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Posts posted by mike_the_wino

  1. "What if I want a PPSh just cause I like WW2 stuff? (and no just owning it isn't good enough I want to shoot it)" You can have it if you have it deactivated, if you want to shoot it, bad luck. You're not allowed to drive your car at 160kph on the highway because it endangers others, same rules for guns.

    Well, if it's conforming to a legally defined configuration, why not? Oh wait...your gubmint doesn't trust you with one. <insert glib comment about Odstralia and penal colony>

    And before the wheels come completely off the wagon, let's get back to the original topic: children and guns. I was asking for a very specific news report of research and I appreciate ll of the great links you guys provided. Thank you. That being said, I don't give two sh*ts about whether guns are good or bad. The reality is that guns in the US ARE legal. All of this posturing about hypotheticals is great mental masturbation but has nothing to do with the real world.

    In the real world I have a child that is getting into to everything and this is something I wanted to account for. How do I keep my kid from being one of those kids that either shoots another or is shot by another kid? My wife and I were talking about hence the original question. We don't have loaded guns in our house but how do you account for the parents of friends of your children?

  2. And before some one decides to post this on an NRA site or similar, I would say that most people cannot be reliably trusted with firearms and if it were up to me I would make the bearing of arms legal only for those who had spent a year or more with some one who already knew how.

    Sounds fairly reasonable. I told my wife that I wanted to take some firearm courses and she just cocked her head and asked, 'Why do you have all of those guns if you don't know how to shoot?' Thanks, dear.

    As the 2nd amendment is written now I would repeal it. In my opinion, maturity and citizenship is not enough to give a person the right to use a firearm. If I have to choose, I would deprive people of that right to protect society from the threat of people untrained in weapons, having access to them.

    While I respect your opinion I couldn't disagree more but everyone is a bit different.

    Thanks for the story, it was a good read.


    Damn, the ending to the story in your second link is awful.

  3. Edit: Nevermind, I just noticed your sig file. You either have a great sense of humor, or the biggest ego on the planet. I can't tell which. ;-)

    Never underestimate Emrys, those two characteristics are not mutually exclusive and the lad has been know to multi-task.

  4. Basically they stuck a real gun in a toy box. I think the gun was painted orange or pink. Then they turned the kids (8-10-ish?) loose in the room and the adults left but watched from another room. Pretty much every kid that had been exposed to gun safety reported the gun immediately. But the kids who had never been near a gun ran amok. One kid was pointing it another and pulling the trigger while the horrified mother watched from the other room.

    'He has never even see a toy gun,' she stammered in shock. 'We don't allow them in our house!'

    Does this ring any bells with anyone? What program was this?



  5. Sorry as a service man you are entitled to a different form of justice?

    My read of the article is that the Veterans have a different life experience and different issues.

    Starship Troopers -> Nazi Germany anyone?

    Que? First response is a 'Nazi' bomb. Awesome!

    Rather than giving people the thing they need they wait until the commit crime and then help them? What about the people who aren't criminals?

    There are groups out there; AA, NA, etc. The caveat is that you have to want to change. Too many people don't seek help until they really bugger their lives up. Often that means facing jail time.

    Who thinks up this BS ?

    Why? There are other programs set up for drug addicts to divert them from the justice system. How is this any different? The court system is trying to deal with the unique human failings which lead these folks into lives of crime? By the by, did you bother reading that it takes $32k to lock some one up versus $7k to clean them up? And with 100% success rate I think they may be onto something. Or we could follow your logic, keep treating them the same way, let them spiral down into a life of drugs, alcohol and other issues. Then, when they finally do snap, you have a militarily trained, anti-social, addict on the loose.

    You didn't really think this one through did you?

  6. Second, you should assume anything coming out of the mouth of L Ron Hubbard is bull****.

    Too true. And this version of 'facts' was put out by the Church of Scientology, so you know they 'polished up' events even more.

    As to how we got on to the subject of L. Ron in the first place, we were watching a show called 'Off Limits'. Basically the host breaks into cool, old buildings and talks about their historic significance. This episode featured the hospital LRH was stationed at during WW2 but they were a bit fuzzy if he was staff or a patient. Either way, the implication was that he developed his epic mid-f*ck theories here, during the war, while experimenting with wounded soldiers traumatized by war. Nice. I hope he is nice and toasty in the 9th layer.

  7. Mrs Wino and I have a disagreement over how many theaters of war in ww2. How many theaters are 'recognized? I say Western front, Eastern front, Pacific and Africa. She says European and Pacific only (Africa counts as European). This all started over a claim in L. Ron Hubbard's wiki article claiming that he 'served in all five theaters'. Yes, that is BS claim. But it was the basis for the # of theaters discussion. So I beseech the wisdom of the hive.

    Mrs. Wino has disallowed use of wiki so links to 'serious' sources only.

    Thanks all.

  8. Diesel the other difference is that nobody ever got better taking smack or coke.

    Au contraire, mon fraire. To paraphrase a comedian, 'if drugs weren't fun, I wouldn't have taken them'.

    Detrimental issues such as addiction aside, the reason people use drugs is that they do make you feel great. Granted, the next day is sometimes a bit fuzzy.

  9. What struck me was this:

    KOMO News reports that Lakeysha Beard says she felt "disrespected" by the incident, though passengers said it was Beard who was being rude by refusing to stop yapping while sitting in one of the train's designated quiet cars.

    How do you get to the victim in this case when you are clearly in the wrong?

  10. Thanks Affentitten, I had a pair of Blundstones but I heard the Redbacks were better so I wanted to give them a shot.

    I just went through my FB friends and found one down under. Now I just need to wait for him to wake up and ring me up. Probably be next week some time, you know how lazy Kiwi's in Ozland can be.

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