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Posts posted by Erwin

  1. AFAIK it's only available as a campaign.

    What I like about playing vs the AI is attempting minimal casualties. I am halfway thru mission three, and so far I have only lost about 3 guys from my core forces. (More from the non-core, but I guess they are set up to be more like cannon fodder and I am a bit more careless with them.) Am also enjoying the large maps so flanking maneuvers can be made.

    Nonetheless I have made an effort to lead with the Crack core recon guys so they get the most dangerous assignments (along with the Mercenaries) while using the non-core militia and mech forces as fire support and to hold/defend Victory locations.

    Was hoping to get some RL tactics hints re how Syria/Libya CO's would handle this sort of strange force mixture, and it's disapponting that no one seems to know.

    The BMP 3's and Shilka's rock! And next mission #4 offers the first use of a TURMS T72. :)

  2. Man... I am really surprised that it appears that only Charles and I have played this campaign.

    I'm halfway thru mission #2 and it's very good. The mix on units is very interesting and different from any other CMSF scenario or campaign I have ever played.

    And I thought there would be at least a few people who would have the answers to some tactics questions. :(

  3. I enjoyed Omega Games boardgame "Ranger" which simulated patrolling in Jungle-type terrain (and I recommend checking it out if you haven't already).

    Perhaps Pacific Theater is more suited for FPS since the perception is that it's nearly all point blank combat in dense jungle and you really want to be able to see through the eyes of the troops on the ground to a greater extent than one currently can in CM2.

    Secondly, it's also mostly infantry and small unit combat and not every CM fan is interested in that.

    Thirdly the game would have to simulate tiger traps, tunnels, a better ambush model, and for Vietnam, Claymores etc. Also, Vietnam was not about military ops but political-social maneuvering. The game would have to show how you can win all the battles and lose the war.

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