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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Just in case you are interested I have two computers running XP Professional with ZoneAlarm Extreme and one can run it [eventually - after a nights rest]] and one not. The one that cannot has XP SP3 as it is a rolled back Vista. The other is XP Pro up to SP2. I run the game with Zonealarm on for the working one. One thing I am finding is that if I finish the game and exit I am unable to start the game again without completely shutting down the computer. Presumably something is lingering that prevents it reloading - even from a warm re-boot.
  2. Not WGC but to live in a place called Cow Roast ..! http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-21539485.html
  3. Of course the flies - one thing the Middle East is notorious for so how apt for CMSF!
  4. Mrs A I deduce works for a very famous Australian sportsman of the last century. The US would be bad for the children, Basle probably best [though many prefer Basel]. As for WGC - well you could sure live near it in some nice village: http://www.clickonhertfordshire.co.uk/towns.htm Of course being as how things are compressed in the UK every thing of military interest will be within a half days drive : ) Private school preparing for the baccalaureate..... If it is anything like my wife's choices its the long term aim within the company that has some weight. Bringing up children in the US I think you would pay plenty in stress regardless of anything else - French parents expecting decent level of humanity from the brats : )
  5. RL . Sweden for extra iron ore. Germany produced oil from indigenous coal so arguably there could be an intrinsic level natural to all nations - not a lot but some. Japan yes was a little bit of a special case being an island.
  6. Thnks for responding : ) I have been in contact with the BF Technical support but there efforts ave not solved my problems. Both the machines I currently have it downloaded to run Windows XP Professional the newest machine [4mths?] had Vista which I rolled back to XP. Version 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600 Physical Memory 2,048.00MB Total Virtual Memory 2 GB NVidia Graphics ZoneAlarm Extreme The good news is that when I booted the old machine [4 years +] to get its stats I was able to start the game. Obvioulsy my "Restarts" had not cleared the computer sufficiently and it required a complete shutdown. The old machine is XP Professional same build as above but Service Pack 2. It has only 1MB of physical memory. It encouraged me to play around with the first machine again but no still joy : ( Anyway at least I can get playing ..... well already am : )
  7. Oh I was right then - a BF black hole Actually if BF can get deductions for charitable work then the Peng thread should be a slam-dunk : )
  8. Earlier type Empire rules were similar. One or other dies thats it. Not being able to play on either of my computers the frustration with following this ... : (
  9. I read the article - it is quite interesting. It does rather beg the question that how does a Government get things done if there is significant resistance from some important parties. Civil disobedience is quite powerful and the Govt requires a willingness from its citizens in general to be obedient for it to govern. On specifics like the auto industry a strike by the UAW could have killed Chrysler stone dead, a strike by bondholders holding virtually worthless paper would have been laughable in its ineffectiveness. Anyone holding Chrysler paper had to be a chancer anyway as the writing has been on the wall for several years - chancers who were hoping that buying cheap paper would make them a profit on a winding up of the company. Sorry for the digression there. You say the answer is smaller government; its funny but I have always thought smaller corporations would carry less weight - and danger to the economy when one goes tits-up. Not that I don't disagree that a less active "Government" would also be desirable. But then I would move government back towards the people and restrict central governments hold on the purse strings - as per the Swiss Government. Are super large corporations the problem because they can sway governments? Would having all countries require that businesses within their territory require a local majority shareholding be a beneficial move? Companies could of course sell through local agents if that structure is repellent to them. Working against centralised short-termist institutions be it govt or business would seem to be a common theme. Having national/ long term aims decided by a pure civil service may be the correct counter. Hats off to the French for the TGV and their nuclear industry both of which are highly admired these days. One of the best health care systems in the world ........ Looking at successful countries like the Nordics etc does make you wonder why they are successful whereas the WASP adverserial government systems and laissez faire economics seem inefficient in the long time spans. Long time span - I am of course talking 20 years plus : )
  10. A destroyer taking out a battleship!!! That seems very very unlikely in RL, damage a BB may be before dying ... but sinking?
  11. Nice one sergei : ) What happened to the Peng thread - did they all end up incarcerated with no Internet access? Or where they sent by BF to some Black Hole where they amuse each other endlessly - or do I mean pointlessly?
