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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

    Strategy is buying a rubber before going out on a date.

    I think in this example you have confused strategy with logistics. Would you agree? :D

    No. I think the entire quote, the second half of which you omitted, provides the best example of what we mean by the difference is between strategy and tactics I've ever seen. I am very proud to have been the originator of it.

    BTW, logistics is an integral part of strategy, which may explain your confusion. Or it might just be all the glue you sniffed in junior high.


  2. Originally posted by Salkin:

    Hmm....looking for an easy kill, Dave ?

    Let me get back to you on that one. my sub standard english skills fits better with you lot then with the penguins :D anyway.


    My compliments to the :mad:

    Of course I'm looking for an easy kill. After the embarrassing beatings I administered to these maggots in the BDLRM2 last year, some of them seem reluctant to try again. The fact that you speak English at all shows your clear superiority to the <font size=1>penguins</font>. They appear to speak in some gibberish combining the worst of Australia and Minnesota. :eek: :rolleyes:

    I've found my favorite web site right here. What a great way to start the morning! :D:D

  3. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Quick, someone say something political so this thread will get locked. I've been waiting for someone to say something interesting or amusing, and it just doesn't look like it's going to happen.


    Say something political? No chance; I don't feel like getting banned. :eek: :eek:

    I did want to ask a couple of questions about your sig.

    After some research into the matter at hand, I discovered Mr. Emrys is absolutely correct.


    Do you even remember what this was all about, and how long ago it happened? :confused:

    Strategy is buying a rubber before going out on a date.

    I think in this example you have confused strategy with logistics. Would you agree? :D

  4. <font size=5 font color=yellow>Good Morning Cheery Waffles!</font>

    Snarker, what's the big idea of using a <font size=1>penguin</font> trap in this thread? The Lady Moraine has again showed her superiority to most other <font size=1>penguins</font> by sidestepping it. I'm guessing Mace is still in there looking for his free TNT. :D

    Originally posted by Salkin:

    Are you guys recruiting?

    It's really not in character for a waffler to give away anything unless it's hot, splodey and angro....oh, wait ...never mind...

    EDITED to add :mad: camouflage so I blend in.



    We've never had to recruit. There's an unending supply of hardy people standing ready to protect the BFC forums from MasterGoodale (the maggot) if he shows his snout again. Unlike a certain "other thread" on the forum, this one has always been open to all comers, and especially to inexperienced PBEM opponents. For as it is written in the Book of Goodale (the maggot), Chapter 8, verse 22 "GRARRGHRAARGHRARRGH!!! Do ye not know that ye are all Cheery Waffles?" You can look it up. :D:D
  5. <font size=5>Good Friday morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font>

    Any of you following the thread in the GF about the guys in New Hampshire who say they dug up some old currency? I swear if it's not MasterGoodale (the maggot), it must be members of his inbred family. No offense, Kitty. :D:D

    Originally posted by Mace:

    For someone without a monitor, you sure do type nicely. :D


    Thank you. It's a gift. tongue.gif:D:D
  6. Originally posted by _Axe_:


    But she's going to be fine.

    Thanks for all the kind words.

    Great news, Axe! Your mom's recovering, and Kitty has allowed her Valkyrie persona to slip for an instant. Talk about your win - win! :D:D

    Don't worry, Kitty, we won't let your jewel-encrusted maggot of a dad know about your weak moment. He'd probably cut you out of the will if he found out. You wouldn't want to miss out on inheriting the Goodale collection of mold and vomit and ants, would you? :eek: :eek:

    Mace, my monitor is in the shop until sometime next week, so be patient. I'll get back to slaughtering your German probe when I can see what's going on. Somehow fighting battles with all of the black images showing up as bright green wasn't fun anymore. :mad: :mad: :mad: Luckily the nearest Viewsonic service center is only about 15 miles away. :D

  7. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Well gang. I've been quiet the last week or so, because I was preparing for a job interview this morning.

    The job is for manager of public and government affairs with the Canadian Automobile Association. One of my former co-workers took a job there and loves it.

