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Posts posted by Sledge59

  1. Hakko Ichiu wrote:

    ...let me leave you with a piece of wisdom from that great philosopher, Bruce Lee:

    He who does not know and knows he does not know is ignorant: teach him.

    He who knows but does not know he knows is blind: enlighten him.

    He who knows and knows he knows is wise: follow him

    He who does not know and does not know he does not know is a fool: shun him.

    Or somefink.

    Is it philosophy day?

    The softest thing in the universe

    Overcomes the hardest thing in the universe.

    That without substance can enter where there is no room.

    Hence, I know the value of non-action.

    Teaching without words and work without doing

    Are understood by very few.

    --The Tao Te Ching

  2. Michael,

    Give the guy enough rope and he will hang himself. Always remember that trolls feed on attention (particularly if it's negative), so use the [ignore] switch and carry on your conversation as if he isn't there. I understand that you've got a sore spot after those utterly tasteless polls. I'd wager that he's been on this board under some other name before and has been banned. He doesn't deserve attention in any case.

  3. It is my sad duty to inform the members of the ‘Pool that I have again failed to lose a game to the kanniget, Leeo. I tried. I really did. He just wouldn’t have any of that “winning” stuff, the rotten dog.

    Perhaps Leeo was overconfident, for he rushed a swarm of British tanks headlong into an accidentally deadly trap during the first turns. You should have seen the muddy rooster tails thrown right off my viewing screen when Leeo hollered: charge! The game went straight down hill from that point on. In a large patch of forest near World’s End, his poorly commanded squads met the Heer Wood Chipper and died in droves. I tried desperately to celebrate the arrival of many more valiant Brits with a welcoming fanfare of 150mm party poppers, but they only ran away screaming. I still can’t figure out why. Somebody please help.

    Seanachai, I’ll send along this tattered dog ear for the next batch of soup; or would you rather let Berli munch on this one?


  4. CMplayer whinged:

    Now you just hold your tongue you most wretched little man. A third rate squire of a windbag (you) does not approach another kannigit (my liege) to advise him how to handle his squire (me). I'd have thought Joe Shaw would have already busted you for that one...(typical bloody justicars...they harrass you day in and day out, but they're never there when you need them)

    (Pls. note that in the above the Justicar's name has been spelled correctly to try to butter him up and win support, but it's a one time occurance and I swear it won't happen again)

    Oh dear, this one really is lost. For a humble and respectful request he has attempted to insult my liege. Can't let that pass.

    CMPlayer! Draw steel, knave. Ye have committed the heinous crime of being only semi-active in the 'Pool. I shall cure you of your wicked wicked ways (for a little while, at least). That Random Battle Generator thingy that Leeo introduced me to is great fun with computer picked forces.

    Well don't just stand there with your finger in your ear... Do somefink!!!

    Slu.. uh Sledge

  5. Marlow replied:

    I would give the standard "do a search" answer, but since you are obviously someone who rides to the 'Pool on the short school bus I'll have pity on you.

    Well met, Marlow. The mistake was all mine, of course. Now how about giving this poor lost lad an appropriate quest? I'm afraid that this Latch Key Squire (as Joe Shaw so aptly put it) is in need of help, and lots of it.
  6. CMplayer said:

    At least he irritates the hell out of the grogs.

    He also irritates anyone with a lick of sense. I've used the [ignore] switch on the little twerp's posts for quite some time now.

    What is your status here in the Pool, CMPlayer? I don't know whether to bold you, abuse you, challenge you, or give you a big bear hug like you did David Aitkin long ago. Are you still sick of your board name?


  7. REVS,

    Bugger off!

    That didn't sound quite right...

    Buzz off!

    Still no good.

    Shape up or ship out!

    Kinda sorta fits... Oh bother... {sigh}

    You obviously have no regard for the rules and traditions of the CessPool, for there was no challenge in your jealous taunt. Have you ever experienced four seasons? No? Your ignorance is incomparable! Just as there can be no laughter without grief, there can be no real living without winter. As much as I hate to admit it, Joe is also correct regarding yet another of your laughable failings.

    If you want a game, say it well and follow the simple instructions, fool. Otherwise, begone with you; or we'll have to break out the sod off shotgun!


  8. This was written by Ano-somebody...

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off. And also help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as they may be

    connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow. Help me always to give 100% at work---12% on Mon---23%on Tuesday---40% on Wed.---20%on Thurs---5% on Fri. And help me to remember.....When I'm having a really bad day, and it seems that people are trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to "BITE ME'.

    Say G'nite thread.

  9. chrisl actually wrote this:

    So you found a picture of me on the web. Are you going to doctor it?

    Using yourself at the business end of a joke in this manner is an indication that evolution may not have been entirely thwarted in your case. What humorless person would ever admit to being this ugly? Of course, one isolated example is not full redemption... we will need to see more of the same.

    Bravo, Persephone! *applause*

  10. Chrisl whined:

    Get in line. You might have to win back Seanachai's magic gnome hat and Berli's name first, though.

    It was amusing for a time, Chrisl (you are no longer worthy of bolding). Now the time has come for you to face the facts.

    Your sig is worn out. Only a chosen few may generate Pool rules on the fly, and you aren't one of them. Neither Berli nor Seanachai has agreed to your terms. With a flick of his wrist, Berli could condemn you to "reintarnation" (coming back to life as a hillbilly). Seanachai could destroy you in an instant via "sarchasm" (the gulf between the author of sarcastic prose and the idjit who doesn't understand it). The fight is over, Chrisl. You are only boring us now.

    Show us that you are no longer a wuss. Abandon your tiresome posturing and entertain the CessPool once more.


  11. From the pen of Persephone:

    The rest of you ungrateful bunch go on as if Peng never existed.

    I bet the new set of Squires don't even know that a Peng really did exist.

    Not entirely true, M'Lady. I refer you to replies #7 & 10.

    Although you are quite correct about the Justicar, there's no doubt that the noble Seanachai supports the rightful reinstatement of Peng. He is simply biding his time.

    Why should MrPeng get his name back? Because wussl has absolutely no right to deprive the MBT of entertainment. Gates-Slut was stale and boring from the beginning. Peng is fun to read. If all else fails I plan to slaughter the little wuss myself.


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