Kelley seems to know what he is talking about very much so. It seemed to paint a clear picture about what is wrong with the US's election system today.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Okay here is a BRAND NEW idea: What about a battle between the Axis vs the Allies with a bunch o tanks and soldiers and things that go boom! It could be a toss up who wins, you know, like whoever does better or somefink. Maybe it could be in a town, or even better, in the woods. Or maybe just rural. We could get the Axis to be the Germans, and maybe hmmm, the Amis for allied. Or maybe Brits... or French... or Poles. Wow, this really is starting to sound good. Has it ever been done?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah it's called Quick Battle =P Actually I was thinking of making a totally gamey scenario involving 3 hills with German MG bunkers and some HMG's...and lots of American rifleman.
  3. Bahahah! *wastes 2,500 points on bicycles* AHAHHAHAHA!!!! *then watches in dismay as 3 Konigstigers decimate his mighty bicycle brigade*
  4. Flame-Dragon I think he means during the Cold War, when West Germany was made to be a buffer zone against the Soviets in case they invaded. Boy you really are a hotheaded one! And to think the fascist regime was totally bad is to make a mistake, in many ways they were more efficient than a democracy (one of the least efficient forms of government today) But hey as long as people get "neat stuff" and more money everything is ok! Yay for total capitalism! Do not think for one second that a democracy will last forever because it won't. It is not the ultimate government although it sure makes itself out to be...
  5. One also would note the decline in people voting. This could be caused by a lack of a good leader. Honestly who was the last president the American people were truely proud to have in office. All we are getting is fat politicians, not leaders..and there IS a difference. Maybe if people were more proud of their country they wouldn't need to be pursuaded to serve their country, but the US promotes a very selfish set of morals in which you serve yourself and only yourself. WIth that kind of outlook on life a government can't last long. Oh well..just my opinion [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Torsten Glacer ]
  6. Speaking of rabid fanbases, has anyone ever played Anarchy Online or WW2 online? Sweet bejeebus, if you even mildly criticize the game all the fanboys just crawl out of the woodwork and berate you until you are a quivering mass of sobbing man. Just try and criticize I dare you x-x; The powder keg of online gaming they call it!
  7. Actually Total Annihilation and Earth 2150 are pretty good...but not as good as Combat Mission of course =P
  8. I sense a desire of someone in here to flame? I could be mistaken.. Did I condone the holocaust? No Did I say the Germans were all good? No Did I even make out that I supported these statements? No Sir you are desiring an arguement which you won't have. But I will tell you this, the world isn't black and white and the notion that the Germans were simply evil is incorrect. But I guess you condone the Israelis slaughter of Palestinians and their rabbies constantly preaching that all other races are inferior and the Jewish people are the true Master Race (which simply isn't right)
  9. Hell I'd be upset if I was a German general, I mean getting absolutely swarmed by the Allies couldn't have been fun. And although Hitler's government did have some stupid racist overtones is generally worked very well and the people were mostly content (earlier on) I'd be disturbed too if my leader was amde out to be some monster. (BOTH sides did horrible things it wasn't just horrible Nazi Monster Kill Kill) Besides what do we see zionists in Israel doing today? Trying to commit genocide and at the same time using the Holocaust to gain support and money. They lost my sympathy a long time ago (Not that I am condoning it but I am very sick of hearing it and I am sure most Germans are sick of hearing it as well)
  10. If you do get it..oh sweet mother of god and all that is holy..ORDER IT BY CREDIT CARD! I made the poor choice of ordering by mail and 1 and a half months later I'm still waiting for it to arrive. >=/
  11. Another good book to read would be Panzer Battles by Maj.Gen.F.W.von Mellenthin, a member of Hitler's war council and over-all a superb tactician. He describes most every major battle from Polish campaign to the very last battles of the war in Europe. Although he doesn't go into graphic detail what the soldiers went through he paints a pretty good picture of the war and teaches you a view things about the tactics used by the Germans in WW2 [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Torsten Glacer ] [blargh..typos to be edited] [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Torsten Glacer ]
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