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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Yeah, I've got earlier savegames. A looooong time ago I made a habit of making many savegames. I no longer save EVERY command and EVERY replay turn, but I do save frequently. I should have one showing the squad in question in the previous turn or two. I'll post the link to the savegame here, later. Thanks, Ken
  2. Mark, If you check, I NEVER gave a TARGET order. However, one does appear halfway through the turn, as is clearly displayed. That is either a TacAI order, or some other issue. They were only under a HUNT. No cover arc, no target, nothing. Move only. This is shown by watching the turn unfold: there is no TARGET command visible until halfway through the turn. Initially the TacAI has them firing at the far hill. Then, due to spotting probably, they fire at that spot. The sound "aargh" to me is clearly linked with the TARGET line disappearing. Thoughts? Ken
  3. You may be right. I'm running vista, but NONE of my other PDF's have thumbnails of their first page, and neither do the BF.C pdf's. How do you enable that? Ken
  4. Yeah, that's what I've already done. However, that means the shortcut to play the game AND to look at the manual are identical. That's not my goal. Previously, the manual had its own, self-installed, icon. Thanks, Ken
  5. MarkEzra, Thanks. Let me know if you need or want more info. Regards, Ken
  6. Gents, I'm playing "Allah's Blues". A small spoiler follows. I've moved a split Marine squad up the left side, where an RPG team was in a trench. I area fired for a while, then moved the Marines, in HUNT, up to the trench. 2 red-circled RPG gunners were at the far end of the trench. All is good. The Marines engaged a distant target to their left front. Fine. Then, suddenly, they began firing about 12 meters away, directly into the dirt!! Grenades, full auto, everything. Hell, I think someone even threw their knife! Finally, at 11 seconds left in the turn, I heard an "aaaarrrrrggggghhh". Clearly, an enemy had just been hit. The is NO ONE there. At least, no one ON the surface. The only explanation is the Syrian dug through the wall of the trench for a distance of approximately 10 meters. Frantic to escape the Marines, no doubt. All for naught. I've got some screenshots and a savegame. Screenies: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn250/c3k_bucket/Molemenarecoming.jpg http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn250/c3k_bucket/Molemendie.jpg Here's the link to the savegame: http://www.mediafire.com/?zjbmt1wnwdy
  7. John, Yes, time available is also passed on. This is probably not relevant for CMSF. At some point the logistics get dropped for the fun of a game. Listing the loadouts would be a tremendous improvement. I've got 21 years in the USAF, active and reserve, and I've got no friggin' idea what "Light" means. I _think_ it means different things depending on the scenario, but I'm not sure. Whatever. Right now CMSF gives you feedback on different types of obscurant, different levels of track damage, how many rounds are ready in any given tank. This is a small bit of feedback which needs improvement. Thanks, Ken
  8. In a previous thread, Steve wrote: "On our ToDo List are a couple of ideas on how to better communicate what an Air Asset has on it so the player will not be surprised at the result. Steve" Well, here's my idea: TELL US WHAT THE WEAPONS ARE!! C'mon, this game is so detailed in so many ways and then you wave a broad brush "Heavy", "Medium", and "Light" on the Air Support graphic. It doesn't make sense. Why not "4x 2000#LGB", "8x 250#SDB", "2,000 20mm"? I know for a fact that when the JTAC and CAS element initiate contact that one of the first, vital, pieces of information exchanged is the EXACT ordnance loadout on the CAS element. This allows the JTAC to know what tools are at his disposal. Right now, we have NO idea what's coming in. Seriously, list the loadouts. It would be nice to have them updated after a run, but that's gravy. Having a variety of loadouts available in the scenario editor would give designers the tools needed to have an appropriate CAS in the game. Obviously, at some point in the future, we will NEED the ability to drop GBU-28's (that's the 5,000# bunker buster)! But I'll save that complaint for future date... I'm sure you're MODELLING specific weapons. Why not COMMUNICATE what they are? Thanks, Ken
