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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by The_Capt

  1. Your statement is isolationist by definition.."It is their backyard let them deal with it"..."It is a Europian war and has nothing to do with us". The UN did try to stabalize the area but lacked the funding or manpower to pull off the job. The American attitude was (until somebody lobbed a few mortars into a marketplace and we all got to see dead Grandmothers) non-interventionalist.."let them handle it". Yet the historic problems of the area really made a Europian solution impossible. Croats wanted Germans, but everybody else would have shot them on sight. Muslims wanted and got Turks, who damn near ruined the whole thing and the Serbs wanted Russia, who pushed guns on them anyway. The Brits, Dutch, French and Canadians were the only players who could even attempt impartiallity and were to outgunned to accomplish anything. UNPROFOR had about 10,000 troops at it height and as we finally saw with IFOR nearly 5 times that number was required and only one player could bring that to the table without causing reaction which could have been very dangerous...the US. Imagine if Germany or Russia said "OK we'll send in 50,000 troops". Rawanda is something we should all be ashamed of and is a blatent case of isolationism (if that is the right word). "They don't look like most of us, they don't pose any real threat to stability so hey let em die." Even the freakin UN had that attitude in the end. We of course shook our heads and sent in UNICEF fund to salve our guilt but the awful truth is that a fraction of the force we committed to the Balkans could have stopped that genocide but the West for all of it's holy intention let it hapen anyway.
  2. As I believe was already stated but I will summarize; a. Smoke and lots of it b. Flanking Inf and Engineers, Inf take care of other infantry, engineers will take out a pill box in a zippy. c. Flamethowers also work but they are slow so keep em mounted or count on a bit of a wait to get em up close enough
  3. Hey guys don't get me wrong, I would be remiss in stating that the US played less than a substantial role in both world wars. To respond to a few points. a. I will give you guys the Pacific theatre and paid for in full. I am not convinced the Japanese had the industrial might to maintain their momentum in the first place and I do strongly believe if the US had gotten dirty in the first place (can anybody say the Royal Winnipeg Rifles?) they wouldn't have had to do the Island hopping campaign in the long run. b. I said "what if" and if you believe the Germans would never been able to (ie 3-5 more yrs)develop the bomb, you are dreamin. In addition if you think the US would have had the political will to drop the damn thing in Europe you are dreamin in technicolor. c. As to Korea and Viet Nam I would not even try to push these out as magnificent victories despite the tactical highpoints. Korea has yet to be finished and Viet Nam was a complete loss (may I suggest you guys try winning the peace over there as well). Both of these conflicts were in fact poorly thought out and lacked political will to in fact win. Where I come from it is also known as "half-assed". This is not to slight the troops on the ground who did their job to the fullest and I have the utmost respect for the men who fought and died, its the politician who sent them there with which, I have a serious problem. d. As to laughable isolationism for the current administration, I would am sure the millions of corpses in Rawanda will feel much better knowing that we (and I include the entire Western World in this one) are not going to turn a blind eye to the plight and suffering outside our own borders. Don't even try to mention the Balkans as a counter point as a quarter million died there before the US even blinked. Lesson: never say never and nothin here is remotely funny. e. As to the US shipping guns to everybody and his mother, I believe that policy has also been known to bite you guys in the ass now and again. f. I know why the Americans stayed out of both wars until they did (or at least as much as anybody knows without haveing lived it). It was a rhetorical question design to point out a few cracks in the perfect history you Americans seem to try and write for yourselves from time to time. Bottom Line; I know it must be hard to be on top and have everybody blame you for everything but hey, being in charge is always like that. Try to be a little more humble as anybody with that much power should be, (the only people worse than the Yanks have to be the French for arrogance). You are not perfect and never have been. You are neither ruthless enough nor wise enough to make the really hard choices at times. And neither is everybody else but at least we try to listen.
