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Posts posted by Firefly

  1. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    Apparently imonSpeed-y is demonstrating his newfound ability to use the mouse-device on his computer. Now if someone could introduce him to that large rectangular device with all the confusing buttons on it, he might actually be able to communicate like the rest of us. On second thought, nix that idea.

    He's an Australian, they haven't got round to developing language yet.
  2. Originally posted by Dave H:

    What about your history books? Was Napoleon too recent to be mentioned? Did your science books mention gravity, or that the earth orbits the sun? :D:D:D

    The history books were quite modern - some even mentioned the Franco-Prussian War. Seriously the set book for 'A' level (age 17-18) English history, was G.R.R. Elton's Tudor England, first published in 1903 IIRC.
  3. Originally posted by Alexei:

    I will follow the consensus and I will buy it smile.gif . I will also not forget to mod it, although I guess I have to wait to have a DSL connection :rolleyes: ...

    Not really, I downloaded virtually all my CMBO mods via dial-up and while some of the terrain and sky mods are largish, they're nothing compared to the 100mb of patches for CMBB (CDV version), just don't try to d/l everything at once.
  4. I believe he was the only soldier to win three Military Medals in the war, or in British Army parlance, the Military Medal and two bars. The Military Medal is a 'middle ranking' medal awarded only to NCOs and other ranks, the officer's equivalent ia the Military Cross. It should be noted that Sergeant Pike was actually recommended by his CO for the higher ranking Distinguished Conduct Medal for the deeds that won him his two bars.

    Only three men have won the VC and bar, two British (one in the Boer War, one in WW1) and one New Zealander (in WW2). The Victoria Cross website is here

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