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Posts posted by Apache

  1. I suspect you're probably right. There are quite a few bits and pieces within 3dfx 'tools' that I haven't quite got to grips with working at all, everything else plays fine so I've left well alone. I have some very demanding stuff on the system and it seems to cope with all that. Many will say 8Mb+ should be fine and the other fellow says he can see the skies as they are on an 8M without re-numbering etc.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-26-2001).]

  2. Can anyone help here. I have tried loads of times to download a 15 Meg mod (Gunslinger terrain) which is only available via FTP. I am not too familiar with this except that it seems to take an abosolute age.

    My ISP runs a 2 hour cut-off and I never seem to get close to having the full file. With other mod downloads I just click the link, tell it where to download to and can normally do 30 - 40 M in two hours.

    I tried setting IE to 'allow web based FTP', then I got a page of links and when I clicked it said page cannot be displayed. I didn't get the 'download to' option when I right clicked the link as IE help suggested I would. I then disabled Web based FTP, clicked the mod link in CM Outpost and it took me to the list of zip files which I then attempted to 'copy'. There must be an easier way. Isn't there????

  3. Not to sound too harsh (or labour the point), perhaps before posting comments like 'Try installing them' in bold, members should make sure they have their facts right first and that there are not hardware conflicts of which they know little or nothing about!

    Lecturing from the top of a soap box is fine - until you fall off!!!!

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-26-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-26-2001).]

  4. Got a copy of this by e-mail. Superb. Should be a link to it permanently posted on CM sites.

    Just one query, when you go to change the icons on batch files, when you initially select 'change icon', by default you get a load of (Windows?) options in a box. I have about 15 mods that use batch files, is it not possible to dump all the icons into that Windows directory (wherever it is) or would that screw up the OS? Would make finding your icons a lot easier.

  5. Porajkl - see the thread under Tigers name re new skies. It gives detail about re-numbering and re-sizing the skies. Clearly not such a straight forward process for some. I'm not sure why this mod needs tinkering with (for some to be able to run it), and I don't want to sound harsh, but 'Install them' isn't perhaps a helpful guide in this case.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-26-2001).]

  6. Excellent - many thanks. Obviosuly not quite such an easy install are some are saying then. I just did the renumbering and they're loading OK, I'll do the re-size now. Presumably 1400 - 1415 exist in the original, why is that? To cater for different res settings I suppose? I was trying to work out why this mod needs tinkering with. What would you need to be running to just copy the files over 'as is' and get the new skies. Curious I'm afraid, can't get my head round this one.

    SurlyBen - just before I start saving modified files, when I use Ctrl-W if I selct 400% vertical I get a massive picture that I need to scroll down to see and if I use 25% horizontal it goes to small postcard size in the top left of paint. Does it matter which I use? I presume it's not both? Thhose sizes would get me 1024x1024 I presume, what would I use to try 256x256?

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-26-2001).]

  7. I am running AMD Athlon 600 with Voodoo 3 3000 and cannot see the skies. What's more, the skies that are getting loaded are the CM default skies, despite the fact that they no longer exist. Ihave a full install on my HDD and the CD is not being accessed, so how am I still getting the old skies. Do the BMPs need re-numbering or something? I check the BMP 1400 for instance (in the BMP folder) - new sky. Load game, old sky. Doesn't matter whether it's a scenario or QB, old skies. Pulling hair out and stamping round a lot now. Other mods work fine.

  8. I can't understand this? I downloaded the zip file, extracted the three separate zips and copied them into my bmp file. Regardless of what I do though I still get the crappy plain gray skies on overcast days and pretty much the same for rain etc. Night is just dark blue??

    What I can't understand is how can the game display those (default) graphics when they have been overwritten? The game is being accessed from my HDD, not the CD. I have a 16m Voodoo 3 3000, would that have anything to do with it.

    I am not sure in total how many skies bmps should be in the bmps. There are quite a few, I'm tempted to delete every single sky in there and just install Tiger's. I'm not sure I'd be missing a few though. Any help much appreciated. This is getting frustrating to say the least.