  12. Hey what a religion to have so many scientists onboard. Freaky! What if they are right!! Unlike most religions the time to a potential Armageddon is actually forseeable!.
  13. Whilst waiting I have done a cursory trawl of the posters in two threads and have 65 so far. Astonishingly the most common first name is Marshal! : ) There are more Brits than any other nationality at 11. And two live in Sussex. However thee are 22 displaced people with no country! If you want to keep it a secret but tell me send me an e-mail. I suspect French speaking players use their own sites and are therefore heavily unrecorded at BF. My concerns about being swamped with Total War players is lessened because the average reported age is a lot higher than I thought! Stateless Anklrd Atos Brucaliffo dmcheatw dw Faucon franzVonG Friant General Brock INWC Marshal Beale merkedman MikeyD noxnoctum paswin paullootens RCMP Rusted Gun Smug Spartan vertigus Zaraath One suspects Brock is a Canadian, FranVonG - german, spartan - greek - I think not .... a game for all to play : )
  14. US? ............ confirms my suspicion about the schizophrenic ME! However I am not here to be snide about contributors - I let them dig their own holes : ) Now get on over to the climate thread.
  15. I reckon BF wil let me get away with recommending this competitor for time: Quite witty and very thought provoking.
  16. I got a backward version of Vista and made my new computer XP. Until windows 7 why wrestle with an operating system that has not really ever taken off. * http://vista.blorge.com/2008/05/04/vendors-push-away-vista-and-offer-xp-to-stay-competitive/ My machine is an Acer : ) purchased mid 2009. Wiki says SO it looks like Windows 7, being introduced now, will eclipse Vista and make inroads into XP.
  17. One hope of righting the democratic process surely is to break the incestuous cycle between Government, Big Business, and Wall St. That people are called from and return to other positions of influence means that there is not much tension between the "powers". In France there is a strong tradition of a directive central goverment and the transfer of "knowledge" between it and business was limited. The same was true of the UK 30 years ago. The long term interests of the "State" were what the Civil Service had in mind as opposed to a business where a 5 year cycle is long term planning, and short term profit is the only interest. Where business and Civil Service [politicos/govt] are essentially the same people working on a re-election cycle and short business cycle I think any country has problems. Witness the UK's impending power shortage as nobody thought for the longterm requirements. AS for can the citizens win back power! Hmmm tricky. Things that spring to mind: First past the post system is sucky in the extreme and with proportional representation within state and the choice of Senator going back to being chosen by elected members in the state legislature the power derived being photogenic, connected, and rich is weakened. Having effectively the President as both figurehead and Prime Minister is perhaps taking the image of Republican Rome too far. Though there is no possibility of change it does seem bizarre that an already busy position of governing has the added role of being the "father figure". Most countries split the roles. Pork barrel politics must be stamped on very heavily as this corruption is bad for public image and a corrupting process. Abolish dynastic lines. If you are in government then no other blood relative or spouse [or-ex, widow, widower] can also be within Government or for four years. Harsh but family influence and politics ... and favours ..... does seem entrenched.
  18. ! I did not realise you thought people read your posts! I only accidenatlly read your recent one here.
  19. : ) I am surprised it got through to! Bugger me I thought!
  20. Basically it would have to be pre_Tigers which I think historically landed at the end of November. Personally I don't worry too much provided I am playing on a huge map that is not flat! The British 6lber [57mm] can take Tigers with hail fire but most people would be happier with IV's versus M4's : )
  21. Well I could hardly type piss? The answer is curiously to do with pi If the string is a metre above the first one then the increase in diameter is 2m, so the string is longer by 2(pie sign)m, i.e. 6.28318m. The circumference of the earth does not come into the equation.
  22. The game will not open. After several attempts I tried the help file and checked I had the correct NET. loaded adn aslo changed the DEP settings in the way suggested. The game will not open and generates mCrosoft error reports. ANybody interested in them?
  23. The piece of string is a piece of pi22 . I am disappointed in the quality of the answers : )
  24. Do you know I have no problem with that where it concerns multi-nationals who know what they are doing. BTW you see the Mafia has been sinking radioactive waste into the Med ... Edit just found a new faourite site! http://www.bigassfans.com/
  25. If you tie a piece of string round the earth's surface on the equator, and then place a second piece of string round the earth a metre above ground level, how much longer is the second piece of string than the first?
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