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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=5 font color=green>Good Morning Cheery Waffles, </font><font size=1>penguins</font><font size=4 font color=green>, and other riff-raff!!</font>

    It looks like Axe has managed to irritate Seanachai enough to receive a challenge. I can only wish it involved a midnight battle to the death in the snow with Craftsman power tools, but regrettably 'tis only to be a game of CM. I suspect this will boil down to a contest between Axe's tactical skill versus Seanachai's endless taunting and his stalling. In terms of taunting, I think Axe is seriously overmatched. It doesn't matter. He has faced the very worst in stalling before, the jewel-encrusted no-turn-sending maggot MasterGoodale. I, along with 99.99% of Canadians, every drunkard and kangaroo and dingo in Australia, and right-thinking people everywhere, throw my moral support in this titanic match to Axe. The fact that my pretender god Seanachai died on me not once, not twice, but three times in the recent Dominions II game has very little to do with my decision. :mad: :mad: :D:D

  2. <font size=5 font color=green>Good Morning Cheery Waffles, </font><font size=1>penguins</font><font size=4 font color=green>, and other riff-raff!!</font>

    It looks like Axe has managed to irritate Seanachai enough to receive a challenge. I can only wish it involved a midnight battle to the death in the snow with Craftsman power tools, but regrettably 'tis only to be a game of CM. I suspect this will boil down to a contest between Axe's tactical skill versus Seanachai's endless taunting and his stalling. In terms of taunting, I think Axe is seriously overmatched. It doesn't matter. He has faced the very worst in stalling before, the jewel-encrusted no-turn-sending maggot MasterGoodale. I, along with 99.99% of Canadians, every drunkard and kangaroo and dingo in Australia, and right-thinking people everywhere, throw my moral support in this titanic match to Axe. The fact that my pretender god Seanachai died on me not once, not twice, but three times in the recent Dominions II game has very little to do with my decision. :mad: :mad: :D:D

  3. <font size =8 font color=orange>Good Friday Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font>

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    Perhaps you can send to Rob.knight@dhs.vic.gov.au? Which of course is my work email addy.

    Which, of course, being a government e-mail address, means he has all kinds of time on his hands for PBEMs. :mad: :mad: </font>
  4. <font size =8 font color=orange>Good Friday Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font>

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    Perhaps you can send to Rob.knight@dhs.vic.gov.au? Which of course is my work email addy.

    Which, of course, being a government e-mail address, means he has all kinds of time on his hands for PBEMs. :mad: :mad: </font>
  5. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    <font size=1 font color=white>...I want them to suffer and suffer long. I want them to whimper into their pillows at night wondering why I have to be so cruel. I want them jumping at shadows and cringing at my arrival. I want them to know the error of their cretinous ways.

    Beating them with the club would only be temporary as their wounds would heal and they would eventually forget about it in the larger scheme and that would just *not* do. :mad: :mad:

    I want them to have to seek therapy for the nightmares...the cold sweat...the tremors. I want them to fear to open their closets or to put their feet on the floor beside the bed in the dark.

    *THAT* is my goal. That is what it is to be *truly* Evil...

    :mad: :mad:


    Oh, you were talking about the Cheery Waffles, weren't you? Would you mind repeating that? I wasn't paying attention. redface.gifredface.gif:D

    Mace, do you ever remember to look at your e-mail? I have sent the turns to you several times. I've also sent you e-mails asking you to send my turns. Did somebody cut off communication with Australia, and if not, why not? Anyway, I thought I was waiting on turns from you. I'll send them yet again this evening. I suspect the mountain of beer cans covering your house is interfering with your e-mail. :rolleyes:

  6. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    <font size=1 font color=white>...I want them to suffer and suffer long. I want them to whimper into their pillows at night wondering why I have to be so cruel. I want them jumping at shadows and cringing at my arrival. I want them to know the error of their cretinous ways.

    Beating them with the club would only be temporary as their wounds would heal and they would eventually forget about it in the larger scheme and that would just *not* do. :mad: :mad:

    I want them to have to seek therapy for the nightmares...the cold sweat...the tremors. I want them to fear to open their closets or to put their feet on the floor beside the bed in the dark.

