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Everything posted by shredder

  1. After playing Close Combat III for the past couple of weeks, I can only say that without mortars this game would play out very differently. There are times when it is absolutely critical to have the ability to drop smoke to screen an advance or block the enemys LOS to an exposed unit, not to mention pinning down dug in infantry or suppressing an anti tank gun. Mortars? Gotta have them - no ifs, ands, or buts. Not a game breaker, but without them there's no way ToW can be called realistic.
  2. Or maybe you never stopped playing it. The anticipation of TOW prompted me to dust off my copy of Close Combat III: The Russian Front and install it (wasn't sure it would even work with XP, but the only thing that I needed to tweek was the scroll speed). I forgot how much fun I had with that game and the frustration I experienced with the path finding difficulties (just cross the ***damn bridge!!!) I can only imagine playing this sort of game in 3D. When can we preorder?
  3. I hate spinach. I've never tasted it, but have talked to a lot of people who I respect and know a lot about food who really hate it, so therefore I hate it as well and don't have anything good to say about it. I've been eating food since the 70's, so I know what I'm talking about. I chat with a lot of people who eat different foods and who have eaten spinach, and they really tried to like it but they throw their hands up in despair. Perhaps some of you will go out and waste your money buying spinach, but not me. No sirree. I'm too smart for that. You see, I hate spinach. The only thing I hate more than spinach is some smart ass making fun of me on forums for talking about a product I've never tried and only formed an opinion about based on the opinions of others who hate spinach. While I'm ranting, I also hate jazz. I've never actually heard jazz, but I've been listening to music since the 70's and know what I'm talking about and have talked to a lot of people in chat rooms who hate jazz. They wanted to like it but just couldn't stand it so gave up in disgust. I also hate Hearts of Iron. I've never played it but have talked to a lot of people who wanted to like it but gave up in disgust. I've been playing wargames since the 70's and so am a VETERAN wargamer which makes me qualified to hate a wargame I've never played based on the opinions of others who hate it. You HOI fanboys can waste your money on it, but it makes a better coaster than a wargame. Take if from me, a veteran wargamer and someone who has a firm grip on logic and rational thinking.
  4. Yesterday a T-34 knocked out my tiger even though there was a house between the two, and I mean BETWEEN the two! The t-34 was squarely behind the house and only a few meters away from it, and the tiger was on the opposite side about 100 meters away. On the replay, the red target line went right through the middle of the house to the tiger. I've never seen anything like it.
  5. 1280 x 1024 Just picked up a Dell 2.4 Ghz, ATI 9700 Pro, 512MB Ram, 21" NEC Accusync 120 monitor. Runs huge scenarios without missing a beat and I can see the entire battlefield. Life is good
  6. Just a heads up to those out there who don't get Computer Gaming World. In the back of every issue they have a "Gamers Edge" section where they give game playing tips to a few select games. Lo and behold, this month they feature CMBB. They include some interesting charts and tips and overall gives some great free publicity for this game. Check it out.
  7. I would love to be able to download groups of scenarios at a time, much like Runes. It's too bad someone comes along to make things more convenient only to get shot down for his efforts. What the hell difference does it make to the scenario creators where the scenario gets downloaded from as long as it gets downloaded and played? Isn't that why it is created and put online in the first place - so others can play it? Too many uptight egomaniacs around here for me.
  8. I've got a 1942 Willys Jeep. According to records, it is the tenth oldest jeep in existence (ie registered and licensed). My dad (korean war vet) drives it in local memorial day and 4th of july parades. Thinking about mounting a fake .50 cal MG on it to make it look a little more military, but it has a great paint job and all the accessories. Always the hit of the parade.
  9. Are there any scenarios out there that depict the battle concerning Hill 317 just east of Mortain that was held by the 2nd battalion, 120th infantry, 30th division? I've read accounts of this impressive struggle and it seems like it would make for an ideal scenario.
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