  4. I would have to vote for three golden oldies. Computer Ambush by SSI, grandfather of the "we go" concept or at least the first time I remember seeing it. LOS, gernades, morale and garroting(sp?). How could you not love it? Mech Brigade, father of steel panthers. USAAF, should have been named Luftwaffe because it was a hell of a lot more fun playing as the Germans. Honorable mentions to; Siege (now why can't they make an RTS like that today, cut the cattle, wheat and oil bull**** and stick to good ole fightin) Panzer General, not that it is really that old or that accurate but it was fun and orginal enough to bring a lot of people over from the mainstream.
  5. Wittmann has a point, tank "run up" positions should be allowed but probably should be purchased like othe engineer works (minefields, barbwire etc) as they take time and hvy equipment to execute.
  6. I think we all agree that CM is basted (not unlike a young pig on a spit) in the sweet juices of reality. Therefore I would like to start a thread were the truly amazing and incredible is voiced. Screen shots would be great if you can even think to take one when the absolutly unbelievable happens. I'll start, true story. I had a M8 Greyhound take out two (count em) two Panthers!!! It was that scenario (can't recall the name) where you take on this German supertanker and a couple of his buddies. It was based on a real battle where a German Sgt (Barksomething) got the Knight Iron Cross with blinking clusters etc. Well in my version a scout M8 Grayhound commanded by Sgt "Regular" Shnook does a deep end run, makes it thru a minefield and catches super germanboy and his buddy (elite and crack level) looking the wrong way. The M8 proceeds to take out both in about three shots!!! RIGHT THRU THE TAILPIPE!!! I couldn't believe it, needless to say the third Panther got my Greyhound but I'll take that tradeoff anyday. I finished the scenario with a total victory. So that is my story...what's yours?
  7. To pass the time, I'll wade into to Russian contribution argument. A simple set of questions. What would have happened if the Russians had rolled over? What would have happened if the US hadn't entered the war. Tough to answer even with the hindsight of 50+ years. Could the Russkies pulled off a victory if the West had not landed at D-Day and bombed the German war machine into dust. Remember by then the Russian war machine had wound up. They had really mastered the aspects of Operational Warfare and brought their war industry online. These guys had faced the bulk of the Germans on a one front war and won but would it have been enough. Conversly, if Russia had surrendered does anybody think the West could have pulled off a landing in France facing the bulk of the German Army? What if the Germans had time to develop the bomb? In reality I think it is a lot like CM, you can play the same game several times and it never turns out the same. The only thing I do find annoying is the arrogance of the Americans in suggesting that they "won" the war, when in fact their contribution was significant but probably less so than others. A more serious question may be why did the Yanks take their time getting involved in two major world wars, when the industrial might of this nation may have prevented many more deaths in other parts of the world? Perhaps Korea and Vietnam were atonement for that mistake, though poorly executed and thought out. And finally, is the new president going toward the same isolationist mentality. It ain't easy being the only superpower left and I think that awesome responsibility is not something to be taken lightly.
  8. I would point out that FO can spec fire w/o a direct LOS to a target (observed by another unit or just gut feel) I agree that the onboard 60mm, 81mm and their British should be able to bring fire down on unobserved targets. I am sure the Pl Comd has a map and can lob rounds (with penalty of course) just about anywhere within range. To offset the relative spotting question one could classify a "spotted" target as "command spotted" (ie someone with a radio can see it and relay the info) and non-command spotted, where a time delay would be imposed for x amount of time (based on distance and spotting unit) before the coy/Bn commander would become aware of its location. The time delay would simulate runners or flow of info thru units. Color coding targets would probably be the best way to relay the above info without over complicating the process. If a target is "command spotted" then a mortar under command of another linked command unit should be able to fire onto the target area. Of course if one used this system, the use of unobserved spec fire would still have to be withheld to ensure a player didn't just "psychically" link his forward element with a rear mortar commander.