    *THAT* is my goal. That is what it is to be *truly* Evil...

    :mad: :mad:


    Oh, you were talking about the Cheery Waffles, weren't you? Would you mind repeating that? I wasn't paying attention. redface.gifredface.gif:D

    Mace, do you ever remember to look at your e-mail? I have sent the turns to you several times. I've also sent you e-mails asking you to send my turns. Did somebody cut off communication with Australia, and if not, why not? Anyway, I thought I was waiting on turns from you. I'll send them yet again this evening. I suspect the mountain of beer cans covering your house is interfering with your e-mail. :rolleyes:

  7. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    The Events Coordinator popped a bottle of a 2000 Zin that I made. The turpentine notes have faded but this nice wet dog fur component has really come to life. w00t me!

    Way to go!! Another career highlight for a distinguished vintner. Too bad the paint thinner evaporated. So did you stomp the grapes with your own bare feet, or did you get all the hounds in the neighborhood over to roll around on them? :D:D
  8. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    The Events Coordinator popped a bottle of a 2000 Zin that I made. The turpentine notes have faded but this nice wet dog fur component has really come to life. w00t me!

    Way to go!! Another career highlight for a distinguished vintner. Too bad the paint thinner evaporated. So did you stomp the grapes with your own bare feet, or did you get all the hounds in the neighborhood over to roll around on them? :D:D
  9. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    You bunch of drooling, slack-jawed, half-witted, moronic pustules of ooze! :mad:


    You bunch of festering sores on the butt of life! :mad:

    Whew, whatever set this one off? Calm down, dear Lady Sedai, before you have a stroke. As much fun as it would have been if MasterGoodale (the maggot) had croaked in the middle of posting here, I'd just as soon not watch one of the ladies of the MBT expire in this thread. For one thing, we'd never hear the end of it from the other <font size=1>penguins</font>. Seanachai himself would probably bore us all to death with pages and pages of rambling anecdotes about you that all ended up actually being about himself. :D:D:D
  10. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    You bunch of drooling, slack-jawed, half-witted, moronic pustules of ooze! :mad:


    You bunch of festering sores on the butt of life! :mad:

    Whew, whatever set this one off? Calm down, dear Lady Sedai, before you have a stroke. As much fun as it would have been if MasterGoodale (the maggot) had croaked in the middle of posting here, I'd just as soon not watch one of the ladies of the MBT expire in this thread. For one thing, we'd never hear the end of it from the other <font size=1>penguins</font>. Seanachai himself would probably bore us all to death with pages and pages of rambling anecdotes about you that all ended up actually being about himself. :D:D:D
  11. <font size=6 font color=yellow>Good morning, Waffles!!</font>

    Originally posted by Zebulon Pleasure Beast:

    Here's a small tactics guide for fighting Lobsters in the form of a lovely song and animation.



    After watching this I have an irresistable urge to stop surfing the internet and get back to work. Watch it at your own risk! :eek: :eek:
  12. <font size=6 font color=yellow>Good morning, Waffles!!</font>

    Originally posted by Zebulon Pleasure Beast:

    Here's a small tactics guide for fighting Lobsters in the form of a lovely song and animation.



    After watching this I have an irresistable urge to stop surfing the internet and get back to work. Watch it at your own risk! :eek: :eek:
  13. Originally posted by Soddball:

    You want to assimilate with our Dave? Have you met him?


    If you aliens are so damn clever as to be able to fly across the galaxy, why are you still so stupid as to want to reduce your average IQ by 95% by collectivising our Dave?

    :mad: :mad:

    <font size=5 font color=purple>I tell ya, I don't get no respect. No respect at all. </font> :(:(:D:D
  14. Originally posted by The Dave Collective:

    We seek oddstraulians for assimiliation. We wish to raise our tolerance for alcohol as well as lower our IQ further. The boundries for our stupidity will expand. Water will be replaced with beer. Our collective will grow. Then, no manatee can stop us. We are the Dave. Resistance is futile maggot.