    Is that because Canada only has a few miles of paved roads? I imagine the Canadian Dogsled Association has lots more work. :D

    So the interview was three hours (!). I'm pretty wiped now. I need a nap. Then, a couple of pints and the pub with dad, then home (n.b Watson & Crick ) and then I'll tell you more about it.
    So three hours of incisive questions like "Want a job, eh?" That would wear anyone out. :D

    So my turn rate should improve too. And, fortunately for all of you scumbags, my posting rate will return to normal.

    Bask in the glory that is _Axe_!!!

    That's just cruel. :mad:

    P.S. You should be horsewhipped for that seizure-inducing post Dave :mad: :mad: :mad:


    Just getting into the fireworks spirit, maggot. How's your PBEM schedule right now? Ready for another round of CMBB or CMAK?

    Oh, and thanks for the kind words Sergei!! Anything for our friends in the Arctic Circle. You haven't seen that uber-Finn Keke's carcass around anywhere, have you?

  8. <font size=5 font color=orange>G<font color=yellow>o<font color=red>o<font color=purple>d <font color=green>F<font color=white>r<font color=yellow>i<font color=orange>d<font color=purple>a<font color=red>y <font color=white>M<font color=green>o<font color=purple>r<font color=green>n<font color=white>i<font color=orange>n<font color=yellow>g, <font color=red>W<font color=purple>a<font color=green>f<font color=white>f<font color=yellow>l<font color=orange>e<font color=purple>m<font color=red>a<font color=white>g<font color=green>g<font color=purple>o<font color=green>t<font color=white>s<font color=orange>!<font color=yellow>!</font>

    <font size=3 font color=yellow>So far it's been a gorgeous April this year. Day after day of sunshine and warm temperatures, with cool clear nights. Low humidity. Pleasant breezes. Maybe not perfect, but within shouting distance. :D

    <font color=black>Then we get to this weekend, which is Thunder Over Louisville, the big air show and fireworks extravaganza to kick off the Kentucky Derby festival. <font color=blue>This morning it's raining. The high temperature today isn't expected to top 50 degrees. Later today we're supposed to get some heavier rain. <font color=white>Then the temperature will drop. The prediction for Saturday night includes snow flurries. :eek:

    <font color=black>If I was one of the organizers I'd be ready to jump off a bridge. But I'm not, so instead I will stay inside where it's warm and try to play CM - <font color=red>if Mace ever sends another turn! :mad: :mad:

    <font color=black>Taxes are over and I have time for some PBEM again, so which maggots are ready for a beatdown? Come on you pitiful slugs, don't all of you slither away. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    PS. I managed to lose all of my e-mail contact information switching to Windows XP, so I only have what's in your profiles. If you use a different address for turns, send me an e-mail with the correct address.

  9. Originally posted by Mike:

    lol - and you got the wrong scenario - this one has a dozen Kiwi Shermans & 2 recon platoons attacking a company of Germans Fallschirmjager & the 3 tanks.

    Is that the one with the Allied ACs starting on the road in full view of the German tanks? It's been a while, this may have been NZ troops instead of Americans. My Shermans took a worse beating from the German infantry than from the German armor. :eek: :eek:
  10. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:


    And *shoots Sitting Duck with rock salt* I don't know you, but you deserved that for that comment. tongue.gif

    The truth always stings, doesn't it, Lady semi-Justicarette? I think Elvis is the only <font size=1>penguin</font> who really communicates in English. :D:D

    JasonC does make winning at CM sound so easy. Unfortunately, you also have to stop your opponent from doing all of those same simple things to YOU! :eek: :eek:

  11. Originally posted by Mike:

    Shows how much you know AITCH - his tanks were all dead too....... tongue.gif

    But Dalem as a moderator?? That's like....just wierd!!

    If I remember the scenario, without the Shermans there's not much chance for the American infantry to root out the Germans. There were lots of walls for defenders to hide behind and cut infantry to shreds. :eek:

    I didn't mean to imply dalem was one of the moderators. He was the only forum member to express his disagreement to a "Senior Member" who started with a personal insult right off the bat. I really appreciated that, because dalem and I have our disagreements before, too. One of the forum moderators started the thread that I made my first post in. I think I'll try attending white-supremacist militia meetings and KKK rallies from now on; I'd expect to meet a more open-minded group of people there. :eek: :eek: :eek:

  12. Originally posted by Mike:

    It was just a game of dice rolls - how was I to know that charging a dozen vanilla Shermans agaisnt a Tiger & 2 P-4's would result in 11 dead Shermans!! :(

    So nobody ever explained to you that charging Shermans have about a ZERO percent chance of hitting anything, while the German tanks can sit still and calmly pick them off? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I think I played that scenario against the suave Teddy Windsor. It's a tough battle for the Americans.

