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Posts posted by Apache

  1. Help! Have just got the game and installed it. Superb - but one query. My graphics card is a Voodoo 3 3000 and when the game loaded the first time I got the 'accept' message for 1024x768 and it inidicated 'primary display driver' which I assume is correct (no other display driver). The card is 16M and should be able to run most of the graphics OK I think.

    However, when I run the game using 'fast and compatible' smoke effects they look quite good if a little 'plumy', but it does look like smoke. When I run the realistic smoke it looks OK but seems to come up looking like square semi transparent windows which looks less realistic than the 'f&c' smoke. Is that how it looks on everyone's system? If it does - fine, if not I need to know what to do to 'up the realism'. When I go to Voodoo 'Tweaks' under display it is set to 'desktop', should it be set to Direct 3D or Open/GL?

    I searched on the forum and have seen many similar queries but not found whether problems were resolved. Presumably it must be a driver or settings related problem. I know people post about driver problems however and if it is the driver I would prefer one that works OK.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-03-2001).]

  2. I have a good idea on the allied front from some of your other postings. A couple of 'mix n match' ideas would be good though, perhaps with/without armour support. I find the inclusion of optional elements useful, it allows users to concoct their own but still be within the bounds of reality.

    I'm no great lover of excessive artillery but equally I wouldn't want to give any units a poor shot through not giving them access to what they would have realistically had at their level (e.g. I think as as been pointed out before, not three quarters of a division's firepower - unless you're playing a scenario where they have been sent to take THE objective for the division).

  3. Bit of a tall order this. I passed up a book in a second hand shop today because half of it was WW1 based (I might still go and get it for the other half which was all German and WWII).

    What I'm after is a book which gives pictures, some specification (not down to viscosity of engine oil), descriptions of how used and by whom, re allied and axis combat vehicles. Infantry units too if possible. Does anyone have any ideas of anything that might fit the bill. Even two books at a push. At least the one I passed up contained tanks, 1/2 tracks and support vehs etc. plus infantry weapons, AT and artillery (a creeping sense of failure hits me as I type this description).

    There is one called 'Armored fighting vehicles of WWII' by George Forty, on sale in a 'net' bookshop. Anyone got/seen it?

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-24-2001).]

  4. I appreciate your point but recorded delivery here costs an absolute arm and a leg so from the US I hate to think what it would be, probably more than the game. In any event it would come by air AND still have to clear customs and I doubt you would do that in much under 10 days anyway. On that basis and IMO I think the 10 days BTS indicate for European delivery to be reasonable. Even within the UK I've waited 5 days plus for a game. That said I shall still be happier when I am holding it in my hand (CMBO that is!).

    I also would think Royal Mail's claim to be more than a little optimistic. If only they could deliver everything within the UK within 4 days, it often takes 3 for first class to get to me.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-24-2001).]

  5. Many thanks. Again, excellent stuff. It's a pity some of this can't be placed on a website as a permaanent ready reference. It would also prevent those, such as yourself, being asked for the same info again and again.

    Appologies for the vague definition (medium etc.), still waiting for game and not sure how big 2000 pts is etc.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-24-2001).]

  6. I certainly find the info useful. It would be superb if some tables could be generated, by those with sufficient access to enough reference material, of some example force compositions, perhaps with 'alternatives' options included (e.g. substitute 1 platoon Panthers for MkIVs).

    While not for everyone, those with a leaning towards historical accuracy could then draw from such tables. It's certainly a theme that seems to crop up enough in the forum.

  7. We seem to have developed a litle postal problem with some magazines going astray though most things seem to be getting through. Obviously with the arrival of CMBO imminent I am getting a little paranoid. Is anyone in the UK aware of whether the package comes via the Royal Mail or the UPS (or similar) service?

  8. Thanks for the update Matt. Obviously you have a million and one (or is it two?) other things to do as well. With all the recent postings re latest mods an update would still be welcome. Your comments on each mod are of course a good guide but, as your mod-guide suggests, it is whether they are better than and/or whether they will inadvertently overwrite any others that is also important.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-22-2001).]

  9. I've had laptop probs too. My own has an 8M ATI Rage chipset and one provided by work is a Toshiba with only 2.5M. Shrullenhaft and Olle have tried to help out on the latter machine though it does seem I'm stuffed! Although the original 'ad' on the CM website says a 266 (if I recall correctly) should do it without a 3D card, this is a PII 500 and doesn't even get past the graphics option screen. S**t happens.

  10. I am using the MS Intellimouse with Intelli-eye with no problems. I am running Win 98 SE however and find that regardless of what I try I cannot get 'pointer trails' to turn on. With CM of course you will want those turned off anyway. The mouse has the added wheel and front/rear thumb buttons as well but those don't sem to perform any functions in the demo (eagerly awaiting full version - only days to go!!!).

  11. AFAIK, allied tankers were well aware of the shortcomings of the Sherman, including the weakness against German tanks in a one-to-one scenario. The tests conducted demonstrate that clearly. It was also, AFAIK, common practice for the platoons to 'gang up' on individual IV, Vs etc and try to out flank them or force them to run, which would allow a tail shot.

  12. Forgive me if this is in the manual for the full version (roll on 26 Feb) but I saw Fionn Kelly's rules attached to a recent thread and was wondering, when playing the AI whether you can set unit 'exclsuion' rules for it.

    When playing against a humy it is obviously not a problem but it would be nice to limit the AI from purchasing super tanks and/or too much artillery as well. The recon rules also seem appealing.

    If this is not possible with CM it may be something BTS could consider for CM2? Possibly with an option to set maximum numbers of tanks and similar units also.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 02-13-2001).]

  13. I am running Win98SE and IE5. I print quite a lot of stuff from the CM site and I understand the IE5.5 upgrade contains a lot of printer friendly options.

    I have IE5.5 (free on a computer mag disc) and when I tried installing it I had to revert to previous version and then re-install outlook express because I couldn't get into all my saved e-mail messages.

    When I installed 5.5 I simply wrote over v5. Should I uninstall 5 first, download it from MS or is there another way to do it that doesn't trash my e-mail?

    Also, if anyone is using 5.5, is it actually worth upgrading? I am conscious not to upgrade everything all of the time in case I mess up the system.

  14. I have looked under 'device manager' and can't even see 'pointing device' listed? There is s generic PS/2 on under Mouse driver but nothing else anywhere? I would have thought there should be. I may try plugging the mouse in to see if that works?

    I may have to give this up as a bad job. It defaults to the 640x480 setting on startup anyway (a bit crappy really). A freind of mine has a non big name laptop with an 8M ATI Rage chipset and that runs it fine? So much for named brands eh?

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