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Posts posted by Firefly

  1. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    All those CMBO patches were due to the totally novel game engine. Now the game engine's mature, plus they're teamed-up with CDV. I can't imagine CDV's reaction to multiple patches to CM games.

    Probably the same reaction they had to the mutliple patches for CMBB I suppose.

    As CMBB-CMAK is a smaller jump than CMBO-CMBB, I'd expect less patches though, probably just one to fix stuff missed in beta testing.

    [ November 26, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  2. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Firefly, you DO get CMAK first (although I must say, BFC, if that violates your contractual agreement with CDV, I do happen to know a lawyer that might help you . . .).

    oneirogen, think of it this way: they get the game first, but given that they live in YerUp!', it is but a tiny birthday candle in the gloomy lives they lead.

    Actually Steve, I haven't decided whether to get the CDV or the BFC version smile.gif . If I go with CDV I may get the game earlier, but if I go with BFC I know more of my money goes towards CMX2. I think selfishness may win though.

    [ November 23, 2003, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  3. Originally posted by oneirogen:

    Err, the CMBB 1.03 beta patches don't ring a bell? Yes, they were beta patches, but they fixed the god awful bug with shells hitting elevations eons before the official 1.03 was released for both versions. And they were exclusively for the BFC version.

    Yes, but as you say it was a beta patch that CDV didn't release, it wasn't delayed, the official patches were released at the same time, which was what Steve and Co, promised us at the outset. I've played plenty of games where the official European English patch has been weeks or months behind the US patch and I appreciate BFC and CDV not doing this.
  4. Originally posted by Andreas:

    I think what Firefly is alluding to is the famous case of all agents landed by SOE in Holland being captured and either shot, or worse turned. There was a BBC docu about it a while back. The Germans, when they knew the game was up, said goodbye in the clear, just to add insult to injury.

    Not sure about times etc. This is all off memory. Been a while I have seen that programme, never read anything on it. So take it for what it is worth.

    Actually some survived being captured, including happily the father of an very nice Dutch girl I knew a long time ago smile.gif . She loaned me an English version of his book about his experiences, but it's so long ago I'm afraid I don't remember the details apart from him having a hell of job convincing his own side that he wasn't a traitor after his liberation. In the end he was cleared and awarded a medal.
  5. Originally posted by Spook:

    That the British chose not make more use of the PAN was ultimately to Market-Garden's detriment; as it also was to ignore the advice of some Dutch liasion officers about an alternate advance route to Arnhem. Again, this can be more fairly appreciated in hindsight than foresight, but I've yet seen it demonstrated as that the PAN was so "thoroughly infiltrated" to be ignored as it was as an intel asset.

    I'm not arguing that they were correct to ignore the intelligence, subsequent events proved that they were wrong, but, as you know, intelligence is a tricky thing and it's understandable that they treated it as suspect. To lay the entire blame at Montgomery's door when he was probably following the advice of his intelligence chiefs is a little unfair on him (I know you personally didn't).
  6. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    By ignoring intel about the Panzers, he committed airborne troops to a battle in which they would be slaughtered, and for no good purpose.

    The intelligence came from a flawed source, the Dutch Resistance, which was not only thoroughly infilitrated by German intelligence, but was known to be so by Allied intelligence. It was rightly suspect and not really surprising that that the Allies decided to ignore it without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.
  7. Originally posted by Pheasant Plucker:

    I think as a General he was very good, but his ascerbic personality has coloured his reputation, particularly with the Americans. What was it they said, 'As quick as a ferret, and about as likeable'.

    I think a lot of the dislike of Monty was due to his post-war rewriting of history. In Normandy he was faced with a situation where he had to think on his feet and did a pretty good job of it. However thinking on his feet was total anathema to his philosophy of generalship and after the war he insisted that Normandy had gone to plan and it was always his intention for the British to soak off the German armour and give the Americans the chance for Cobra. There is ample evidence to suggest that this was not his original plan prior to D-Day.

    [ October 29, 2003, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  8. Originally posted by Pfc Driscole James E:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Firefly:

    Play Dirty (includes a picture of Dorosh's 'feisty nurse').

    That must be a out take of an Italian Nurse attacking Caine. smile.gif The German Nurse was built like a fullback and applied her sensible shoes to full effect, but she did not have a mustache, as I recall. </font>
  9. The British knew about the bocage in Normandy, at least Alanbrooke certainly did, he fought there in 1940, before evacuating his troops and, from the little I've read on the subject, the Germans suffered the same problems as the Americans later did. Alanbrooke was opposed to Normandy as a landing site for that reason, but was overruled by Churchill under pressure from the Americans who didn't take Alanbrooke's warnings seriously and considered them to be British prevarication. (See Carlo D'Este Decision in Normandy which is also a good contribution to the 'Montgomery Debate')

    Siege in the rest of the world we refer to the American Civil War as 'The American Civil War' smile.gif .

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