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Posts posted by Sledge59

  1. MrSpkr and I are crawling along at blinding speed in the final game. We are just entering the BER phase. This is a true milestone considering all the technical and real life difficulties along the way.

    The final standings will be extremely close. This tournament won't be decided until the last move. Even then it will come down to a few points at most.

  2. IIRC Claymore reasoned that you wouldn't come charging over what you called 'Hill 189'. Force blue wanted to create havoc as you crossed the bridge. Every member of those frontal forces knew that their life expectancy would be short, so the plan was to make the bridge flag costly to take. When the mortar and bazooka were spotted so quickly, things began to crumble. Lt. Claymore was killed by a Tiger's 88, and the AT guns fought bravely but couldn't get many penetrations on their hits. PawBroon had a better time of it, singlehandedly taking out the Pumas, yet he had refused safe passage through the minefield during setup in order to deny road travel to all.

    What was the story behind that early allied prisoner that was paraded around by the bridge?

  3. The mines and wire were a part of allied engineer platoon F's assets. Captain Heinz had a lot to do with the final layout, along with a crucial suggestion from Lt. PawBroon. Heinz's clear orders were: "Stop them here".

    It was a significant gamble to place all these resources at the bottleneck. If the Germans had come over the ridge with a huge infantry force, things might have gone somewhat differently. The idea was to deny combined arms to the attackers for as long as possible.

  4. Fangorn is most likely correct in his assessment. This is a very close race and this decision will undoubtedly affect the final rankings. IMO everyone who completes the tourney is a winner.

    It’s regrettable when any player drops out. We’ve all put a lot into this event and it will be pleasant to see it come to a harmonious conclusion. Treeburst155, you’ve consistently made appropriate rulings and will undoubtedly do so here. I’m just pleased as punch to have played in this fine tournament with all the good folks that have participated.

  5. This material from an old PG2 site relates to the topic:

    Vulnerability of the Tiger Tank

    Here's a portion for those who don't want to click over: Even artillery could be an effective counter to the Tiger tank:

    From a US War Department Intelligence Bulletin (dated January 1945), comes the following conclusions from the 2nd New Zealand Division fighting the German forces equipped with Tiger I tanks in Italy:

    The concentration of field artillery to counter Tigers is effective. Even if a brew-up [destroyed vehicle] does not result, the tank is invariably withdrawn. It appears obvious that the tank crews do not like the shell-fire, as the possibility of damage to vital parts (tracks, suspension, bogies, wireless aerials, outside fixtures, electrical equipment, etc.) is always present.

    Ok, ok at least we KNOW that rifle fire never knocked out a Tiger… right!?!?

    Well, not exactly.

    A Soviet view of the capture of their first Tiger tank is recounted in an extract from an article by the military historian Dr. Giuseppe Finizio:

    In Romanovsky’s [A Soviet Lieutenant General] version published for the first time in Operatsiya Iskra (Spark), Lenizdat 1973 and reprinted in Leningrad Does Not Surrender by N. Kislitsyn and V. Zubakov, Progress, 1989): "I was informed that an unusual enemy tank was moving through the corridor. Our light guns fired at it, but even direct hits could not stop the heavy, obviously strongly armoured vehicle. The German tank was heading for Schusselburg and at the time our 18th Infantry Division was approaching the road. The tank came under heavy direct fire. The shells did not cause dameage, but the driver, evidently taking fright, turned off the road and tried to get away towards Sinyavino. As it turned, the tank got stuck in a peat bog.

  6. I'd like to express my gratitude to Mike and Charl for the opportunity to participate in this tournament. In my opinion you two deserve the grand prize for being such gracious hosts in all of the events currently underway.

    I am quite willing to complete what we have started here. We have all made a commitment to this event and it seems only appropriate to follow it through to the end.

    Thanks again!

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

    Ya' know, the last time a carpenter showed up around here, Berli had him nailed to a tree.

    We've got more trees.

    Bugger off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    How did you know that I'm a tree hugger? Not the bleeding heart environmentalist type but on the order of George Nakashima. Actually that brings up another point... All you thoughtless gamers (myself included) blowing up perfectly good buildings. The sacrilege! It's trouble enough to build a decent home or office without some idiot with a big gun wrecking it all for just a few moments of pleasure.

    As for Berlichtingen, although he is known far and wide as Evil, I find little evidence to the fact that the elder in question is in any way evil. Still, if you insist upon dragging him into this you will soon learn that I am not nearly as pliant or forgiving as that other carpenter was.

    Hey Stalin! Wake up your sniveling Organ Grinder so that the dead can be avenged upon the pixel playground.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    But as the world's greatest Dick Tater I feel the need to at least try to bring you up to speed <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That just rips it. The murderer Stalin killed more Ukrainians than Hitler killed Jews. You laud his name like he was some sort of hero. He makes the most infamous serial killers look like pansies. My wife is Ukrainian. Send me a setup you poor excuse for a penis. I really want to know if you are truly deranged or just suffer from an extremely sick sense of humor.

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