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Posts posted by Firefly

  1. Originally posted by Speedy:

    African swallows anyone?

    Well it does appear time to repost Madmatt's explanation of how all this came about

    Originally posted by the Bald One back in July 2000

    (Ahem) all Pythonesque references aside I must come clean and give some history on this subject.

    Ahh yes (cue dream sequence) it seemed like only yesterday...yesterday yesterday...

    Steve: Ok, lets call this Beta Team meeting to order...Do we have any old business to discuss?

    Rune: Yeah, where is the T-28?

    Steve: umm, any OTHER old business? Anyone? Yes, go ahead Dan.

    Kwazydog: Well we still haven't gotten that running MG team with the skipable HE rounds quiet hashed out.

    Charles: Skkkipping? Skkipping?!!!

    ALL: Oh no!


    Madmatt: AGhh, let me go...Please!

    Fionn: You know Charles if you use a loosen your grip around his throat slightly but press down your thumb at a 38 degree angle into his adams apple you will more than likely...

    Madmatt: SHUT UP, HE ISgsssh Choking meeeee...help..

    Steve: Get the Tranqs! Quick! Oh damn, who lit off the smoke round?

    Wild Bill: I can't see him through this smoke!

    Rune: Shoot Bill, SHOOT!

    Wild Bill: But I can't!!!

    Madmatt: aghhh glurbp...mother...

    Charles: Skip this you piece of...

    Steve: Crap! Charles, put Madmatt down! SNAP OUT IF IT!!!

    Fionn: Perhaps if I analyze the implications that this behavior has as seen from a world perspective but with data drawn from various uber-sources that...


    Wild Bill: The smoke is clearing, I got a shot!

    Madmatt: aghhh glurblle GLUTE!

    Rune: He's Hit!

    Steve: Right on target!

    Bil: Chew on this pineapple Fritz!

    All: ???

    Bil: Err never mind..

    Steve: Damn, that's the fourth time this week we had to tranq Charles! Ok, meeting adjourned, somebody get the harness for Charles...


    And unfortunately the topic of the American Songbirds never had the chance to come up after that...


    [ October 25, 2003, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  2. It depends where they ship it from. If, like other recent BFC products, they ship from the Republic of Ireland, there's no duty. If it comes directly from the US, you will be liable for import duty, whether you actually get asked to pay it depends on how asiduous Customs and Excise are being.

    [ October 22, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  3. Well WW2 is not my favourite period and I'd like to see something as good as CM for earlier periods, but WW2 is BFC's favourite period and doing wargames is as much a labour of love as a business venture, so I'm happy for BFC to carry on with WW2 and hope someone else does the same for the ACW or Napoleonic Wars.

    [ October 20, 2003, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  4. This site has a bit about the Foreign Legion in the early years of the wars. It appears that a lot of the Germans who volunteered for the Legion in the late '30s did so at the behest of the Abwehr and the French suspected this. The 13th DBLE, as von Lucke says, was carefully screened for loyalty and only Germans who were veteran legionaires of proven loyalty were admitted.
  5. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Also, I thought there was some bad blood between LeClerc (Chad) and De Gaulle (England) even before the Vichy changed sides.

    I'm not sure about bad blood between LeClerc and De Gaulle, there may have been clashes of personalities, but LeClerc did accept De Gaulle as his superior officer, after all LeClerc was only a colonel at the start of the war and De Gaulle outranked him. It was the civilian governor of Chad, a Monsieur Ebroué, who declared for De Gaulle after the fall of France, although there appears to have been no lack of support from the local garrison.

    There was a good documentary series on British TV called Allies at War about the whole tangled relationship between Roosevelt, Churchill and De Gaulle, which is well worth watching, if it crops up on anyone's local TV station.

    [ October 14, 2003, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

  6. Originally posted by alexoscar:

    The Army in Egypt on May 1940, was a garrison army until the italian attack on 13th September 1940. Then it was reinforced with Australian troops and with the 7th Armoured Division. British started the counterattack on 8th December 1940.


    Not quite, the basis of 7th Armoured was already there before the war in the Mobile Force, or the Immobile Farce as it was initially nicknamed, before Maj. Gen Hobart arrived to reoriganise it. The first skirmishes against the Italians were conducted by 11th Hussars in their Rolls Royce Armoured Cars. Hobart, as usual, fell out with his superiors and was replaced before the fighting started and returned to Britain, where he spent a few months serving as a Lance-Corporal in the Home Guard, before Churchill found him a job more suited to his talents.
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