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Posts posted by Apache

  1. The Tecra spec is:

    PIII 500/100M; 64M RAM/256SDRAM; 2.5M SGRAM Bit Block graphics accelerator. OS is Win 98 and it has DirectX v7.

    I dare say it is the G/A that is the stumbling block but I just find it strange that the Spec page of the CM site indicates a P200 without graphics card and only 32M RAM (was this overly optimistic)?

    The demo (still waiting for full game) defaults to 640x480 wen it starts and I can see the green box OK but no mouse pointer. I am using windows standard pointer and as I move the mouse I get an occasional flickering of it near edges of the screen but I cannot get it visibly over the OK check box to hit it. Pressing 'enter' doesn't work either.

    It just surprises me that a system which is higher spec than the minimum won't run it. Demo is v1.0 frown.gif

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-10-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-10-2001).]

  2. Madmatt - is there a planned review of this now that the TCP and v1.12 patches are out?

    Being a newbie, I would be keen to know if the advice still holds good. It certainly seems MDMP 1 & 2 are recommended still but I just want to make sure the others are not surpassed now. I could use a process of trial and error but I'd want to be certain that some of the 'packs' available don't overwrite stuff already downloaded

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-10-2001).]

  3. I have been recommended Infantry Attacks by Rommel re infantry tactics. Can anyone recommend something on tank tactics (german). I am aware of Panzer Leader and Achtung Panzer but AFAIK the first is biography of Guderian and the latter is on the development of panzergruppe etc. as oppsed to actual tactical usage.

  4. Jason

    Thanks for the info provided - very helpful. Just to clarify one or two points:

    1) AFAIK CMBO represents platoons etc. on a scale of about 1:3 or 4. On that basis, to avoid over-tanking (they do have some considerable firepower I notice), would tanks be represented on the same scale? If wishing to replicate a company of shermans therefore would you use 5 (1 per platoon plus a CHQ)? Equally for a German Panzer Division would you use 10 or 40 (not sure if game/points would allow this - only have demo at moment)?

    2) Wolverines - I understand these are TDs, I was not aware Brits had them too and thought they were just US with the Brits using Firefly's. Did they have another role?

    3) Were Challengers only used in recon units?

    4) If you have the time, what would best represent a late period SS Panzer Division/Coy in CMBO (with infantry support)?

    5) Just an aside - in full game, do walls break down when tanks etc go through them or are they left in tact? My concern is, on the demo tanks roll over them which I presume would make it hard for a jeep or light scout car to go through the gap a real tank would make

  5. I have seen numerous references to interface mods and it is not something I would have considered.

    Which interface mod is the best? Is anyone able to post a screen-shot and indicate what it does better pse?

    As an aside, on playing the demo (Chance encounter) I managed to lure the 5 shermans out to south of the crossroads by baiting with a Stug III. I lost that Stug but all the Shermans were wiped out in about 30 seconds by the other two Stugs concealed in woods. Obviously I was more than happy but and it resulted in total allied surrender by about turn 20. I presume in the full game (patiently waiting re-stocking) the AI is a bit shrewder?

  6. You are more than entitled to your point of view and I to mine. I usually don't sucumb to this 'flaming' garbage, or petty arguments for that matter, but as you mention it, my father served in the Scots Guards (Churchills) in WWII and I can assure you there were plenty of similar anecdotes quoted regarding 'allies' pulling out of flanking positions overnight without warning etc. etc. (Blah Blah Blah indeed).

    Politely telling someone who considers comments mildly insulting that it is just stereotyping doesn't really hold up as an argument, as I am sure those involved with race and sex discrimination tribunals will point out.

    Having served in Special Forces as well I am sure we can all take a walk down memory lane and site further anecdotes. I had the pleasure of working with armed forces from all over the world and they were all different, officers too. Like many other 'professionals' I refrain from 'slagging' other nations off. If we all did it NATO would be in a mess wouldn't it.

    AFAIAC - subject closed

  7. Schrullenhaft

    Thanks for above. You're right, it is 2.5M, a bit crappy for this kind of thing I suppose, maybe I'll have to stick to the deskstop and just get bored if I'm in a hotel! I only wondered becuase the minimum specs indicate a with and w/o 3D card and being a 500 I thought it'd be OK.

    It's running Win 98 and DirectX 7, maybe 8 will help. When I run the test of 3D in the DirectX programmes it only runs the software mode. I presume it must only have that by default (which explains why I can't find anywhere to switch to software mode). I'll give the lower desktop/res a shot later. Fingers crossed.

  8. The company I work for provide me with a laptop - a Toshiba Tecra 8000. It is a PIII 500 and has a NeoMagic Magic Media 256AV Chipset with 3D acceleration. hen I load the demo it fires up OK and before I can hit OK on the screen it crashes and indicates 'unable to start 3D graphics'. Toshiba say it should have no probs with most 3D games and I have the latest drivers. Any clues?

  9. I am still waiting for game to arrive but want to 'gen' up as much as I can.

    Can anyone tell me where I might find lists detailing axis/ally formation make up's. I know CMBO has some default set ups and also fro a QB or a bit of fun it may not matter. What I don't want to do though is assign units to my purchase that they wouldn't get in reality (e.g. putting Pumas with Waffen SS when they would have only had 'X' or giving them Tigers and Panthers when they would only get Panthers and IVs).

    In the late stages, when axis forces were in retreat, I know commanders probable put together what they could. Any help appreciated.

  10. I am looking to download the mods as listed in Madmatts guide. It has not been updated since about Sept/Oct though. Is anyone aware of whether any of the major mods (e.g. MDMP2) have been surpassed by anything else. I would rather download the fewest number for the best results. I am keen on the Waffen SS uniforms, high-res vehicles and terrain.

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