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Posts posted by mike_the_wino

  1. A wise old Texan once told me, 'Want in one hand and piss in the other. Then tell me which one fills up first'.

    Okay maybe he wasn't that wise but he was old and that was his way of telling me I wasn't getting any money for capital improvements.

    And I believe this is the part where someone declares, 'BFC releases games when they are ready'....or some other platitude and then promptly f*cks off.

    That's my cue to f*ck off now. TA!

  2. Canada...meh.

    The Montana militia groups would wipe the floor with those damn Molson-swilling, moose-humping, hockey pucks.

    Is there a fat-guy mod for the insurgents? The kit should be about the same (AKs and old Soviet cast-offs) but the guys are modelled too thin.

  3. Personal Digital Assistant???



    Emrys, you feckless nong, have you ever seen, much less touched, a woman's breast? Public Display of Affection. Now go rent 'He's just not that into you', 'Gone with the wind', 'Doctor Zhivago', and 'Sex in the City' immediately to see what makes those things tick....or just read Lt Belenko's post. That man knows a thing about a thing or two.

  4. Emrys, really? Seriously? Are you fecking kidding me, man? It's me wifey. Rational thought means little. I scrubbed around in the dirt and semi-dark to, in secret, hurriedly plant 40...yes, 4-D, daffodill bulbs to pop up for my wife sometime in spring. I got 'Ah, that's nice sweety'. But when I buy her dead flowers and send them to work she is all gushy. I think its a PDA thing but not possessing ovaries, it boggles the mind.

  5. So, last year I ordered flowers for my soon to be wife’s birthday. Women love flowers and my wife is no exception. Personally I think ammo, video games or scotch is more appropriate but to each their own. Anyhoo, towards the end of the transaction I get this message for some ‘Easy Saver’ plan. Sounds interesting so I click ‘okay’ for more info. The pop up prompts for credit card info so I close it down thinking that is that. Problem solved, right?

    Flash forward to yesterday, the now Mrs. Wino calls me asks about this Easy Saver scam (bless her heart she researched it online) after finding a recurring occurring $14.95 charge on her account (she had bought me flowers once or twice as well*). Of course I am all, ‘What? Proflowers would never do that. What are you talking about? Hold on, let me look up my bank statement. Hhhhhhhmmmm, everything looks fi…what the hell? $14.95 for what? SONS OF BITCHES!!!’.

    Moral of the story: 1) Proflowers can suck my balls, 2) I need to check my statements more closely, 3) my wife is done getting flowers, and 4) I really need CM:Normady to come out**.

    So check your statements if you have ever done business with this rip-off outfit. I know I will never do business with them again...EVER!

    *I know, I know. But there is no talking sense to the woman. And she refuses to buy gun parts or ammo.

    **Okay, #4 was a last minute add but you can see how it fits into the whole story, yes?

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