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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. This is starting to remind me of the tech problems with the otherwise xnt Panzer Elite (all those tears/years ago). So, should I just try a complete uninstall including license and try to install from the beginning again? Is this a problem from Win7 being too new that there are inherent conflicts or problems? What else can I do, or check to get CMSF running? It shouldn't be this hard.
  2. Kawa: You you should start a separate thread on your problem as otherwise it will get confusing as to whether tech support is addressing my problem or yours. Good luck!
  3. Willco later... Re "Run as Admin" I noticed that my (free d/l) SpyBot won't let me Immunize after an update as it says that I need to be elevated to Admin. But, I have right clicked on the SpybotSD.exe and clicked on Admin several times, and it STILL says I need to be elevated to Admin. Could there be something else going on here that is causing these CMSF issues? Incidentally, I also have the free d/l versions of AVG and AdAware. Is there something I may need to turn off to run CMSF?
  4. I copied receipt.txt (it is the second 02/02 activation as the first is on my old computer) to the main CMSF folder (containing the .exe file). Still won't start. Same (0x0000005) message. Do I need to reboot, or...? (BTW: For safety, should I reset the View tabs back to "default?")
  5. If this is an Assault Op. units that are deemed to be "behind enemy lines" are fixed there and not returned to their own lines as in an Advance, neither will units "behind enemy lines" be supplied (according to the manual). If you saved the last turn of the previous battle it would be interesting to check what units received ammo resupply and which did not.
  6. The CM1 engine was developed with relatively low res compared to today's tech.
  7. Ok. I see a receipt.txt file. You want me to post contents here or e-mail it someplace? (I rechecked that I was Admin and tried to start the game manually from the directory, but still no go...) Note that the address is .../VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/SIMS/Battlefront/... etc. I hope that putting everything in a SIMS folder isn't a problem.
  8. I will attempt what you suggest. But, FYI: I have not yet attempted to unlicence. I have uninstalled and loaded the game 3 times, but have never selected the unlicense option. Should one unlicense when one uninstalls? If that is an issue, maybe I should also attempt a complete uninstall and unlicense and start from the beginning again(?). (Have been enjoying replaying the sample scenarios in the demo. But, I sure hope we can get the full game up and running heh...)
  9. Under Admin , I do not see a folder called AppData. Since I noticed that Win7 provides multiple Download folders (not sure why some d/ld'd apps save to one d/l folder and others to another) I wonder if there are also multiple folders for Admin(?) and maybe another one has the address you wrote: '\Users\{your account name}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force'
  10. I have Users\Admin\ but after that I do not see any {account name}\AppData\Local etc. Followed your instructions re adding <space> -unlicense, but got "...application was unable to start... (0xc0000005)."
  11. Am almost embarrassed to ask, but what is the "VirtualStore directory?" I don't know where \Users\ is. Is this on my computer or at BFS site? How do I find it? BTW: I notice that my machine has "Internet Protected Mode" on and it seems to be interfering with my accessing links to some websites. Could that be a factor and should I disable protected mode (and if so how)? (I must get Win7 and Office 2007 manuals. So much has changed from my old system.)
  12. British doctrine in the early war did not train combined arms. Whether you lead with inf or armor depends on the situation. In the CM games however, it seems (to me) that it is nearly always best to have inf scout ahead to find the AT gun ambushes etc.
  13. Well, I have no idea what I am doing, just trying to follow all the instructions - and those may be confusing Win7 with XP - or maybe it's just me getting more confused. I do have LicCtrl Service in my Services window. I know I typed in the license code from my game when I installed it. I see elicen40.dll in my main CMSF directory. But, I do not see receipt.txt. So, that is probably the problem. What to do now?
  14. I restarted LicCtrlService, but I do not see c:/windows/runservice nor do I see runservice in the Services or Processes windows. There is no 'receipt.txt' in my main CMSF directory. (BTW: I now install all games into a C:/SIMS/ directory so that I would never accidentally delete an important app from PROGRAM FILES (as I once did) while trying to delete a game.) So, what's next...?
  15. Yes re the radio button turned on with check mark. The first entry had no .exe extension. But, when I tried adding again, and browsed to the CMSF folder and clicked on the .exe file to "Add," the file with .exe showed up in the listing window underneath the original executable. Did I "Add" the wrong file? (I thought I needed to "Add" the file with .exe at the end.) I see LicCtrlService in the Services window under Task Manager. However, I do not see RunService.exe. How do I "start" LicCtrlService?