    Hmmm, where did this particular bit of flotsam or jetsam originate? I couldn't help noticing the birthdate of January 1, 1900. Finally I have found a board member much older than me! I'm pretty certain that by now it has turned rancid. Talk about feeding the maggots! :D:D

    Okay, The Dave Collective, time to show off your Combat Mission skilz. Send me a company sized setup of either CMAK or CMBB and we'll see where you rate in the hierarchy of Daves. I suspect you are no more than a Cheery Waffle wannabe, so here's your big chance to prove me wrong. :D:D

  15. Originally posted by David I:

    One of the worse "alternate history" novels I have ever read, speculated just that: That Bobby Lee was given 20,000 AK-47s just prior to the Gettysburg Campaign! A total and complete waste of print.


    I used that example on purpose. Personally I enjoyed "The Guns of the South". As to Michael's excellent point about the Union artillery, in the book the men from the future used modern weapons to knock out Union fortifications and artillery before the Confederate infantry attacked.
  16. Originally posted by ErikinWest:

    Italians, Germans, Japs, Brits, or whatever. Which one you would you choose and why? Then which gun?

    Me: Japanese because I love the army, weapons and style! Ill go with Type 99!



    You are aware that your term "Japs" carries some negative connotations, right? Why single your favorite out for the slur? Why not just rephrase your sentence fragment like Archie Bunker would have as "Wops, Krauts, Japs, Limeys or whatever." :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D

    As an aside, just an anecdote about stereotyping from my own experience. Back in the late 1970's I worked with a woman who was then in her fifties. We had a new employee come to work whose family had escaped from Red China to Hong Kong. This woman told everyone that she could tell he was not Japanese, because all Japanese wore thick glasses and had buck teeth. :eek: :rolleyes:

  17. This is something like Robert E Lee's men all having AK-47's in the Civil War, right? I'm under the impression that the small arms had very little impact on most of the fighting. When you're getting hit with a barrage of 105 and 155 mm artillery, the rifle in your hand doesn't really make too much of a difference. :eek: :eek:

  18. Not to get into even more useless speculation about CMx2, but I sincerely hope BFC can get past this graphics bottleneck concerning faces. I understand that all three games so far have used the same face textures for both sides. In the future I hope that's no longer the case, so all Allied and Axis troops don't have to look like Germans. I suspect that CMx2 with soldiers who do not look like Germans may help BFC penetrate markets which have been completely unrepresented in the games so far. How many billions of people live in those parts of the world, like India and China and Japan? News flash - somebody is buying a whole lot of computers in these countries. I'm sure they're all just as proud of their fathers and grandfathers who fought in WW2 as any European, Commonwealth or American gamers. :D:D

  19. <font size=5 font color=purple>Good Friday Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font> :D:D

    I've been noticing quite a few posts from people who live down under, laughing about the cold and the snow in Canada and the northern US. That had me a bit aggravated for a few days. Then last night I watched the first part of Gallipoli, which did a pretty good job of showing what most of Australia looks like. Give me the snow any time, because it always melts. The outback doesn't change. :D:D

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Pseudoengineer, Dave Hooligan, mike_the_psycho and Wallyblob -- expect setups in the next day or two.

    I need to increase my win-to-loss ratio. :mad: :mad:

    I don't follow your logic. About all we ever do is tie, except for the several times when I have crushed you like an eggshell. :D
  20. Originally posted by Cull:

    What the crap is this new-agey hooha? :mad: :mad:

    New-agey?? People have known for a long time that your thoughts have a powerful effect on your body. These days negative thinking is called "stress" or "depression", but it's still the same thing.

    If anything is new-agey it's the pile of bovine excrement about the old white guy living in the sky who gave Moses a list of 10 rules that you must obey at all costs or he will condemn you to burn in eternal fire. But he loves you!! (Thanks, George Carlin) :D:D

    Since I can't stoop low enough to post this in the <font size=1>penguin</font> threads, I'll put it here.

    <font size=6 font color=blue>Happy Birthday rune!!</font> :D:D

    At least I suppose it's possible you're telling the truth about your birthday. Anything is possible. Oh, and thanks for the set of scenarios. Someday I hope to try all of them to see if your reputation for unbalanced scenario design is really deserved. I'll bet you haven't come up with one as unbalanced as the most recent version of the BDLRM, which I'm still trying to get finished with Mace. He must think he's MasterGoodale or something. Anything to get on Kitty's good side. :D:D

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