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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Yet again the Chinese surpass peoples expectations: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8644156.stm
  2. Glad to hear it will be removed at some stage. If I can get over the problem of getting it to work under Administrator then I would be a buyer sans DRM. With so many areas to spend money any disincentive is sufficient to convert from a sale to a non-sale. Recently there was hyped a very good ACW game but the DRM requirement of having a connection everytime you want to play is ludicrously restrictive - or at least unacceptably restrictive. I try never to use proprietary file formats - hence Open Office, no wma music files.
  3. Thanks for the explanation Ironbar. Its always interesting to learn the downsides as so often its only the manaufacturers blurb that gets circulated. When my father in law was in the Army it was the early days of the Swingfire AT missile and it was a little bit wayward - to say the least. ANyway for a demonstration to hte brass and potential buyers a demo was set up. They all sat in the stand - up until the first missile veered off-course and then did a U-ey. Embarrassing for a wire-guided missile demo. wiki : )
  4. And for the Greeks more advanced corruption with politicians acting like American politicos : ) absolutely amazing http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303828304575179921909783864.html?mod=WSJ_article_related And for the do as I say not as I do leadership program http://www.observer.com/2010/politics/bloomberg%E2%80%99s-offshore-millions
  5. Jason, if I were being charitable I would say that you simply have not read the article. The only other alternative would be your comprehension of the article is faulty. How anyone could forget how many interviews they had with Ike, or alternatively manage to remember the dates of fictitious ones beggars belief in any theory of simple error.
  6. I thought I would come here where the old players retire to. I thought I would mention the CM game to jog the memory banks of the most senior ... : ) Jon. - The tournament might be only 3-4 scenarios so the cross of playing one side is not too onerous. And it guarantees two happy winners : )
  7. Yes mirrored in this case is the identical battle played simultaneouslt from both sides by both players. Hoolaman. You may be thinking of the Rumble of War tournaments were by the last Tournament there was a NABLA formula whereby freak results were dumbed down : Ten Axis vs Ten Allied First game 42 34 53 56 59 63 77 80 81 82* Second game 83 23 37 43 53 56 13 21 38 38** Third 83 23 37 43 53 56 13 21 38 38** Third 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 175 As you see from the first row the par score if you like is the high end of the scale so getting a draw is not overly clever, losing is hard. Line two we have our extreme event where Player 1 has drawn the noob and massacred him or the God's have allowed a heavy artillery shell a top penetration on the Axis TigerVIb at game start, or the sole artillery spotter suffered a fatal accident. In any event the winningest player might be number 5 who never loses but is never the highest either! Fortunately the NABLA formula does the work. There was a refinement [mine] that people play the same nationality throughout as this avoids the scenarios where the ability to win big can be alternately Axis or Allied and if you switch players between the forces ther may be an unfairness.
  8. Humour me a bit Thomm as I only play CM1. How does a mirrored game work differently in CM2?
  9. I play a game called Combat Mission. One of my pet peeves is those who say that playing the identical game mirrored is the only fair way to play. As it happens the idea has surfaced again and I wondered whether anyone had any thoughts. Here is me being polite on the matter : ) Anyone any ideas on arranging team events? Anyone agree with me that mirrored CM is an abomination?
  10. Overly flowery eh! Interestingly modern business speak is full of bull**** though flowery is probably not the output. The yanks are notorious for this - possibly because they produce most of the bumf on management. In fact any short one word has to be flowered up to be a phrase or use a multisyllabic word. * and not forgetting the South Dakota legislature for specialology words
  11. Great find BD. I was just faintly dubious since I am sure it was Ambrose who said the aversage bocage field was 75 acres. So the guy is a fraudster. Makes you puke. ANd what is more the lies could have been exposed a lot earlier.
  12. And this has popped up. Now if you are like me you might think someone was being paid off before he left the SEC
  13. For an excellent explanation of what GS were involved in they appear to have got the idea from Magnetar who are taken apart here: http://www.propublica.org/feature/all-the-magnetar-trade-how-one-hedge-fund-helped-keep-the-housing-bubble It is chilling to see the complete lack of morals involved. It is a crime when a collapse is engineered and when you consider what a minor criminal receives and someone walks away with a $280M salary you know the world is not right. Incidentally for those who believe the need to keep separate the guards and the inmates I see that late last year a 29 year old GS employee became COO in the SEC enforcement division. Sweet. http://www.businessinsider.com/found-photo-of-adam-storch-29-year-old-goldman-guy-who-is-now-coo-of-the-sec-2009-10
  14. Very few I suspect. Most modellers I would think are on figure gaming sites.
  15. In any event it must depend on age group and class. I may use butchers depending who I am with but generally speaking to 95% of the people I speak to "butchers" would be inappropriate. Incidentally on a quiz yesterday two men in their thirties were asked what high wispy cloud was called and given three possible answers from which to pick: a] pigs ears b] mares tails c] and one other that escapes me. They had great trouble deciding. As a meteorological term I wonder if it is universal.
  16. The velocity of change of vocabulary is probably increasing as youth culture, who by its very nature HAVE to have their own slang, receive much more prominence in the media. Mind you some of its seems absurd like bad meaning good - which no doubt will raise confusion for people looking back in the future when they try to check out peoples views. In Canada in the 60's we had words like "neat" for good and I have no doubt it will be recycled to the same meaning again. Not "neato" BTW. If you believe like I do that a limited vocabulary inhibits thinking - or the better you are able to articulate shades of meaning the more likely you can grasp concepts - then you may feel faintly depressed at the current lack.
  17. Thought to derive from the goose where ganders are on the lookout for threats. First use in one source says 1887. I bought a 1902 book recently, a sort of romance/driving around France story and in it the word "wombles" is used! I was surprised to see it in print though its meaning of pleasurable excitement/anticipation is not in any dictionary I have found - though the person using it is an American.
  18. You could be right Affy Apparently a Paulson employee wrote: “It is true that the market is not pricing the subprime RMBS wipeout scenario. In my opinion this situation is due to the fact that rating agencies, CDO managers and underwriters have all the incentives to keep the game going, while ‘real money’ investors have neither the analytical tools nor the institutional framework to take action before the losses that one could anticipate based [on] the ‘news’ available everywhere are actually realized.” So basically the economy is at the mercy of a cartel of boys playing with themselves but with real money belonging to millions of people. As victims of the excess seem to have little recourse then it is not surprising that a clamour for arbitrary justice is required. My personal preference, given that ethical behaviour appears impossible, is to re-introduce the concept of the outlaw. In the original democracy, Athens, those who hurt the state would be ostracised: 1 : a method of temporary banishment by popular vote without trial or special accusation practiced in ancient Greece 2 : exclusion by general consent from common privileges or social acceptance I can live in hope. Perhaps that is democracies defence against those who despite being always within the letter of the law in individual detail, the overall effect is bad for society.
  19. Yep Goldman Sachs accused of fraud to the tune of $1billion dollars. I hope they get well and truly screwed and more dirt comes up. A Director at a mortgage company ion the UK has been fined £504,000 for suppressing details of the number of mortgages in arrears. Of course that does still leave an enormous number still to be nailed.
  20. The common abbreiation for pictures is "pics" - just goes to show how much fun you can have when you start using new ones : )
  21. I suppose it was not a coincidence then that the Uni is at Rob/in/a ... then. Reading the Wiki its nice to see he is back to being a multimillionaire [250M+] when his creditors were persuaded to accept half a cent in the dollar when he went bust. hats what I call business $1.8billion paid of with $12M ....... I think I ought to talk to my creditors! : )
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