  16. BTW: I installed the Brit Demo and it runs just fine. Could there be something else going on with the CMSF install since both the Brit Forces and PT Boats demos run fine?
  17. Re quad cores, I just got a new system and had to decide whether to get the brand new board that automatically shuts down the unused processors, but after much discussion with the tech folks it did not appear to me that speed would be noticeably increased (at least not for the apps that I use - including the CM series). I decided to not bother paying the extra hundred bucks or so and go with the regular quad. The feature appears to be more of a power saving feature (re more "green").
  18. That's what I thought. Your earlier message said that "As Moon has stated, the install order should be: CMSF > 1.10 patch for CMSF (make sure it is correct for whatever distribution you have) > Marines + British Bundle > 1.21 Patch (make sure to select "CMSF + Marines + British modules" in the drop-down selector box during the install)." It appeared to imply that one needed 1.10 before one installed Marines. Thanks for the clarification.
  19. I do have "LicCtrl Service." FYI: What confused me is that I don't have a button called "System control panel", just "System" which leads to the "Basic info about your computer" page. From there I finally saw the "Advanced system settings" button. Am also confused by the DEP article. Am I supposed to "Add..." the .exe files, or...? I now have a DEP window that has both CM Shock Force.exe as well as CM Shock Force. (As well as Runservice.) And the game still wont run. All I have installed so far is the base CMSF with no patches. Rebooted, but it still won't launch.
  20. Re order of installing, am confused... On BFC's site it says re patch 1.10: "If you have CMSF and any other module (e.g. Marines) you do not need this patch."
  21. There is nothing in my AVG virus vault. Tried following the DEP example from Battlefront, but IN MY i7/Win7 version I cannot find MY COMPUTER. If I right click on (what replaced) the START button, and select PROPERTIES, there is no ADVANCED tab. If I left click on this "START" button, and click on COMPUTER (in the RHS column), there is no ADVANCED tab. Frankly, I do not understand how to do some of the things you are telling me to do. Tried starting the game manually and get "...unable to start... (0xc0000005...)" Tried to find runservice.exe, and could not see it it. But, unable to comply with instructions to START MENU > CONTROL PANEL > ADMIN TOOLS >SERVICES as there is no ADMIN TOOLS button in my version. Where does one get runservice.exe and in which file/folder is it supposed to be? Can you guys write a crayon version for us non-techie dumb-asses of how to get CMSF working on i7/win7 64 bit machines? It would save a whole amount of your time answering what must be repetitive questions.
  22. Schrullenhaft: Thanks for the info. I just got back from a trip, so I will get to this asap. FYI: Both my AVG and ZoneAlarm are the free download versions, not the full suites. To what address do I send the files you asked for?
  23. Schrullenhaft: I followed your instructions re adding the .exe and "runservice" files, and restarted. Still won't launch. (I did license the game earlier and did not unlicense it.) I don't understand your instructions to add "exceptions/exclusions to my antivirus." I have AVG (as well as ZoneAlarm, AdAware and Spybot). How do I do that? Thanks...
  24. Eddie: I followed your instructions, but I think I already was administrator as there already was a yellow/blue shield logo beside that option. My vanilla install still didn't launch. So, I'll try the suggestions by Schrullenhaft. Another question: When I had an XP machine I NEVER put games under PROGRAM FILES. I always created a SIMS folder under C:/ and loaded/installed all my games in that folder. (I did not want to mix up possibly critical windows apps with games, and that way it was easy to find the games and not overlook some game I wanted to delete.) But, is there a good reason that all game apps should be installed in the PROGRAM FILES directory, or is my way of doing things just fine in W7 as it seemed to be in XP? And BTW: My i7 / W7 machine is brand new, with new installs of i7 OS and Win7 (not upgraded from XP or Vista etc.).
  25. Thanks guys. Am completely unfamiliar with and rather lost in W7. Where do I "right click" in order to "Run as Admin?" (And what W7 info books does anyone recommend?) I'll start with that, and work my way thru your other suggestions. My main question was to confirm that the base game should run without any updates, patches etc? So, not having those installed is not the problem? (BTW: BTS' new torpedo boat sim demo loaded and ran without any problem at all!)
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