  9. Madmatt has indicated he will be updating the mod guide soon. If you look at CMHQ and CM Outpost you may get some ideas from what the writers say, especially the latter, comments like 'this is what I now use' appear quite often. It's all a matter of personal taste but I used their guidance at first. If you want I can e-mail you with the current mods I am using.

  10. I want to download some of the packs which have been posted about. How do you go about installing them? Do you just unzip and copy the contents into the scenario folder? I use mod manager and have downloaded a few packs already. I see them in the modmanager list and don't know whether i should allow m/m to install them or do them myself?

  11. Clubfoot - thx, getting there now. I presume the best way would be to use modmanager to install Core files, BTS updates, MDMP1 and 2 and THEN DFDR. Any others you'd recommend for the DFDR pack (other than the specific units, vehicles of course). As you say, on returning to CMBO (normal) I could just deselect the DFDR mods and re-install all the others. I still think the separate install might be easier though.

    Where would I put (or even do I need) the terrain maps (as opposed to scenario files)?

    I'm obviously not doing something right here. I have created a separate install of CMBO. I have dowloaded the complete zipped file and copied contents (inc JPGs to the bmp folder). I have then copies the scenario folder seperately and copied contents to the scenario folder. I presume that's not right, I get the opening screen, no units and a lock-up. What am I doing wrong? My mission folder shows the 30 or so asl maps rather than named scenarios.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-25-2001).]

  12. Modmanager is a piece of cake to use. Just create a 'Mod' folder in the CMBO directory, downlaod the modmanager (m/m), unzip it and install to the mod folder. Download the patch for m/m, unzip and install the exe file to modmanager. Then tel m/m where your CD lives, where the start (exe) programmes is for CMBO and where your mods will be (mod folder).

    All you do then is download all the zipped mods to the mod folder, open mod manager, put them in the order you want (from the bottom up) and click install. I have used the option to copy all the core files from the CD to the HDD, makes it a lot faster. What I like about m/m is that you can keep changing the mods (to test different effects) just by ticking a few boxes and then sitting back and waiting for a few minutes. It makes it sooooooo much easier.

    Give it a try if I were you.

  13. Clubfoot - I know what you say re another version of m/man but I've gone for the two separate installs of CMBO. Or, are you saying that I should be able to switch the M/m with regard to the locations of the exe and mod locations and just use the one m/m. When I tried that I couldn't get back to my normal CMBO.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-25-2001).]

  14. I presume it is best not to download anything at this stage. I got the impression that some were playing the scenarios but when opened up there are no units or anything and the game locks.

    Two other points re the posts that have been put up:

    1) When you start the .exe option in the CD drive it only gives you repair, modify or uninstall options, not the option to install to a new directory. I presume you must be able to use explorer and just copy over.

    2) I tried the complete copy of the CMBO folder option. It made a right pigs ear of my modmanager. I'd presumed it might be easier to have a complete install of modmanager in each file, to make life easier, but it doesn't seem to like that. It seems the one version (in DFDR) refused to looks elsewhere than CMBO Mods and when I got it do do so after some tinkering with it, it wouldn't go back. Perhaps I did it wrong. It took me bloody ages to sort out though. I would have thought, seeing as mod manager only relates to the folder it is installed in, that it would be quite easy to have two versions running in complete isolation, apparently not.

    Those minor annoyances aside (which are of course nothing to do with DF - more like my incompetence with the working of modmanager), to say the whole concept is a masterpiece is a bit of an understatement. Well done and thanks a load for all the hard work.

    [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-25-2001).]

  15. Yep, that's where I've clicked on Forest. It then places 'Forest' next to the speaker (reverb) icon below that and when I test it there are differing results dependant on what it is set to, I have mine at 20% now.

    However, if you select Environments from the launcher and then select 'device control' there is another slider for 'continuous wave playpack'. The impression I get is the more you puch this up the more sounds it can handle.

    I've posted about the NCrawler sound mod, I may go back to MDMP sounds, vehicles (esp tanks) seem to drown most other stuff out.

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