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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I made the simple statement that gamespy is a far more efficient way of playing multiplayer and should be included in future BF games.The present BF system of finding opponents belongs in another era.The likes of paradox,matrix,ubi soft,etc have complex games that use their own version of a gamespy, and it's very efficient. [/QB]</font>
  2. I rode your mamma like the dog-meat knacker-fodder who lost the last Grand National. Scummonkey. :mad: :mad:
  3. Who the weasel-whipping wankstain is this worthless cockmunch???? If I didn't know better, I'd say it was a feeble wetpants jessy, talking it up big with the MasterGoodale boys (may the holy master Goodale rest in a bucket of his own vomit). Are you duelling any of us in mighty, mortal combat, you meat-gobbling ho? Thought not. :mad: :mad: Updates: :mad: I continue to beat Snarker like a campaign wife. His latest attempt at combat has been curtailed by the joys of the 6pdr. :mad: Axe298213 has managed to send my turn to the wrong account AGAIN!. You div. Manhandled Tanker is learning to love Italian machine guns, as they play across his feeble infantry. :mad: I am looking for two playtesters for a fun and groovy new scenario - Bidberg Heights. I promise, 'pon my life, that it's just a nasty knifefight and not a flame-crazy frotfest. I just need a couple of vic...olunteers. It's 20something turns and 2,000 points a side (ish).
  4. Listen to yourself. Your posting makes you sound like a 9-year old. You didn't reply to any of my post or any of my questions. If you took the time to read the FAQ it would answer your questions. FWIW - there are a fair number of UK citizens on here, and I'd rather you didn't lower the tone by acting like a child.
  5. As we all know, the Cromwell tank isn't available in CM:AK - which is a shame for me, since it was one of my faves in CM:BO. Should it have been included? I don't know, because I don't know where they were deployed, so can someone shed some light on this for me?
  6. No, you didn't miss it. There are Italy terrain sets which go right up to May 1945, plus later tanks including Panthers, Fireflies and the like.
  7. Snarker and I are still basting each other like whores. The desert sucks willies. :mad: :mad: The rest of you STINK for not sending turns. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Well, have you tried the 'opponent finder' forum? What about the list of places to find gamers available in the FAQ? Have you READ the FAQ?
  9. Dave!. You pox-ridden twat. :mad: :mad: Do you think I should go with a campaign Kneiber Dam or a scenario one? I've got one vote for the original, one waverer and no other b'starrrd has volunteered their worthless opinicon.
  10. I'm not normally a fan of operations (I must have a short attention span or...) but that sounds an intriguing proposition. I don't supose you could reign in your wild and crazy imagination, though, to limit it to a couple of thousand points? Teddy </font>
  11. That sounds like a job for Axe and his new Cray :mad: :mad: :mad: Any plans to update Kneiber Dam? That would look marvellous in the middle of the desert during daylight hours ... although I have my doubts about its historical accuracy. Not that it's ever stopped you before :mad: :mad: :mad: Teddy </font>
  12. I have finally got round to sending my turns. Updates below: Keke is killing me. Again. I blame the scenario designer for giving me sucky tanks and halftracks. :mad: :mad: Mannheim Tanker is suffering due to the tender love of my Italian machine gunners. :mad: :mad: Jim Boggs has chosen the most wierd and whirly scenario and things have just gone from bad to worse. Snarker continues to defy reason and cower like a fairy in our desert duel. In Abbott's absence, I have tried to churn out some scenarios. I am not trying to fill his shoes - just his daughters - but I hope you will all sob and whimper in horror. As a few of you have discovered, Inferno is out and flaming. I have no idea what it's like - having drunk Hoegaarden to block out the silliness - so I expect - nay, demand - accurate AARs from the Maggots. I have a couple of others in the pipeline, too. In a month or two's time I will be looking for one or two brave playtesters with super-dooper computers to playtest my new campaign against me. The map is half finished. The first two battalions are in.
  13. What do you mean by 'grainy'? Can you post some screenshots?
  14. Let me explain. My point was that relying on watching films to decide how powerful or effective a particular tank is (in this case the Tiger) is a mistake. Watching a film and then expecting an 'accurate' wargame to respond in the same way that the film does is a mistake. Fighting at night in the woods with a heavy tank against flamethrower units is a mistake. Expecting the Tiger to become anything except a substantial barbecue under these conditions is a mistake. I hope I've made myself a bit clearer now.
  15. Imagine this. You're sitting, blind, in 32 tons of potentially explosive shrapnel, loaded with high explosive and high-octane fuel. It's dark. You hear a 'FWOOSOSHSHHHHHHH' and all of a sudden hot napalm starts to drip in through the air vents. Do you: A) Run like buggery before the whole thing goes up. Flick through your "Tiger Tank - What I learned from Watching Saving Private Ryan" leaflet and stay put.
  16. Me little minion Sodoffball is here at me express consent. We find him amusing. One might even call him... cute </font>
  17. Coming from a Pom I'll take that for what it's worth: nothing. Now go get a tan and fix your feckin' teeth, Pomboy. Kitty </font>
  18. Don't worry about Kitty. She's as sharp as a rolling pin. What the hell are you doing over here when you should be gracing The Brood with your presence. :mad: :mad:
  19. I think it's a nice idea. In my ideal world, I'd have wanted a patch which included a few missing terrain graphics and the missing armoured vehicles and infantry units (such as the Puma, Pershing, King Tiger, Flammpanzer III and the Volksgrenadiere and Volkssturm) to allow me to complete all of my CM:BO scenarios. I'm well aware that the extra terrain tiles that I want won't appear because they would alter all the game's existing scenarios. Same for 'extra' units. That said, CM:AK is great. However, I expect to see patches replacing some of the unit graphics in CM:AK because at the moment I don't see it as a finished product - there are too many shared unit graphics. I mean, give us the models and we'll mod them. Just give us the models, please. We have at least 2 (more likely 3) years before the 'new game' comes out so at least give us the whole shebang to keep us going!
  20. Some of those sites talk about a 3" close support version and a late-war flamethrower version called a Frog. They sound like fun. :mad: :mad:
  21. ( Source ) ( Source ) ( Source ) It has been discussed before - the Matilda is a hugely armoured terror which is hard to knock out. Use 88 Flaks or retreat.
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