    Think my new GF thread about robotic camel jockies can avoid the dreaded padlock of doom for a few hours? :D:D

    I finally posted a few times on the linked political forum. BIG MISTAKE!! Dalem is the voice of moderation over there. The forum administrators will not tolerate any views that don't mirror their own. I can live without their personal abuse, and I'm sure they'll be happier without me, too. :eek: :eek:

  13. <font size=4 font color=yellow>Good Friday Morning!!</font>

    Nice to see our favorite Kitty sneaking in again. Were your parents big Gunsmoke fans, naming you for Miss Kitty? :D

    Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

    I just reread the post on the CMBB forum. He wants the battles played TCP instead of PBEM. Never mind. :(:(


    we could always start developing our own, but it needs to be a simple system that doesn't involve millions of support rules (unlike another campaign Kitty and I were particating in) :mad: </font>

  14. <font size=5 font color=white>Good Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font>

    Hey, are any of you maggots interested in playing Jason C's Kursk campaign? I thought it might be fun to actually get to do something as collaborators instead of as opponents. Let the Cheery Waffles rule the battlefield! :D:D

    I just reread the post on the CMBB forum. He wants the battles played TCP instead of PBEM. Never mind. :(:(

    [ April 14, 2005, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

  15. <font size=6>RIP Jim!!</font>

    I had the pleasure of playing Jim Boggs in several PBEMs, and he always brought a smile to me with his wit and sometimes with his tactics. We also corresponded at length during his wife's illness, when he stopped playing to take care of her. Although I never had the chance to meet him in person, I counted him a friend and always will. Jim Boggs, you Waffle maggot, may your TNT always be molten and angry. :D:D:D

  16. Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

    Gonna need another maggot to step up. Axe...Dave H?

    I thought you were still getting pounded in Fiefdom. So you finally ducked out, eh? :D:D

    I'm waiting for my new computer to arrive. It should be here in a week or so. Until that blessed event I'm not starting any PBEMs. Lord knows at the rate Mace sends turns I won't receive anything from him before my new toy arrives. :mad: :D:D

  17. <font size=5 font color=green>Good Morning, you Popeless maggots</font>

    As a former Catholic, I'd like to register my support for the uber-<font size=1>penguin</font> Seanachai in his quest to become the new Pope. I figure he's as well-qualified as any of the other candidates, and he probably has fewer skeletons in his closet. Who better than a <font size=1>penguin</font> to complete John Paul II's legacy of making the Roman Catholic church a cult? :eek: :D:D

    Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    (snip) this really hot chick (snip) if any of you have a better ideas, do tell.

    Thanks in advance.

    You're dreaming. Have a vat of wine and go back to sleep. You're welcome. tongue.giftongue.gif
  18. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    Beneath all that smiles und sunshine, you're quite evil. :mad: :mad:

    Stop it, you're making me blush. :D:D:D

    Anyone ready for a PBEM sometime? Now that taxes are sort of finished and Dominions 2 is on hiatus, it appears I've got time for some CMBB or CMAK. That doesn't mean I plan on going completely berserk like Soddball and creating battles that will take years to complete. Some nice unbalanced battle in the 1,500 to 2,500 point range will be perfect. I've got a couple that rune sent me a while back. I'll play either side. Come on, maggots, opportunity is knocking on those empty skulls of yours! :D:D

  19. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Would someone please explain this to me?


    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I could tell you all about latitude, but it wouldn't help. You'd still be living in the middle of a glacier. Unlike you, I'm having to endure temperatures in the low 70's and a cloudless blue sky today. I wish our neighbors would finish cutting their lawns and making so much racket! How am I supposed to enjoy my nap with the windows open and the breeze blowing through the house? Quiet down, maggots!! :D
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