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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I copied the figures - but should have guessed that nautical miles was inappropriate : ) I was wondering how fast a Tiger would go with that kind of engine [and an improved transmission]
  2. Playstation3 - Has its own fps coming - MAG or Massive Action Game will allow for online battles consisting of up to 256 players at once. : )
  3. It's a Mercedes Benz owned by an Abu Dhabi oil billionaire (naturally).Featuring the newly developed V10 quad turbo with 1,600 horsepower and 2800nm of torque 0-100km/h in less than 2secs, 1/4 mile in 6.89secs running on biofuel. That is NOT stainless steel or silver.. it's WHITE GOLD!!
  4. Anything that improves the product for the purchasers should be applauded. Justified criticism from a professional I think is very welcome. Thoughs professions - doctors and lawyers - where they cover each others backs is a great example of what is bad.
  5. Good sleuthing dumrox For hot air fans[!] Lennox now have a heat exchanging hot air furnace with a 94% + efficiency. Just being imported to the UK - handy as my existing Lennox is 41 years old and only 75% efficient .... and only a single burner and a one speed fan. The new baby can be linked to an air cooling unit but I am not yet convinced as to the benefit. However as we are into a week of 90F temperatures I could be converted.!
  6. http://www.gizmag.com/xeros-washing-machine/12088/ the waterless washing machine sounds pretty good
  7. Its not clear from your post if you have turned rarity off. I assume you have - otherwise the answer is self-evident : ) Changes in shot performance for the Matild's 2pdr might explain that case. However what BF have done to vehicle costs may be a little opaque as I think there is a degree of fudging that goes on. If you think that weird bear in mind that the percentage you can spend on artillery changes not at all during the war in CMBB & CMAK. Given all the other arms increase in fighting value artillery becomes less and less value ... : )
  8. Vark- the Archer may be more fun : ) Genuine 17pdr and designed for the ambush - it would be interesting to compare reverse speed of the Wolverine to forward in the Archer!!! Also the rate of fire in the Archer may be superior. Reading this thread I had forgotten how stupid the AI is - but then I very rarely play it.
  9. Perhaps it is worth trying to see if the CMAK engine performs better on restricting spotting. Certainly a Firefly would be more certain of killing any Tiger : )
  10. Costard - talk about cherry-picking the article!!!!!! The revision was not to the basic tank shape but to the armament - so it was still fundamentally as I quoted in terms of its terrain climbing abilities being a function of its trench fighting design. Here is some more detail: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=t90gLiRrPDcC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=a20+harland+and+wolff+tank+design&source=bl&ots=GotZSVDznI&sig=FnZViiaTCSEEr9AxuTP-bXSK70w&hl=en&ei=WOQ0SpChE9zKjAe8wqmFCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#PPA3,M1 : )
  11. wiki also says that the Churchill was a better tank than the Sherman in jungle! According to the Australian Army apparently. The Churchill was just a smidge shorter than the Tiger II surprising given the way they look. The Churchill could also swivel in its own length and if I recall correctly a trick not open to many tanks - particulalry the Sherman. So for going up goat tracks and negotiating tight terrain a very useful ability. Possibly because the design brief was originally centred on trench warfare the ability to follow a zig-zag trech system, and not to bog came to the fore.
  12. Having played the game for 9 years and several hundred games I can confirm that sometimes the game seems flaky. However the vast majority of the time it works very well indeed. Despite what the designers of the CM series say I think this game works best as a large point amour centric game. Armour is well modelled and the infantry less so but if you are playing with enough points, 2000+, the clever use of combined arms and the number of units being sufficient that a single lucky hit does not ruin your day makes CMAK a very very good game. Incidentally the ability of the AI to decide that what yuo have orderd is suicidal, or to react to the sudden sighting of a dangerous unit, really are one of the great positives of the system. Playing humans by PBEM is an eye-opener if you start to find the AI too easy.
  13. I have two Humaxs. The first is probably 4-5 years old. However I find the easiest thing is still not to record a channel that has adverts.!
  14. Ground Pressure - and perhaps more importantly what the highest ground pressure is rather than the average. I think it was the JpzIV that was very front heavy and had a history of poor travel performance.
  15. Now that is a great tribute to German engineering : )
  16. Both the French* and Spanish governments are making their state run broadcasters advertisement free a la BBC. I have long loathed the theft of my time by adverts - 12 minutes per hour in the UK. As for the ruination of films etc. I think that upsets everyone. *January 2009 In the US, presumably the worst case, in ten hours viewing there will be about three hours of adverts. As this has grown over the years an early Stratrek will have an extra 9 minutes cut to meet modern schedules. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_advertisement
  17. http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm CM club with about 200 members spread around the world, strong in the US, and in the UK, Europe and Australasia. Sponsored membership to eliminate people who drop games. Other than that primarily a friendly non-ladder club hosted on Yuku.
  18. Not good. If the recruits are lucky they should be able to point out she did not look or act like a 14 year old.
  19. Yes to all five points. Your good at this aren't you. : ) A 1989 story on GM's ptential for demise or bankruptcy http://www.economist.com/business/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13724698 Incidentally I do know reams of stuff on the auto industry but as it would take a day or so to type and weeks to add the sources ...... and I am meant to be giving the computer up....
  20. In a generally favourable article on business in the US a couple of things stood out: a]The legal lottery system. Litigation cost the country $252billion in 2007 which is about 2% of GDP - or double any other country. A figure derived from the Pacific Research Inst. puts the cost at $865billion. They include indirect costs such as products never launched. Out of the figure about 66% is wasted as it neither compensates the injured nor deters the reckless. If this were not enough there is also the jury system where Wyeth were required to pay $7m damages to a patient who lost their arm. However given the FDA approval and the numerous notices that the drug should not be injected into arteries, which the hospital staff ignored, Wyeth got screwed. Hardly an example of the rule of law being advanced. Patent trolls are another submarining menace to businesses which inhibits the growth of business. The USPO is a cowboy. b] Healthcare. The US spends about $2.5trillion !!!!! or 16% of GDP on healthcare. Here again double what Japan or Britain spends and for a shorter life span. And whilst most countries in Europe provide a free heaqlth system in the US 46m are not covered. They give what might be thought an amusing anecdote if it were not so futile - IBM executive gets a chest pain off to cardiologist tests done nothing found [bear in mind the doctor is making a profit on every proceure/test done, and the patient is only paying 15%] Anyway tomography reveals possible lump on neck goes to neck specialist, nothing found back to cardiologist, does angiogram - this causes complications into hospital cost 150000$ back at work gets pains again speaks to colleague who by training was a preventive medicine asks about life-style changes guy has taken up gardening and strained a chest muscle weed-whacking And of course the chance of being sued by the patient being so high means that cost has to be factored into the system and unnecessary tests added to obviate any potential claim. my opinion is - What a system. Too may friggin' lawyers can really suck a system dry. Guess how many lawyers are in politics to protect the gravy train - I wonder. Total 761000 in 2006 so getting towards 1 for every 400 people in the US. Of course excluding children who rarely employ lawyers means that your chances of getting one is quite high. If I seem unduly harsh on lawyers it is because they, as a group, seek to make money out of situations that do not warrant it or could be solved more easily. Of course there kneejerk answer to any problem is more law - great to continually to add to the existing plethora : ( and for physicians http://www.bls.gov/k12/help06.htm
  21. Rather inspiring I thought: http://www.frenchriverland.com/index.html getting 100+ year old machinery back into action appeals to my frugal nature
  22. You have to smile They are making their own 90kg engine which will produce 500bhp from 2 litres
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