  9. I have read this very long thread and would like to point out one fact which seems to have been overlooked. THERE ARE OTHER NATIONS IN CM BESIDES THE FREAKIN US!!! In British and Canadian doctrines use of "recce" was and is often executed at the battalion (or Battle Group) level. Recce Pull vs Recce push is still a bone of contention as is manoeuvre vs attritionist warfare. Recce is not only planned for but part of a Battle Group in operations providing info on en locations as well as, Fire Base, Attack Posn and Lines of Departure in the hasty attack during the Advance and Assault. Liason and screening during the defence. I find it slightly offensive that ScoutPl would state that anything other than US doctrine is being "gamey" when decentralized recce is a part of at least to other nations being represented in the game.
  10. For the love of Pete! OK I am willing to listen to a good critique and believe everyone is entitled to their opinion but this is freakin ridiculous. CM is a quantum leap forward in wargaming. It has taken the player from the "God on high position" into the trenches, where we can here the blood, mud and fire. It has presented an AI which for the most part is frightening in it's ability and rolled the whole thing into a good looking package. I've been playing computer wargames for 16 yrs and trust me this game will be looked upon as the "seed" concept for future wargaming. Now all you can do is bitch about the "look" of the tracers and whine about the lack of a "gamey" campaign!!!!???? Don't get me wrong CM is not perfect but if you are going to provide input to make it better at least make it intelligent.
  11. Ok boys and girls this is going to be the last words I wast on this subject. One. Joint military operations are the pinacle of the art of war. They are extremely complex, take weeks/months to plan for and require a tremendous amount of coordination. Two. No online wargame will even begin to scratch the surface of this operation due to lack of training of the participants and time restraints. Inlike CM where a hasty Bn attack can be planned and executed within the scope of the game (ie 2 hrs) the Bliztkrieg of '40 will take years to even begin to do justice. Three. WWII online as described is a wonderful concept but a piece of fluff. Fun yes but resembling nothing (except maybe the pretty tracers) to the world which it is attempting to sell us. I find it very strange that this discussion is even happening on the same forum where the turret speed of the Panther is a topic of heated debate. Conclusion. Buy the game and pay the monthly fee but do not believe for an instant that you are being immersed in anything which resembles the military reality being "touted". No military simulation can be accurate if it doesn't take into account command, control and communication which will be impossible in the scope as presented for WWII online.
  12. Cav-Scout makes a good point but I am afraid the reverse is true. A truly poor outing will be a black mark on what many already call a "fringe community". Hurting development in the long run I encourage and will always cheer for the under-dog but when the entire concept is flawed from the "get go", you are setting the stage for failure, hence "pipe dream". I did look at the website (where do you think I came up with my points?). The concept is unrealistic and flawed. I think a multi-player wargame is an excellent idea but trying to encompass and blend such a ridiculous scope is naive in the extreme and will hurt the credibility of other developers trying to break into the mainstream.
  13. My My the good Col is one cranky bastard this morning.
  14. Think ahead and drop smoke and HE on the enemy. This should get his head down (Note:not too close or you guys will be eatin dirt too) and give you the ability to break free. On-board (as opposed to outboard..sorry couldn't resist) mortars work best as they bring fire down immediately.
  15. I would like to cast a vote for "pipe dream". A real large scale military opration takes weeks of planning and thousands of well trained men to (hopefully) carry it off. History has shown us that 9 times out of ten the operation still reverts to chaos when the two opposing sides collide. The command and control factor in this game is going to be immpossible. Why? Go and play Counter-Strike or another co-op online multi-player game and see how easy it is to try and coord the actions of 10 people. Now try and get 500 (per side) working together at the same time. I won't even get into the little pre-teen A##Holes who will have nothing better to do than to figure out how to cheat/TK or generally screw things up. Last point, scope. The scope of area, firepower and strategic/operational/tactical employment of everything proposed in this game is ridiculously large. For example, a battleship, a fighter and a GI, c'mon! You shouldn't use these words in the same sentence let alone blend their employment into one game. The scope of employment is totally out of whack. If I could make a constructive suggestion to the folks at Cornered Rat, narrow your scope to something in line with CM. A battalion operation (or even Bde) would provide more than enough interest for 500 people and could be done with some semblance of realistic scope...plus the CO could have anybody who wants to be a prick shot.