  9. Gents, Just back in town and downloaded CMSF: Marines. I noticed my shortcut to the CMSF manual PDF lost its icon; the new Marines PDF manual icon also has no BF.C created icon. Both shortcuts are the generic adobe icon. I browsed over to the CMSF folder, Misc, icons, and located icons for the exe files. However, I cannot find the old manual icon. Does anyone know where it's located? If not, does anyone have a decent icon? Also, a different one for the Marines' manual would probably be nice as well. (And, no, I have NOT had time to do anything other than ensure the v1.10 works.) Thanks, Ken
  10. Hmmm, I'm running 177.92's (beta) on an 8800gtx with no issues. Well, other than funky moving shadows, and LOD rings. Framerates seem good: I haven't run FRAPS on it in a bit. The newest 178.13 WHQL's have been released. I'll put 'em on in a few days. Go to guru3d for reviews (forum: nvidia drivers). Regards, Ken
  11. Chelco had a great idea in this thread: putting timestamps at each waypoint so you have a better idea of when (within tolerance) units will get there. This would ease the learning curve for coordinating actions. In the world of which CMSF is a simulacrum, all I'd say is, "Wait until I get into that building, count to 15, then come in behind us." Now it's a bit harder to do in game. Let alone something a little more complex. Regards, Ken
  12. Years ago we had carte blanche to fire off any 5.56 ammo. The Sgt. told us that the supply clerk had added an extra zero to the unit's order; 100,000 rds. vice 10,000! So, any time of day, we could saunter over to the 500 meter range and burn off as much as we could stand. The crux was it all had to be gone by the end of the month. Ken
  13. Steve, Thank you for looking at this. Obviously, you'll have to halt v1.10 until this gets resolved. I'm willing to wait. Marines? They can wait as well. Ignore the wails of anguish and gnashing of teeth occurring worldwide. The patch must wait! (That may well become my new motto.) All kidding aside, I'm very happy to hear you'll be addressing it. I hope you'll be able to come up with a decent solution. Thanks, Ken
  14. Man, if THIS isn't a scenario waiting to be made for CMSF, I don't know what is! Let me know when the pirate battle pack comes out. Later, Ken
  15. Gents, Thomm and Cuirassier are exactly correct in interpreting my desires. Keeping the squad in the back of the building is critical to their survival. Voodoochile; I made my covered arc very small - it only went about 3/4's of the way across the building, but as soon as I hit "go", my men ran over to the doorway side. So, no, I do not THINK the size of the covered arc matters. Regards, Ken
  16. Hmm, thanks for the responses. Here is what is the issue: the enemy unit can see me and fire at me. IF, a big "if", he stays visible, I can fire back. Yeah, Charles would be right. If he can fire at me, I can fire at him. However, what I've described is different. The enemy unit fired at me. I'd bet that the target/LOS line was grey. The unit only had a PARTIAL LOS to my Bradley. Hence, only the portion of the enemy unit in the corner of the building had LOS. They fired. Immediately, one of my infantry units fired back. This caused that unit, the RPG gunner, to cower. With the RPG gunner cowering, there is NO WAY I can fire at him. Yet, if he were to pop up, I could fire. So, some sort of LOS exists. The LOF only exists if the enemy unit stops cowering. With a 25mm Bushmaster, I'm not looking for pinpoint firing, but rather, in this case, to spray down the window and surrounding walls behind which the RPG gunner fired. That's why I'm calling it area fire; I want to suppress a zone of a building, not hit a particular (soft) target. However, if I can see a smoke plume coming out of the third floor, second window from the left, by god, I'm going to DESTROY that window and the surrounding walls, regardless if I can see an enemy behind it: that is not possible in this situation right now. So, BF.C, if you could tweak the code that would be great. Right now it's a bit, err, asymmetric. Instead of snapping area fire to a building to the center of the building floor, how about allowing area fire to snap to any of a building's action spots? My understanding is that buildings have several action spots per floor. Toss in the usual BF.C treatment for dispersion, trigger discipline, etc. It would be nice to be able to lay suppressive fire down on a building which only has 1/3 of its facade visible, instead of requiring 1/2 or more to be in LOS. Thanks, Ken