  16. And while we are at let's talk about mortars and FT's
  17. I just read the responses to the post by a jr member on reinforced rifle company's and..OK I am beginning to despair. After all of those fine posts about armour, arty blah blah. Let us not forget the mighty SAPPER! Any reinforced company who will most likely be employed in an independent role (based on all the hardware you boys have slapped on this thing) and won't be doing anything if they can't get from A to B or knock out hard points a close range. CM modeling of minefields and obstacles (though better than most war games) is "reaching to be average". An inf squad does not stroll through a minefield with a few casualties, it gets severely f#%^ed up particularly if they smack a bounding mine. Same goes for tanks(70% cas estimate for high density). The use of minefields and AT obstacles was prevelant in WWII and the Germans had it down to an art, hell they invented half the stuff we do today. For all that, we do have the engineer who can "clear" minefields and so should be included into any "reinforced" company. I would also like to see flail tanks but hey maybe in CM2. Finally, I will end my tirade with word of motivation for scenario designers out there. Put trees on the roads to simulate abatis, put AT ditches in with steep slopes and max use of minefields (a standard AT minefield is 400m deep and about 1 km wide with at least an AP row!), rubble buildings to block streets and build your bridges blown. CM as it is right now is a 2/3rds solution (dont get me wrong I love it) but if you want realism, crank up the GREEN SLIME!!!
  18. Three words. "Keep em mounted." On tanks, HTs whatever. Hold em in res and rush em forward when needed. Flamethrowers are optimum in built up areas as they can stay under cover of bldgs and still "fry" enemy strong points. So let the grunts break into town, secure a bridgehead and then push FTs up to cook out hard points. Let's face it the best place for a flamethrower is mounted on a Churchhill (a la Crocodile) but hey we dont always get what we wish for.
  19. Use your Shermans aggressively. Move em in close and around a flank under cover. Team up your tanks by twos onto a single Tiger and try for the shot. Jockeying can also work. Crest a hill and then reverse each Sherman usually gets a single shot off and then gets back under cover. Remember the Tiger is lethal but it can only target one thing at a time so try and hit em hard and at close range with as much as you've got. Get there firstest with the mostest.
  20. I am currently embroiled in just such a situation but I have no armour and my Arty Spotters have "blown their load" or out of sight. What I did is to pull all of my 60mm mortars out of the platoons and group them under a company commander who then acts as spotter. You would be amazed at what three 60s will do, I actually destroyed a light building and supressed a couple of squads in a church. You the run (don't walk) at least two squads with an HQ into the building, preferably from opposite directions. As has been said if you can set up a direct firebase using an MG, bazooka or squads you even increase your chances. As a final aside the grouping of 60s in a company is in fact a real-world tactic as it concentrates the firepower.
  21. First thing is to take a good look at the ground from the enemies point of view. Once you can take a stab at where he will be putting his MGs, squads etc based on dominating ground, enfilade and your objectives, you can develop a "RECCE" plan. The Recce (or reconaisance) plan gives locations which need to be "checked out". How you check them out is a judgement call. Spec fire, a platoon (I wouldn't use anything less except in a SMALL scenario) or recce vehicle can all be used in conjunction with "overwatch" and smoke. The key is determining what will conduct the recce and which route it will take. A covered approach as close to the Area of Interest (or AOI) is best but sometimes the enemy will tie in his flanks making that difficult. Don't be afraid to use smoke and indirect fire in high suspect ground as it will shake up the troops laying the ambush and may cause them to trigger early or if you are really lucky, run away. Hope this helps.
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