  17. Ahh, only if she's caressing a haddock..... Thanks, Ken
  18. Huntarr, Um, based on what I wrote, I emphasized that the Bradley cannot see the center of the floor, hence cannot area fire. In fact, if you look up at my original post, I even capitalized "cannot" to add emphasis. So, the Bradley has been fired on, and hit, by an RPG gunner standing in the corner of a building. The RPG gunner was suppressed and is now out of LOS since he's lying on the floor. The Bradley's only option is to area fire at that floor. However, an intervening building blocks LOS to the all of the target building except the left 1/3, including the corner with the RPG gunner. Since LOF snaps to the center, the Bradley is incapable of firing on the gunner's position. I hate screenies: I've got to fire up Fraps, dig through my saves (over 1,000 right now!), replay the action until I find the event, do the screen-save, go online, upload the screen, come back here, post the embedded link. I'm willing to go through the hassle if this is something you don't understand (verbiage describing a visual situation can be confusing - no condescension meant), or if it's something you've never seen. However, based on some of the upstream replies, others have seen this situation. So, in sum, I can see the left side of the building. I cannot see the center or the right side of the building. They can shoot at me; if they are suppressed, I cannot fire back, even as area fire. Thanks, Ken
  19. Gents, I'm trying set a trap. It isn't working. The idea is to set a squad up on the far wall of a building and have them nail whoever comes a-knockin'. Assume the building has a single door situated on the SOUTH side. What I've tried: Placing a squad in the building with no commands wouldn't work. They'll open fire too soon. Using HIDE won't work, since they'll be sitting ducks. So, I wanted them all on the NORTH side. I gave them a FACE command. Dutifully, they moved to the NORTH side. Good; well, except for the part that had them FACING NORTH, away from the door on the SOUTH side. Ahh, thought I, this is why we have COVERED ARC. So, I placed a very short COVERED ARC which encompassed the building interior, including the door on the SOUTH wall. My expectation was that the squad would remain on the NORTH wall, but turn to cover the fire zone to the SOUTH. Gleefully, I anticipated the mayhem that would await anyone coming in. It didn't happen. Instead, the squad ran from the NORTH side, over to the SOUTH side, putting the COVERED ARC out of the building. So, is there ANY way to have a squad in a building look towards the interior? Thanks, Ken
  20. I guess that would be the optional WINCH featured on Strykers? Nice job. Regards, Ken
  21. Gents, Playing a city fight as Blue vs. Red, WeGo Elite. A couple of situations have occurred which have me, well, griping here. A red RPG gunner is positioned on the corner of a building up on the third floor. He is currently suppressed, so is prone and out of LOS. Fine, he has fired at my men, and a Bradley. He will die. But how? My Bradley, despite having a clear LOS to his position CANNOT fire on it. The only option available is to area fire on his floor of the building. Although the Bradley can see the corner of the building, it CANNOT see the center of the building. Hence, no area fire option. Anyone else see this happen? Do I need to run a screenshot? Thoughts? Regards, Ken
  22. Oooh, I didn't know there was an option for credit. How many bugs have I been credited with? And, is it good to have a lot to your credit, or will BF.C send me a link to my own "special" patch? Something that will fry my computer... Thanks for looking at it. Regards, Ken
  23. Thanks, I'll try it. Since I'm too lazy to go through the rigmarole of posting a screenshot, I'll use yours to describe the situation. Assume we're looking to the North. The tall section is to the West, short is on the East. If you position yourself OVER the short wall and look directly West, the protruding section of the tall wall is invisible. Both the North and South faces exist, just the East face isn't. Make sense? I post this since your screenshot does not show the aspect I'm referencing. Thanks, Ken
  24. Hmmm, I wish I could edit my entries. Regardless, after more testing, it appears that there is no fault in the v1.08 editor code. I seem to be afflicted with the dread "nvlddmkm" driver error. Ken
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